2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Woke up this morning to more spotting. It's strange though, because the spotting only happens when I wake up in the morning then tapers off throughout the day. And the amount hasn't been so much where I need a pad or tampon.

I go back to the doctor this afternoon for my 4th beta. So FX for that! Hoping my level is around 1,000!

Fingers are crossed for a great beta!

I just realized that I think one of the main reasons I'm so freaked out at this stage is because my MMC happened at 7+3 weeks, blah :nope: I wish I could fast forward time! Is anyone else freaking, too??

I'm still absolutely terrified. I'm to the point to where I squeeze my boobs just to feel the soreness. :blush: I know; I'm ridiculous. I just want some symptoms so that I can relax and enjoy this.
Can I join you ladies? Now that my first scan is out of the way, I feel a little more confident that I am not jinxing myself by joining groups or making a ticker. I am 7 weeks and 2 days today, my EDD is 3/2/15.
Woke up this morning to more spotting. It's strange though, because the spotting only happens when I wake up in the morning then tapers off throughout the day. And the amount hasn't been so much where I need a pad or tampon.

I go back to the doctor this afternoon for my 4th beta. So FX for that! Hoping my level is around 1,000!

Fingers are crossed for a great beta!

I just realized that I think one of the main reasons I'm so freaked out at this stage is because my MMC happened at 7+3 weeks, blah :nope: I wish I could fast forward time! Is anyone else freaking, too??

I'm still absolutely terrified. I'm to the point to where I squeeze my boobs just to feel the soreness. :blush: I know; I'm ridiculous. I just want some symptoms so that I can relax and enjoy this.

i get what you mean with the symptoms, but its hard to relax when your constantly running to the toilet haha!!! a few mild symptoms would be great haha

hope you get some symptoms soon though, or that the pregnancy is progressing as it should :)

praying for everyone to have a happy and healthy pregnancy :) xxx
Can I join you ladies? Now that my first scan is out of the way, I feel a little more confident that I am not jinxing myself by joining groups or making a ticker. I am 7 weeks and 2 days today, my EDD is 3/2/15.

your due date is the same as mine! do you have pictures of your scan? :)
Yeah, I am super paranoid all the time too, even though this is my second time! Barely any symptoms at all. Just extremely tired, but that's hard to associate with pregnancy. I will be happy when I can feel the baby move!

Hi Elphabaa! WElcome!
I do have one, but it's not cropped. It's the only one I can access right now. (since I am at work) So I will put it in a spoiler so it doesn't make it incredibly big! :haha:

Baby's heart rate was 143 which I was told is great! I have one more scan in 2 weeks, then I will be released to my OBGYN. Even though this was a 'surprise' during an unmedicated cycle, I still went straight to my reproductive endocrinologist. I was looking for a new OBGYN and was afraid I wouldn't get progesterone. I have short luteal phases and my progesterone can fall off fairly quick. When I went in at 10 dpo, my progesterone was 8.8. So my RE put me on prometrium twice a day, right away.

Baby measured exactly 7w1d yesterday, which is exactly on par with my ovulation date. I have PCOS and my cycles are long, so we couldn't go off my LMP or I would be 9 weeks by their calculations.


The pictures really aren't that great. I have 2 others as well, and nothing as fabulous as seeing it on the actual screen. I could see the heart beating. It was amazing! I have never been pregnant before and we've been trying for over 2 years. I broke down seeing that heart beat. I wish I could share that!
Can I join you ladies? Now that my first scan is out of the way, I feel a little more confident that I am not jinxing myself by joining groups or making a ticker. I am 7 weeks and 2 days today, my EDD is 3/2/15.

Yay welcome! And congrats on the fab scan!
I do have one, but it's not cropped. It's the only one I can access right now. (since I am at work) So I will put it in a spoiler so it doesn't make it incredibly big! :haha:

Baby's heart rate was 143 which I was told is great! I have one more scan in 2 weeks, then I will be released to my OBGYN. Even though this was a 'surprise' during an unmedicated cycle, I still went straight to my reproductive endocrinologist. I was looking for a new OBGYN and was afraid I wouldn't get progesterone. I have short luteal phases and my progesterone can fall off fairly quick. When I went in at 10 dpo, my progesterone was 8.8. So my RE put me on prometrium twice a day, right away.

Baby measured exactly 7w1d yesterday, which is exactly on par with my ovulation date. I have PCOS and my cycles are long, so we couldn't go off my LMP or I would be 9 weeks by their calculations.

The pictures really aren't that great. I have 2 others as well, and nothing as fabulous as seeing it on the actual screen. I could see the heart beating. It was amazing! I have never been pregnant before and we've been trying for over 2 years. I broke down seeing that heart beat. I wish I could share that!

i think they are great!! i think i ovulated on june 9th, i have polycystic ovaries as well, if we went by my LMP i would be 20 weeks!!! i cant wait till i have my scan, its the same for me, trying for almost 2 years and this is my first pregnancy

i really want to get my scan soon, but the midwife has yet to contact me about it
i think they are great!! i think i ovulated on june 9th, i have polycystic ovaries as well, if we went by my LMP i would be 20 weeks!!! i cant wait till i have my scan, its the same for me, trying for almost 2 years and this is my first pregnancy

i really want to get my scan soon, but the midwife has yet to contact me about it

I ovulated June 9th! :haha: I am sure I only got a scan THIS early because I was with my reproductive endocrinologist. I guess it's standard when you've struggled with infertility for so long. My cousin is also pregnant and she was totally jealous. She wasn't scheduled to get her first scan until this Friday, which is 10 weeks for her. However, she had some bleeding, so they ended up bringing her in at 7 weeks.
My first appointment and scan is scheduled for August 12th. I think I'll be around 8/9 weeks at that time (man I wish I could remember my LMP date!)

I have been on zoloft since January and called my GP two days ago and was instructed to wean off over the next three weeks. The nurse at the OB's office told me that if I felt I wasn't coping well without it they would find something else to help. That's a reassurance!

Anyone else dealing with anxiety/depression?
Can I join you ladies? Now that my first scan is out of the way, I feel a little more confident that I am not jinxing myself by joining groups or making a ticker. I am 7 weeks and 2 days today, my EDD is 3/2/15.

Yay welcome
My first appointment and scan is scheduled for August 12th. I think I'll be around 8/9 weeks at that time (man I wish I could remember my LMP date!)

I have been on zoloft since January and called my GP two days ago and was instructed to wean off over the next three weeks. The nurse at the OB's office told me that if I felt I wasn't coping well without it they would find something else to help. That's a reassurance!

Anyone else dealing with anxiety/depression?
I'm bipolar. And this pregnancy I will *not* be bullied off my meds like I was last time. I'm severe enough I'm on disability for it, and they tried to make me wean off. It went horribly. I spent 50% of my pregnancy with Kesslie severely suicidal. :( It was AWFUL. (I could link you to some spectacularly scary posts on BnB from it.)

So yeah, I get depressed. (Also get manic.) And I'll risk my meds. Meds are less of a risk than death.
My first appointment and scan is scheduled for August 12th. I think I'll be around 8/9 weeks at that time (man I wish I could remember my LMP date!)

I have been on zoloft since January and called my GP two days ago and was instructed to wean off over the next three weeks. The nurse at the OB's office told me that if I felt I wasn't coping well without it they would find something else to help. That's a reassurance!

Anyone else dealing with anxiety/depression?

I am still on a low dose of medication after having post partum with my first. I tried to wean off of it a few months ago, but it didn't go over so well. My doctor has reassured me that it's find to take while pregnant, and it was fine to take when I was breastfeeding so that is good. I don't remember what it's called though!
That sounds terrifying, Menelly. I'm glad you're standing up for yourself this time. You have to take care of you!

I'm a blueberry today! I kind of miss my fruit ticker even though I can see what fruit I am on other tickers in this thread, but it was getting to be ticker overload in my signature ;) Less than 2 weeks til my first appointment, too! I really hope I get an ultrasound. My SIL went to the midwife office I chose for part of her pregnancy (not the beginning, unfortunately, or she'd be able to answer my questions), and she said they once gave her one just as reassurance because they couldn't find the heartbeat on the doppler, so it sounds like they're not too stingy with them.
My first appointment and scan is scheduled for August 12th. I think I'll be around 8/9 weeks at that time (man I wish I could remember my LMP date!)

I have been on zoloft since January and called my GP two days ago and was instructed to wean off over the next three weeks. The nurse at the OB's office told me that if I felt I wasn't coping well without it they would find something else to help. That's a reassurance!

Anyone else dealing with anxiety/depression?

I have panic disorder that manifested into agoraphobia for 2.5 years, and I've also been diagnosed as bipolar 2 (but that diagnosis was reversed) and then diagnosed as having borderline personality disorder! I'm happy to say that I'm functional now, but I'm worried about my meds because I'm on Seroquil and Cipralex, and was told by my GP that the benefits outweigh the risks... If I don't take my meds I lose functionality. But it constantly weighs on my mind. I think because of this I'm also at a high risk for postpartum depression.
Hopefully you ladies can continue your meds, pregnancy is a minefield of emotions as it is without anything else on top of that!
6 weeks + 4 days, - I hope everyone had a good nights sleep last night! My back is hurting so bad that I'm having a hard time getting comfortable & going to sleep but once I do, I usually knock out from being exhausted but then I can't go back to sleep once I wake up super early to have to pee. Oh well! Boobs are pretty sore still in the mornings & I swear everything gives me indigestion! Still no nausea this far but I know that could rear it's ugly head at any moment!

On a good note, I'm typically a migraine sufferer & have been so worried about having to take my migraine medicine while pregnant- there's not really a lot of studies done on this drug with pregnant women & doctors say the benefits outweigh the risks, but I'm not wanting to take that chance & have been so worried about what would happen if I got a migraine. Well since I found out I've been pregnant, my migraines have been more in controlled and I haven't had to take a single pill! I've been getting small headaches (mainly in the mornings) but once they come around I have been using caffeine more which helps (just a small cup of coffee in the mornings which is fine) doing neck exercises when I feel a tension headache coming on (they almost always end up as a migraine) & also using lavender oil on my temples. So far I haven't had a migraine in over 2 weeks- which hasn't happened for me in YEARS!!! I usually have 3-4 migraines a week, they were pretty much controlling my life! I seriously hope this continues throughout the entire pregnancy!! That would be soooo awesome, migraines suck!!

So sorry to everyone who is having awful nausea, I get that a lot with my migraines & I know it's no fun!

I'm in the same exact boat with you! I usually get migraines 1-2 times per week! What medication do you take when you have a migraine? So far I have only had two severe migraines since I found out I am pregnant. I found out I was pregnant on a Saturday and I suffered a terrible migraine the next day...I tried everything before I broke down and took the meds! After, I was so mad at myself. I then had another one a few days ago, but luckily a little caffeine, some Tylenol and rest helped it go away. Lasted for about 6 hours though! Ugh. Otherwise, I'm thinking the rise in hormones is helping keep the pesky headaches away for me! Crossing my fingers they go away altogether! I know a few women that suffered them, and then after having a baby just stopped! I am still having a cup of coffee each morning, I find that it helps. (both I have had so far are days I didn't have coffee)
I have dealt with depression and anxiety in the past. So far this pregnancy I am MUCH more emotional than the last one, IMO (hubs seems to think I was like this last time also but he is mistaken). I have been med free for almost 3 years and didn't take any last pregnancy. I'm always keeping an eye on it though and hoping that I can remain off of them. Kudos to you all who are still dealing with it and still taking your meds. If the benefits outweigh the risks, I'm told. Keep up the good work Mamas!

So besides the emotional rollercoaster I haven't had many symptoms and it's making me crazy. I am constipated on and off and last night my breasts were a tiny bit sensitive. I also noticed, the other day, that they are a bit fuller and heavier. So maybe I am pregnant! lol. Regardless of having multiple positive tests this lack of symptoms is making me feel very unpregnant. I see the doctor tomorrow so I'm hoping for all good things.
Ladies, i need some advice please! One of my best friends and her husband have been trying for a little one for a few months. Last month she sadly had a chemical and this month she is also a negative. At the weekend one of her good friends had a little girl and she was talking to me about it asking when was it going to be her turn etc. I dont usually keep things from her & vice versa but i feel like i cant tell her because of her situation at the moment. I am only 6 weeks tomorrow so was thinking of telling her when weve had a scan and know everything is ok with our little one. What would you do? How would you bring it up? xx

Having been on her side of it. I would say tell her. Make her feel apart of your great news. Like congrats Aunty! As much as she wants to have her own as your BFF she'll be just as excited for you as it was her own. 💕 good luck love

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