I had a psychic who told me i had a soul of a baby boy following me around and that he chose me to be his mother when im ready, she also pointed out how i found my father passed away and the whole layout of his apt. and where he was positioned.... i had no idea who she was, she doesnt know my family so it was CRAZY... my apt had weird stuff going on, idk if anyone believes in ghosts but i do i had things go on that was pretty creepy... one of my friends friend who was able to connect with the other side came over and said there was a little boy, we did an evp session and i said "are you the soul of the little boy the psychic said was attached to me" all of a sudden we heard a baby crying (none of my neighbors have kids and it was like it was in my room, i have it on recording)... 2 gender predictor charts said I was going to have a boy, however another one predicted my lunar age and said a girl.. I've had dreams of having a boy so i hope its a boy. I want one of each one day but i am FX for a boy to be my first. I know some of that stuff seems farfetched but it happened and i still cant believe it at times.