2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

I'm planning to start pumping and let DH do a few feeds next week. I've heard using the slowest nipple you can find reduces the risk of baby getting lazy and demanding bottles. I'm going to look into paced bottle feeding, I think. I'm so looking forward to Teddy getting up with papa on his days off while I get some sleep. I figure I'll pump after his first feeding, or if he goes any really long stretches and I need relief.
I use really slow nipples and dh feeds him in a siting up position. So far he's still good latching on altough it takes him a little bit to know what he has sometimes. I had to pump from day 3 because I didn't have milk
I've found that I just have to find the time to pump. We've done very few bottles so far, but now that she is almost four weeks we plan to incorporate one here and there so the transition back to work guess better. She's going to need to be able to take both
I think we're trying a bottle today, since DH has the day off. I'm excited to let him do a feeding!
Thanks! All of a sudden he's afraid he's going to screw it up, and wants me to feed him the first bottle. Like I know any more about it than he does! I'm willing to give it a shot, but everything I've read said it goes better when dad does it. I have my one little bag of milk defrosting, I hope he likes it.
Lol, my husband does that too! Let's me do all the first like I know what I'm doing :/
He latched without the shield! And he's staying on and eating and everything! OMG OMG OMG I am so excited! I know this isn't the end, but it's big progress!
That's great news MrsK! Very happy that things are progressing well for you guys.

I had some sort of tummy bug the other night so DH ended up doing the night shift and I finally got a full night's sleep! Luckily it I wasn't ill for very long and we had some milk stored!

I hope everyone is doing well!

Bump, how are you doing sweetie? Is baby still stubbornly snuggled in? So looking forward to your announcement!

How about you Dentdoc? I know you were due endish of the month, any goings on?
Hi ladies

Thanks foosh. Our yellow bump is a little boy. I had a second sweep March 31st at 2pm and contractions started around 5pm. By 9pm they were pretty strong and about 5 mins apart. We went to the hospital at 10 I think. I managed without pain relief for a few hours. Made pretty good progress but I opted for pethadine which made me too tired to use the birthing pool.

I moved on to gas and air. After all the liquid I had tried to get down and lack of food, I was sick. I was moved from the low risk ward to delivery suite where I continued with gas and air until 10am when I caved and got the epidural. Baby was monitored and had several blood gas tests.

Had a hormone drip to try help me get to 10 cm but only ever reached 8-9. Emergency section just before 1pm. Put to sleep because I could still feel pain on my left during section.

Baby boy born just after 1pm April 1st. He's currently in special care because of seizures.

I feel more able today physically but am emotionally struggling.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Sending thoughts your way for both of you bump! Congrats on your little guy!
That's a bumpy delivery! Hope baby boy is ok and you heal quickly. Congratulations!
Thank you all for your advice on expressing. George had his first bottle today. He had no issues with at all. Don't imagine we'll do it a lot as there's no need. But nice knowing I have the option.
Congratulations, Bumpwishes. Hope the little one is home soon. I'm sorry you had such a rough time :(

Molly, you may want to keep giving bottles a couple times a week, just to make sure he keeps taking them.

Teddy is usually a good sleeper, for a 3 week old, but he had me up every couple hours all night. He did all his sleeping yesterday afternoon on grandma. I'm so tired...
Congrats bump! :blue: With my first I was put under too because I was able to feel on my left side. I hope your LO is doing well, seizures are scary! Hopefully they will be able to tell you why he is having them. My DS had one when his temp spiked once, now I get scared whenever he gets a temperature but knowing what triggers it certainly helps. We will keep you both in our thoughts. :hugs: Remember being at the hospital is the safest place to be right now.

MrsK we have had some pretty sleepless nights. I have fallen asleep a few times with Charlie propped up on my chest. It is usually when she is eating more/going through a growth spurt.

I'm having trouble getting into the right frame of mind to DTD with DH. It seems silly because I keep thinking about when Charlie grows up and someone wants to touch her that way. I know it will happen and I'm not scared or worried or upset by it, in fact I hope she finds someone who loves her like DH loves me, but it definitely gets me right out of "the mood"... I'm a weirdo
Thanks MrsK. I will be sure to do that. Sorry to hear you had a bad night. Might just be a one off hopefully. George is getting much better at sleeping more at night and having his awake time in the day. He's started to smile now which is amazing to see. Doesn't do it a lot but for some reason he likes doing it when you put him in front of the mirror. Think he likes smiling at the gorgeous boy looking back at him!
You're brave to even try, Foosh. I'm glad DH is patient, sex is the last thing on my mind right now. I'm sure you'll adjust and get back into it soon. Newborns really do weird things to our brains, don't they?

I think a lot of babies love mirrors. I visited a friend and her 3 month old for a few days last year and holding her in front of the mirror was the best way to calm her down. If only it worked so well in our 30s, right? ;)

Thanks, ladies. He usually has one longer stretch at night, so hopefully he's back to normal tonight. I don't have my electric pump yet, but I ordered a little manual one for the diaper bag and it's due today, so I'm going to try to pump enough for DH to take over and let me sleep for a few hours Sunday morning. I'm trying to decide whether that's more important than having convenient pumped milk during Easter dinner if I can't pump enough for both, but I already have about 4oz that I hand expressed, so I think I'll manage. And I guess I'll have to pump more when I get up Sunday, too, if I skip feeding him. It's going to be so nice to sleep without worrying and then pass him around to family for cuddles for a few hours.

Is anyone thinking yet about baby weight? I'm not in a big hurry to lose the baby weight - I'll go back to Weight Watchers this summer sometime. But I wonder if I should be doing anything about all the loose skin. It was a problem already from pre-baby weight loss, and it's only going to get worse as I get closer to goal weight. I don't expect a perfect figure, but I'd hate to put so much effort into weight loss and be totally saggy.

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