2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

We're planning to cloth diaper, though I'll probably do disposables for the first couple weeks while I figure out how babies work and all ;) And possibly for long days out of the house - I don't think I want to carry dirty diapers around all day. My nephew is cloth diapered, and it doesn't seem too bad. The first thing my SIL said she wanted to get us is the cloth diapering class they attended, so we can check out different varieties. I guess there are advantages and disadvantages to all of them. I've heard some are easier to wash and dry than others.

I plan to do a bassinet by the bed for awhile. DH is too heavy a sleeper for me to feel comfortable with the baby in the bed, and I'd get terrible sleep with her in with us. Plus our bedroom is up 3 steps with no railing, and I don't want to be navigating that four times a night while half asleep. She can stay by me for feeding and nighttime diapers and just nap in the nursery.

I haven't bought anything for the baby yet, but if I saw something I just adored, I'd consider it. I'll probably do most of my shopping after we find out the sex, and after I find out what to expect in hand me downs. I already know we're getting a swing and bottles because my nephew is outgrowing them.

I've been really tired the last couple afternoons. I've been falling asleep early (for me, not for normal people), and waking up early even if I haven't had 8 hours of sleep and then I've needed a little nap in the afternoon. My sleep habits have just gone nuts, but it's nice to not be awake at 2am and sleeping til noon, at least...
Ladies who have experienced bleeding.
I went to the bathroom today and there was a peachy color on the tissue. Seem normal?
I called my OB anyway and was told to watch for clots and red blood. I had a mini panic but I'm ok now. They're bringing me in for an US tomorrow. Been feeling like crap for the past few hours. I'm soo tired. My belly feels gassy.

In this short time I've had every shade - peachy seems normal to me sounds like a bit of old blood mixed with discharge

Really pleased for you! Altho this now means we arent due date buddies!

You never know you might be late and I might be early - date will probably change again at the next dating scan

I am trying to be optimistic, I really am... but that you ladies are all seeing heartbeats even before 6 weeks, and at 6+0 I didn't see one... I'm so nervous/worried! Even though everyone is telling me it's normal and that at 8 weeks I will see it on the u/s, I can't help but worry. I have no spotting or anything though, and my yolk sac was shaped exactly round and my gestational sac measured properly... Anyone have any advice?

I wouldn't worry if I knew I was only 5w 6 then I definately wouldn't have expected to see a HB - when I googled it most woman were saying no HB at 5/6 weeks

As far as age, I'm 30, will be 31 by the time baby comes (birthday in January).

I have 2 girls already, one will be 3 in less than a month, and the other will be 2 in November. Exhaustion hit me yesterday and these kiddos will not let me rest. Currently trying to potty train biggest so she's keeping me on my toes. Lots of accidents so far.

I'm a jan bday too - what date are you

Ok something is bugging me now, I'm seeing so many ppl saying they went for a scan at 6week preg but are u actually 6week preg wen u got the heartbeat (lmp date) or is this going off conception date. My doc says I'm 6week going off lmp yet I know I'm about 5week going off conception so I'm really confused here, someone help me out. When they say u can hear heartbeat at 6week is that 6week conception or 6week lmp. Hope that makes sense.

All depends on O date when they use your lmp I believe they make the assumption you O on cd14 of a 28 day cycle. Using my lmp I'm 7w1 but I must have o late because I'm only 5w6 .

You know I tried to tell the doc my o date and he was havin non of it said he had to go off lmp lol and I never o'd on cd 14 it was normally cd 16 although this cycle was cd23.
Just got a call from my doctor! My levels went up from 443 to 1,007! SO HAPPY! He said my 5th beta scheduled for Friday wasn't necessary, seeing as it's going up like it should. & my arms need a break!

But we did schedule my first ultrasound for Monday morning at 8:30! I'll only be 5 weeks exactly. Still too early to hear a heartbeat, right? So sooooo excited! :)
Just got a call from my doctor! My levels went up from 443 to 1,007! SO HAPPY! He said my 5th beta scheduled for Friday wasn't necessary, seeing as it's going up like it should. & my arms need a break!

But we did schedule my first ultrasound for Monday morning at 8:30! I'll only be 5 weeks exactly. Still too early to hear a heartbeat, right? So sooooo excited! :)

I'm a cloth diapering, co-sleeping, breastfeeding mama, too. I've used cloth since my son was an infant, over 8 years ago.
As far as age, I'm 30, will be 31 by the time baby comes (birthday in January).

I have 2 girls already, one will be 3 in less than a month, and the other will be 2 in November. Exhaustion hit me yesterday and these kiddos will not let me rest. Currently trying to potty train biggest so she's keeping me on my toes. Lots of accidents so far.

I'm a jan bday too - what date are you

My birthday is on the 19th. :)
Bookity we are also potty training! Been doing it since January, total nightmare, then about 3 weeks ago he got out of bed one morning, used the potty himself and has been in pants ever since! Bizarre! Good luck, hope she gets it ASAP!

Ps. The main problem I have now is, I leave the room for one minute, he chooses that exact moment to do a pee in the potty, then ds2 runs over and tips it out on the floor before I have chance to sprint back in the room :dohh: little rascals!
Anyone else finding themselves taking more hpt's? I took two last night just to confirm things are moving along. I took a digi week estimater last week and it said 1-2, then last night it said 2-3! :happydance: and on one of my ic's the test line was as dark as the control line! Last week it was still faint! lol.
I plan on cloth diapering, too. My SIL did it for both of my nephews, and it saved her a ton of money.

And I'm so jealous of those of you that have nausea/sore boobs. Still nothing for me. :( My ultrasound next week can't come soon enough.
Warning: Major Whine Fest!

I am a professional photographer & have a photosession tonight. It's beautiful tonight- unseasonable cooler than normal for July in Arkansas, yet I just do not want to go!! I've been fatigued all day- had about 3 naps & I still have no energy/motivation! Arg! Somehow I'll have to chalk it up! All you other ladies taking care of you toddlers & babies with a pregnancy amaze me- you are all superwomen!!
i'm really sorry, but i cant see the appeal of cloth diapers. i think they are abit disgusting really, like i wouldn't keep a pair of underwear if i had shat in them haha, not that i would shit myself but you get the idea. i dunno i just think that its so much more hygienic to get disposable ones,

i guess i consider them to be like sanitary products, i wouldn't just wash and reuse my tampons...
Yes, it is definitely different this time since I can't nap when I want etc! A 6 month old would be hard! Mine was still waking at least 4 times a night at that point!

So has anyone bought anything for little one yet!? We are trying to hold off until we find out if it's a boy or a girl... or atleast until we have an ultrasound. It's hard though!

I had bought 2 onesies, baby soap, lotion, & oil to tell my husband so I have those items...
we aren't planning to buy much until after the baby shower to see what we get.
a few ladies I know had people bring a pack of diapers to the shower to be entered in a raffle... they stocked up! One of them has a 7 month old and hasn't had to buy any diapers yet!
i'm really sorry, but i cant see the appeal of cloth diapers. i think they are abit disgusting really, like i wouldn't keep a pair of underwear if i had shat in them haha, not that i would shit myself but you get the idea. i dunno i just think that its so much more hygienic to get disposable ones,

i guess i consider them to be like sanitary products, i wouldn't just wash and reuse my tampons...

They definitely aren't for everybody but I get the more environmentally friendly & cost effectiveness of them! Momma's have done it for thousands of years before we had diapers!

Also- yah! Doing a happy dance- a rain storm decided to come up & I rescheduled my session, which means I get to lounge for the rest of the evening! BUt I'll probably end up cleaning house & making a trip to walmart! :/
Sounds like everyone is doing well and I love that we are starting to see cute little scan photos! I cannot wait for mine - 2 weeks yesterday so I really am counting down the days but I am 'on call' for my job this weekend and have a trip home to Scotland for the commonwealth games next weekend so hopefully time will fly!

As for age - you are all babies and make me feel very old! I am 35 and will be 36 by the time baby arrives - seriously over the hill compared to you ladies.


I will be 37 next month! Got you beat! :haha: This is my first ever pregnancy after over 2 years of trying.
i'm really sorry, but i cant see the appeal of cloth diapers. i think they are abit disgusting really, like i wouldn't keep a pair of underwear if i had shat in them haha, not that i would shit myself but you get the idea. i dunno i just think that its so much more hygienic to get disposable ones,

i guess i consider them to be like sanitary products, i wouldn't just wash and reuse my tampons...

It definitely saves a lotttt of money, but I'm with you. I don't want my kids wearing poo stained undergarments. & how do you clean the poo off anyway? I'm actually really curious.
Tentaively dipping my feet in and saying hello after getting faint bfps over the last 3 days. Af due in two days and hopefully I will get a nice pregnant on a digi when I test.

I'm Babytots and this will be my 7th pregnancy. I have 4 gorgeous children 2 girls and 2 boys my angel Jessica and my two tiny angels. To say I'm nervous is an understatement after losing Jessica at 19 weeks I may have the odd wobble here and there so I shall apologise in advance for any posts in the future where I turn into a stressed mama-to-be.

Going by ov (I have long cycles) I am due 29th March so just get in there. May well end up being induced due to medical reasons so can't see me going past that date.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone and hopefully I will be in this for the long haul. x
Tentaively dipping my feet in and saying hello after getting faint bfps over the last 3 days. Af due in two days and hopefully I will get a nice pregnant on a digi when I test.

I'm Babytots and this will be my 7th pregnancy. I have 4 gorgeous children 2 girls and 2 boys my angel Jessica and my two tiny angels. To say I'm nervous is an understatement after losing Jessica at 19 weeks I may have the odd wobble here and there so I shall apologise in advance for any posts in the future where I turn into a stressed mama-to-be.

Going by ov (I have long cycles) I am due 29th March so just get in there. May well end up being induced due to medical reasons so can't see me going past that date.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone and hopefully I will be in this for the long haul. x

Welcome! Your children are beautiful! <3 FX for you!
i'm really sorry, but i cant see the appeal of cloth diapers. i think they are abit disgusting really, like i wouldn't keep a pair of underwear if i had shat in them haha, not that i would shit myself but you get the idea. i dunno i just think that its so much more hygienic to get disposable ones,

i guess i consider them to be like sanitary products, i wouldn't just wash and reuse my tampons...

It definitely saves a lotttt of money, but I'm with you. I don't want my kids wearing poo stained undergarments. & how do you clean the poo off anyway? I'm actually really curious.

You throw it in the washing machine?

Do you know how many blowouts newborns have in disposables? I guarantee you that you will get poosplosions out the back of the diaper that almost reach their hair. It'll happen in the cutest outfit you own for them on the day you forgot to pack a change of clothes. It's practically guaranteed.

And you'll throw your adorable outfit in the washing machine, because there is no reason to get rid of it just because a bit of poo got on it. It washes right out.

And that's what happens with diapers. It washes right out. You wouldn't throw away their clothes, why throw away diapers?
Took a digi for DH's bday this morning (what an awesome present right!) It said pregnant 2-3! Hopefully that's a good sign as I should be 2 weeks 1 day from ovulation.

I have a question for you ladies on DHA. How important do you think it is?? I woke up in the middle of the night last night with horrible cramping and thought oh no, but then I started sweating bad and got sick to my stomach. Not sure if it was just a pregnancy thing or if it was because I took a DHA supplement for the first time last night (love my prenatal..rainbow light..but it doesn't have DHA). I'm kinda allergic to seafood... not like hives/breathing trouble but more of an intolerance where I get super sick to my stomach right away and then feel bad for days. Soo maybe that's related... I have no clue.
i'm really sorry, but i cant see the appeal of cloth diapers. i think they are abit disgusting really, like i wouldn't keep a pair of underwear if i had shat in them haha, not that i would shit myself but you get the idea. i dunno i just think that its so much more hygienic to get disposable ones,

i guess i consider them to be like sanitary products, i wouldn't just wash and reuse my tampons...

It definitely saves a lotttt of money, but I'm with you. I don't want my kids wearing poo stained undergarments. & how do you clean the poo off anyway? I'm actually really curious.

You throw it in the washing machine?

Do you know how many blowouts newborns have in disposables? I guarantee you that you will get poosplosions out the back of the diaper that almost reach their hair. It'll happen in the cutest outfit you own for them on the day you forgot to pack a change of clothes. It's practically guaranteed.

And you'll throw your adorable outfit in the washing machine, because there is no reason to get rid of it just because a bit of poo got on it. It washes right out.

And that's what happens with diapers. It washes right out. You wouldn't throw away their clothes, why throw away diapers?

the thing is i would /: i have a big issue with poo, nothing is ever clean enough again if its been smothered in poo... i'm afraid its rubber gloves for nappy changing for me... wee is fine, spit is fine, snot is fine, its literally poo i have an issue with

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