2015 September Sweet Peas!!! all welcome to join

The hunger creeps up on me out of nowhere! Today I brought oatmeal, Pop Tarts, a fruit cup, carrots sticks and ranch. I also found a chicken bouillon cube in my purse which is perfect for today because we got snow last night and it's super cold this morning so I'll enjoy sipping on that at my desk. I also try to drink plenty of water. I bring my tall plastic bottle and fill it up throughout the day. I've been craving deviled eggs and have yet to eat some so perhaps I'll boil some eggs and bring to munch on. I'm used to getting up in the morning and rushing out the door and not eating until my lunch break but now I have to make the time to pack some food or I will suffer, plus I don't want to deprive my lil bean it's nourishment!
Welcome to all who have joined!
Well I felt terrible this morning, so so sick and just managed to force some breakfast down. Then it was just a few waves of nausea through the day. With my son I felt massively sick all day everyday til 6 months. I was hoping it would be different this time. But it led me in nicely to telling the girls at work, I feel sick...... Then they guessed!
Aww I so badly want to tell people! His mom is dying to share the news as well as I'm sure he is. Even though I don't have a history of any complications I just feel better waiting a bit longer if I can to be safe. 8 weeks seems so far away :brat: I'm really going to try to hold off telling my coworkers until 12 weeks...
I am not telling anyone else, but we work so closely and I wouldn't be able to hide it from them if I'm feeling rough.
I understand. Fortunately for me I haven't experienced MS with my two previous pregnancies and haven't so far with this one. No one has picked up on the absence of my morning cup of coffee and the fact that I've replaced it with many small snacks/meals throughout the day along with a large bottle of water and frequent bathroom trips :thumbup: Just hoping I'm not asked to lift anything heavy which I normally ask one of the guys out in the plant to assist with that anyways. I just feel like I should wait til after my first appointment and also be sure to share the news with my mom before everyone else. Regardless of what I assume her reaction will be I feel she is entitled to know before we go announcing it to everyone else non related and such.
I agree, I told my mum at the weekend so that she new before my boss and close colleagues!
You are lucky having no ms, I hoped so much I wouldn't have it this time but doesn't look like that's going to happen. Feel so sick right now.
Has anyone been sick yet?? I thought it was too early to get sick, just nausea, but so close to throwing up my breakfast, I feel sick as soon as I get hungry and I'm hungry alot. Surely this is too soon. Back to work today since.before Xmas. Sooooooo tired...... Had t try so hard t remember not to pick anything heavy up, so close to telling my boss too but think it's still to early. I get so close to blurting it out then get embarrassed about saying it so don't

Think il have to write it on a post it and hand it to my.boss hahaha

Anyone else told family. Friends, bosses? How'd they take it
I have been sick, was horrible and brought back all the memories of my previous pregnancy haha.
Today I am getting some antenatal bloods done, and finally picking up my prescription for folic acid and iodine! Nervous about the bloods lol.
midwife appt is tomorrow, pretty sure she will be doing the referral for ultrasound then so that's cool. I'm excited to have a date to countdown to!
No sickness here yet. very light nausea/dizziness here or there but very manageable.

We still have only told my best friend.

Choc, look how easy that worked out for you telling your workmates! Nice :)
Aww bless.you. I'm.counting down to booking in appointment. Think the scan will make it feel more real for me. I still think I'm dreaming half the time. Hope I don't get ms again. It was so awful first time round I was sick until 26 weeks with my lb
Feeling less sick now I've eaten. It was definitely at its worse this morning.
I had my doc appointment and he has booked me in with the midwife on the 16th!
I think morning sickness is starting? I felt yucky and uncomfortable starting this weekend. The thought of some foods makes me feel ill. My gag reflex is very sensitive too. But then I have good moments where I feel absolutely fine and I will eat but sometimes, moments after I finish, I regret it because the food in my stomach makes me feel uneasy again. It feels like very mild nausea and is very uncomfortable, but I haven't thrown up yet *knock on wood*

I have also been having mild hormonal headaches that just add to the whole icky feeling.
Anyone have home made remedies to make ms easier. My oh would bring me a glass of cold milk so I could sip in between ms when I had my lb, and my comfort was a towel t have ready to gag into when I dry heaved. Sori for tmi.
I haven't had morning sickness as in feeling nauseated or throwing up... but I have noticed an upset tummy trend with me the past couple weeks. Even today I have had cramping, almost like possible gas pains, that have lasted since I got to work this morning. I tried to use the restroom earlier with a successful solid #2 :happydance: Though it wasn't anything worth a trophy I hoped it would make the pain stop but it really didn't. I ate a cup of oatmeal, some carrots and ranch dressing, a cup of warm chicken broth and drank a bottle of water before I left for my lunch break. On the way home on break I got excruciating pains in my lower abdomen so bad that I was clutching my stomach and leaning forward, breathing through it until it went away. I got home and immediately used the restroom in hopes I could let out a gigantic monster fart or have another, bigger, better #2. Sorry terrible TMI but let's just say my type of morning sickness involves throwing up from my rear end :rofl: I seem to be feeling better now but I was pretty worried with the cramping and sharp pains. I ate some frosted shredded wheat with milk before heading back to work and am sipping some warm chicken broth again and drinking more water. I also brought a potato with butter and sour cream to eat if I get hungry again. I jokingly texted my partner that his kid is already a "little sh*t" :laugh2:
oh man, mamabunny, that was hilarious! Haha. I can relate to you thus far, I have more stomach issues than, nausea and puking. Toilet required either way :D

p.s. when your stomach feels like it's gonna implode/explode or else you might die, monster farts are the best ;)
I had a couple days where I had a few mins of nausea but it left as quick as it came. I've felt good the last couple of days. I'm able to do #2 but I also eat fiber cereal every morning which helps. Makes me wonder if it's the calm before the storm lol my sisters sickness didn't hit till 6 weeks, Ill be 5 weeks Wednesday.
My partner has a lactose issue so suggested that perhaps I could be acquiring one with the pregnancy, or maybe something else, and should try avoiding dairy for the week. Are you kidding me man?! You're telling a pregnant lady to avoid food she loves?! :trouble: I have been craving colby jack cheese and have yet to get my hands on some. I love cheeses and sour cream and yogurt and cottage cheese and milk with my cereal to name just a few. That's just out of the question. I think he wants me to live a life of restriction with him :winkwink:
My ms didn't start till 8 weeks last time .... Then I was sick every single day, all day. Up until the last 4 weeks where it slowed down to once a day every couple of days! I remember saying to my mum I wish I felt sick so that I knew I was pregnant, I really regretted saying that the rest of the pregnancy.

I just hope I don't get it that bad this time. No idea how I could cope with a toddler as well as I spent most of my day on the bathroom floor lol.
Laura mine started at 6 weeks last time and ive felt horrible today and I'm 6 weeks tomorrow! Arh, Im dreading it being as bad as last time. I nearly cried this morning thinking I can't do it again, I just can't! I was back at work today too which didn't help.
I've noticed I'm sooooooooo thirsty since getting my BFP. I can't get enough water especially the last couple of days. It sucks.

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