2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Is it too soon to start buying diapers? This promotion popped up in my email box today- any current parents know if it's actually a good one? I really have NO IDEA how much diapers go for! About $37 for 216 pampers diapers?


I found a coop doing newborn cloth diapers at $3.50 a piece. I didn't want to buy anything too early, but that's too good of a deal to pass up, IMO. So yeah, I ordered some. Woo!

We cloth diapered from 3 months to almost 2 years and loved it. I will definitely do it again!
I totally plan on bedsharing with this baby. We did with my daughter (only way to get her to sleep.) In the overlaying accidents according to Dr. McKenna (I think that's his name) the common denominator was bottle feeding in a study done in I believe Illinois. There wasn't a single breastfeeding mom in the entire study over 5 years.
I'm in bed already :nope: Exhausted & constantly felt sick today. So worried I will get HG again. I can't do it again!!

I'm not going to be buying anything for the little one til after anomaly scan. It's very tempting & i loooove looking at baby bits but I'd feel happier waiting x
I totally plan on bedsharing with this baby. We did with my daughter (only way to get her to sleep.) In the overlaying accidents according to Dr. McKenna (I think that's his name) the common denominator was bottle feeding in a study done in I believe Illinois. There wasn't a single breastfeeding mom in the entire study over 5 years.

I hadn't read any studies on it! It's just what we were taught in college! (we are both in the medical profession). But that is awesome to know! I'll have to find that article & show it to hubby- I'm all for bedsharing the first few months!

NellyLou: I am considering cloth diapers as well- but how do you clean them???
I am trying to be optimistic, I really am... but that you ladies are all seeing heartbeats even before 6 weeks, and at 6+0 I didn't see one... I'm so nervous/worried! Even though everyone is telling me it's normal and that at 8 weeks I will see it on the u/s, I can't help but worry. I have no spotting or anything though, and my yolk sac was shaped exactly round and my gestational sac measured properly... Anyone have any advice?

Don't panic - it sounds like everything is developing fine especially since it is measuring the right size and everyone is happy with you. I have had multiple early scans now and know that you don't always see a HB at 6 weeks. I have to have a 6 week scan (due to previous ectopic) but I have managed to book it for towards the end of the 6 weeks (6+5) to give me a better chance of seeing the reassuring HB. In previous pregnancies when I have had losses the gestational sac has measured too small, no fetal pole seen and no HB so I knew things weren't right.

I hope the next 2 weeks speeds by for you and try not to worry x
Ok something is bugging me now, I'm seeing so many ppl saying they went for a scan at 6week preg but are u actually 6week preg wen u got the heartbeat (lmp date) or is this going off conception date. My doc says I'm 6week going off lmp yet I know I'm about 5week going off conception so I'm really confused here, someone help me out. When they say u can hear heartbeat at 6week is that 6week conception or 6week lmp. Hope that makes sense.
I totally plan on bedsharing with this baby. We did with my daughter (only way to get her to sleep.) In the overlaying accidents according to Dr. McKenna (I think that's his name) the common denominator was bottle feeding in a study done in I believe Illinois. There wasn't a single breastfeeding mom in the entire study over 5 years.

Yeah, it's definitely what you're comfortable with. If you don't move much in your sleep and aren't a sound sleeper, then you might feel better about it. My husband and I both move a lot.... Now the little one sometimes sleeps with us after a bad dream, and instead of worrying about her, we worry about ourselves getting kicked in the head and pushed off the bed by her!
Ok something is bugging me now, I'm seeing so many ppl saying they went for a scan at 6week preg but are u actually 6week preg wen u got the heartbeat (lmp date) or is this going off conception date. My doc says I'm 6week going off lmp yet I know I'm about 5week going off conception so I'm really confused here, someone help me out. When they say u can hear heartbeat at 6week is that 6week conception or 6week lmp. Hope that makes sense.

I believe it's 6 weeks lmp... I saw the heartbeat at 6 weeks lmp with my daughter anyway. Measurements can differ from your lmp if you ovulated later or earlier.
Ok something is bugging me now, I'm seeing so many ppl saying they went for a scan at 6week preg but are u actually 6week preg wen u got the heartbeat (lmp date) or is this going off conception date. My doc says I'm 6week going off lmp yet I know I'm about 5week going off conception so I'm really confused here, someone help me out. When they say u can hear heartbeat at 6week is that 6week conception or 6week lmp. Hope that makes sense.

6 weeks from LMP so baby is really only 4 weeks! I think it's weird how they do this!
I totally plan on bedsharing with this baby. We did with my daughter (only way to get her to sleep.) In the overlaying accidents according to Dr. McKenna (I think that's his name) the common denominator was bottle feeding in a study done in I believe Illinois. There wasn't a single breastfeeding mom in the entire study over 5 years.

I hadn't read any studies on it! It's just what we were taught in college! (we are both in the medical profession). But that is awesome to know! I'll have to find that article & show it to hubby- I'm all for bedsharing the first few months!

NellyLou: I am considering cloth diapers as well- but how do you clean them???

When breastfed, just chuck them in the washing machine. You don't even have to scrape the poo off, it just comes out in the wash.

Once they're eating solid foods, you really want to scrape and/or spray the solids into the toilet. (Which, legally, you're supposed to do with disposables too.) You can use flushable liners too, which lay on top of the cloth and flush when they poo on them. Makes it lots easier.

Then you throw them in the wash. All the kerfluffle about cloth safe diaper detergents are giant myths. Use Tide or All or whatever brand you're using. Use enough laundry detergent to equal a "heavily soiled load" because it IS.

Enjoy saving money. :) (Unless you get addicted to buying adorable diapers in lots of prints. That gets expensive fast!)
I totally plan on bedsharing with this baby. We did with my daughter (only way to get her to sleep.) In the overlaying accidents according to Dr. McKenna (I think that's his name) the common denominator was bottle feeding in a study done in I believe Illinois. There wasn't a single breastfeeding mom in the entire study over 5 years.

I hadn't read any studies on it! It's just what we were taught in college! (we are both in the medical profession). But that is awesome to know! I'll have to find that article & show it to hubby- I'm all for bedsharing the first few months!

NellyLou: I am considering cloth diapers as well- but how do you clean them???

You can buy special cloth diaper laundry detergent. Before they are eating solids, it's easy. You just throw it all in the wash and wash it! After they eat solids, it can be a bit messier, especially if they have peanut butter texture poo... then you have to rinse or spray the diaper off before you wash it. You can buy little sprayers that connect to the toilet.
We used cloth/ reusable nappies too and loved them! Sooooo cute and saved lots of money with them especially since I will reuse them for this baby. I've actually been naughty and bought a few new ones for this bubs already as they were on a very special offer in the supermarket yesterday!

Washing is simple - for a newborn and depending on the number of nappies you have. Store them dry in a bucket or wet bag then tip them into the machine. Wash every 1.5-2 days. Cold rinse, LONG wash 40 or 60 degrees depending on your machine with lots of water and about half a dose of washing powder. Then an extra rinse at the end to ensure all the detergent has come out.

This is a UK website but has lots of basic information if you want to read more: https://www.goreal.org.uk/
I am trying to be optimistic, I really am... but that you ladies are all seeing heartbeats even before 6 weeks, and at 6+0 I didn't see one... I'm so nervous/worried! Even though everyone is telling me it's normal and that at 8 weeks I will see it on the u/s, I can't help but worry. I have no spotting or anything though, and my yolk sac was shaped exactly round and my gestational sac measured properly... Anyone have any advice?

I didn't see the heart beat until they pulled up the heart rate where you see the waves. Don't stress love. I'm sure your bean is perfect. Xo
For those of you chatting about bed sharing this is really helpful list of research that proves that bed sharing with your breastfed baby actually lowers the SIDS risk. (Also SIDS is nothing to do with suffocation or any explained cause of death. SIDS is the name for unexplained infant death. We don't know what causes it!)

For those of you who do cloth diapers,

Are all cloth diapers created equal? What about the inserts? I know there are some more expensive brands out there- are they really worth it? What is a decent cost for these so that you actually save? Also - how in the world do you clean them? and lastly, about how many do you need to buy?
For those of you chatting about bed sharing this is really helpful list of research that proves that bed sharing with your breastfed baby actually lowers the SIDS risk. (Also SIDS is nothing to do with suffocation or any explained cause of death. SIDS is the name for unexplained infant death. We don't know what causes it!)


The statement in bold is so true!
For those of you who do cloth diapers,

Are all cloth diapers created equal? What about the inserts? I know there are some more expensive brands out there- are they really worth it? What is a decent cost for these so that you actually save? Also - how in the world do you clean them? and lastly, about how many do you need to buy?

I am cheap as all get out, and I used cheap diapers from China until my daughter was ready to potty train. My personal favorite are Sunbaby diapers. (Some reason, this site does not like linking to Sunbaby, but a really fast Google search will take you to her site.)

I've compared a Sunbaby to a BumGenius (one of the more spendy brands) and I really didn't see a $10/diaper difference. They're just not that much better. (And Sunpei of Sunbaby is very careful to never use child labor. She hires moms in China and pays them decently for Chinese wages.)

That said, where you do NOT want to skimp is inserts. (If you're using pockets or AI2's.) Microfiber inserts (what most everything is sold with) tend to suck. They aren't as absorbant, and are prone to compression leaks. (Think "your onesie is pressing on the crotch, so the diaper leaks.")

Bamboo and Hemp are far better choices for inserts. I think Sunbaby now offers bamboo as an option, which I intend to buy for this baby. There are a ton of different insert options, but that's where I splurge. I like my pee staying in the diaper where it belongs!
For those of you who do cloth diapers,

Are all cloth diapers created equal? What about the inserts? I know there are some more expensive brands out there- are they really worth it? What is a decent cost for these so that you actually save? Also - how in the world do you clean them? and lastly, about how many do you need to buy?

I am cheap as all get out, and I used cheap diapers from China until my daughter was ready to potty train. My personal favorite are Sunbaby diapers. (Some reason, this site does not like linking to Sunbaby, but a really fast Google search will take you to her site.)

I've compared a Sunbaby to a BumGenius (one of the more spendy brands) and I really didn't see a $10/diaper difference. They're just not that much better. (And Sunpei of Sunbaby is very careful to never use child labor. She hires moms in China and pays them decently for Chinese wages.)

That said, where you do NOT want to skimp is inserts. (If you're using pockets or AI2's.) Microfiber inserts (what most everything is sold with) tend to suck. They aren't as absorbant, and are prone to compression leaks. (Think "your onesie is pressing on the crotch, so the diaper leaks.")

Bamboo and Hemp are far better choices for inserts. I think Sunbaby now offers bamboo as an option, which I intend to buy for this baby. There are a ton of different insert options, but that's where I splurge. I like my pee staying in the diaper where it belongs!

thats great advice! Thank you!!
Ladies who have experienced bleeding.
I went to the bathroom today and there was a peachy color on the tissue. Seem normal?
I called my OB anyway and was told to watch for clots and red blood. I had a mini panic but I'm ok now. They're bringing me in for an US tomorrow. Been feeling like crap for the past few hours. I'm soo tired. My belly feels gassy.

In this short time I've had every shade - peachy seems normal to me sounds like a bit of old blood mixed with discharge

Really pleased for you! Altho this now means we arent due date buddies!

You never know you might be late and I might be early - date will probably change again at the next dating scan

I am trying to be optimistic, I really am... but that you ladies are all seeing heartbeats even before 6 weeks, and at 6+0 I didn't see one... I'm so nervous/worried! Even though everyone is telling me it's normal and that at 8 weeks I will see it on the u/s, I can't help but worry. I have no spotting or anything though, and my yolk sac was shaped exactly round and my gestational sac measured properly... Anyone have any advice?

I wouldn't worry if I knew I was only 5w 6 then I definately wouldn't have expected to see a HB - when I googled it most woman were saying no HB at 5/6 weeks

As far as age, I'm 30, will be 31 by the time baby comes (birthday in January).

I have 2 girls already, one will be 3 in less than a month, and the other will be 2 in November. Exhaustion hit me yesterday and these kiddos will not let me rest. Currently trying to potty train biggest so she's keeping me on my toes. Lots of accidents so far.

I'm a jan bday too - what date are you

Ok something is bugging me now, I'm seeing so many ppl saying they went for a scan at 6week preg but are u actually 6week preg wen u got the heartbeat (lmp date) or is this going off conception date. My doc says I'm 6week going off lmp yet I know I'm about 5week going off conception so I'm really confused here, someone help me out. When they say u can hear heartbeat at 6week is that 6week conception or 6week lmp. Hope that makes sense.

All depends on O date when they use your lmp I believe they make the assumption you O on cd14 of a 28 day cycle. Using my lmp I'm 7w1 but I must have o late because I'm only 5w6 .
Ok something is bugging me now, I'm seeing so many ppl saying they went for a scan at 6week preg but are u actually 6week preg wen u got the heartbeat (lmp date) or is this going off conception date. My doc says I'm 6week going off lmp yet I know I'm about 5week going off conception so I'm really confused here, someone help me out. When they say u can hear heartbeat at 6week is that 6week conception or 6week lmp. Hope that makes sense.

6 weeks from LMP so baby is really only 4 weeks! I think it's weird how they do this!

Yep it's just crazy I cnt get my head round it, having said that Wen I conceived DD I didn't track ovulation etc so all I had to go off with lmp and she was born on her due date, I don't recall it changing wen I had my scans but I do recon baby will measure smaller than 6week 2mo unless their machines measure weirdly to make it do so lol

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