2015 September Sweet Peas!!! all welcome to join

I haven't felt sick but today I have been super gassy (sorry if tmi) constantly burping throughout the day, I swear I tasted lunch all the way to dinner. I read that it's common in pregnancy but I'm wondering if it's a weird symptom to have so early. Otherwise today hasn't been too bad, my bbs are finally giving me a break.

Think I'm going to go in for blood work this week to make sure everything is progressing the way it should. I've only told 3 of my closest friends and my mom. We don't want to tell too many people since we had a mc in Aug that was pretty hard for us.

I feel you on the water/excessive thirst ginger. It's the same way for me right now.
mamabunny - when is your first scan? Since we are so close in the dates, I just want to know as I will have mine this Thursday, not sure if we can detect a heartbeat at this early stage yet. I m so much like you, never eat breakfast but now I try to be good and carry a bag of cereal to munch on on the way to work, i can't eat with milk as i m lactose intolerance.
Laura - did you hear back from the midwife yet? When is your first appoinment (sorry if I missed in the earlier posts)
For me, symptoms wise, light morning sickness, feeling really nauseated only when I am really hungry or after I eat really full. The weird thing is that I don't get up and pee during the night (yet), is that normal? I am able to sleep through until the morning. Do all of the moms on here wake up multiple times at night to pee? Just curious
I have had to go pee during the night but mostly because mr 15 months still wakes multiple times during the night, and co sleeps for a few hours, so I am awake anyways
Aries - no I haven't heard off midwife yet, if I remember rightly I don't think my appointment was until 9 weeks last time and it came through around 7 weeks.

I don't think it's unusual not waking up to wee this early. Everything is still so small and not squashing everything yet. However when I do wake up I'm dying to go. Actually I'm like that anyway, so that's prob nothing to do with pregnancy lol.
aries my first appointment with a nurse I believe is the 21st of this month, at 8 weeks. Pretty sure it's just to go over mine and family health history, discuss what to expect the upcoming months, answer any questions I have and possibly check my weight and BP and I think they give me a goody bag with parenting and baby magazines, samples and coupons :laugh2: I'd be super excited if they tried to hear the heartbeat but I don't think that will happen until my 12 week appointment :shrug:

I don't get up to tinkle in the middle of the night really. My partner gets up at about 3 to get ready for work so sometimes I'll use the restroom then. I have days where I'm peeing what seems like 50+ times and others that aren't nearly as busy. I've had increased thirst as well and have been willingly drinking water over anything, which is unusual for me. I try to drink water anyways now just because I feel it's best.

I'm hoping today isn't crampy like yesterday because that really worried me. My partner is insisting I avoid dairy for a bit but I really don't want to :brat: I'm going to have to sneak a glass of milk and some cheese here and there to get my fix!
Hey ladies hope you are all OK? Does anyone keep getting the fear? I have a day or two where I think it's all going to fine then a phase of being petrified that baby has stopped growing and I've had a mmc. I wish i could stop feeling like this.
Choc, I don't know if that feeling goes away unfortunately. I know moms with no losses that have the same fear. It's natural, I think the key is finding the best way to comfort your fears and breathe through it.
I get this fear on and off, some days I worry about going to the bathroom and seeing blood on the let roll and other days I think il be one of the lucky ones and every thing will be ok. I think the further on u get the easier this fear gets to contain but right now being so early I'm expecting some thING to go wrong.....
I know you are right, that so many of us feel like this. It's just so hard.
Happy 6 weeks choc! Even though I have never experienced a loss I worry too, just about everything. The cramping I had basically all day yesterday scared me to death! Then today I got an email with a newsletter from The Bump and it mentioned skin rashes and cholestasis, which is a rash that can be harmful to the baby. I developed a strange rash mostly all on my legs over the weekend and it comes and goes, flaring up more a night. As soon as I read that newsletter I freaked and called the doctor's office! Waiting on a callback, but in the meantime I've been Googling and I don't think I have cholestasis but because a rash developed it's not a bad idea to discuss it with a nurse. All I ate earlier today was a Pop Tart and drank a bottle of water so that concerned me as well but I made up for it at lunchtime :toothpick:
Mamabunny I also go on the 21st of this month for my first visit! Haha

Choco: I've never had a loss and this is my first pregnancy but I worry a lot! I hate worrying so much and some days I feel okay other days I freak and think so much. My bf says "stay positive!" Ha! . Hard to not worry when I have days i feel nothing and other days i feel stuff.
Felt really sick yesterday but not today which doesn't help my fear. Ah I can't do this!
I'm the same choc. At times I'm thinking about babies names but most of the time I'm thinking what's the point, it's not going to work out. I know I had worries last pregnancy but not this bad. :(
I don't recall any major symptoms with my first two pregnancies :shrug: Maybe I'm so obsessed with this one and have learned SO much more about TTC and early pregnancy that I notice every little thing. But I have days where I feel absolutely nothing. I have never experienced a loss but I still get concerned at times.

Ginger that's crazy! My appointment is at 3:30. I'm so anxious!
Same here, I'm much worse than last time. It's like my luck must run out soon!
The midwife is meant to arrive at my house in 15 minutes eeeek. I get so nervous meeting new people haha. Cramping for me has pretty much gone now, and nausea has calmed down a bit, still feeling it in the mornings but for the first two weeks it was all day every day. Im wondering if its a bad thing that my two major symptoms are going away? Still peeing alllll the time lol, and still really moody. Tbh im pretty happy to get to 5 weeks. With every day that goes by, I feel more relaxed that this is it and baby will stick. I'll calm down completely after my scan/after 6 weeks
Good luck court! Can't believe the midwife comes to your house, that's so good!
I think I'm due September 10th with #3, my first midwife appointment is the 26th, so it might change eventually. I got my BFP at 12 days dpo on New Years. I have an almost 4 yr old DD named Nora, and a 16 month old DS named Everett, so excited to see what gender #3 will be. I am definitely finding out too, the wait and anticipation is too much for me
hi all hope everyone is well.

had slight spotting last night and this morning, stopped now but doctor is sending me to the epu on thursday for a scan. not really sure what to expect but fingers crossed everything is ok xxx

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