2015 September Sweet Peas!!! all welcome to join

Carebear, you've got a good list of things to start! (Doing better than me lol) in waiting until after my showers as well.

Just think, the stores won't close after you have him. What you don't have, you can go get :)
27 weeks today :dance: 3rd and final (pregnant) trimester!

I'm very stressed about everything ATM, we don't need to buy loads as got majority from my DS but as were swapping bedrooms over I literally have nowhere to put anything until the bedrooms are finished. So I can't start bringing stuff down or looking through what I've got for awhile yet!

I've got my GTT Tomoz, not looking forward to sitting in the waiting room alone for hours.
Good luck with ur GTT laura!

Lol so true cutie... the stores won't close after he is born :) deep breaths... and relax. Trying to keep myself calm.
Things seem to be moving slowly here. We haven't done anything to prepare for this bub. We pretty much have everything we need from the first. I do want to get a new bassinet though. We just used the travel one that came with the pack and play last time but dd grew out of that before 6 months and she was a peanut. I'd like to keep this baby in one until 8/9 months. Dd did not do well with a crib.

I'm still shocked I don't know the gender. It's pretty exciting not knowing. It would be nice to be able to get clothes ready though. I'll just pull all the gender neutral stuff I have and wash that for now.
Those of you having your second or more, how has this pregnancy compared to others? And what were the genders? I'm having a pretty similar pregnancy thus far. The only noticeable difference is I've had far more heartburn this time around.
Sbmack, my first with DS I gained around 30lbs, ate things like onions and pickles (I normally hate those!) on my hamburger, did not want sweets, my labor was tolerable and baby weighed 7lbs 2oz.

With DD I gained around 40lbs, turned off by hamburger meat, craved sweets like no tomorrow, had major back labor that was super painful and baby weighed 7lbs 2oz.

So far with this pregnancy (expecting a DS) I have gained a little over 30lbs, craving sour and salty mostly, love me some onions, steak turns me off and don't really care much for sweets. New symptom I've never had ever that I can remember is heartburn. Guessing I'll gain around 50lbs by the end of it just based on my past weight gain with each :shrug: Baby has been measuring a week or two ahead... perhaps he will surpass my 7lb 2oz limit?

Happy 28 weeks Sparkles!
Those of you having your second or more, how has this pregnancy compared to others? And what were the genders? I'm having a pretty similar pregnancy thus far. The only noticeable difference is I've had far more heartburn this time around.

With both pregnancies my bump looks the exact same, just a bit bigger this time around. My cravings are much different however. With DD I craved salads and fruits, with this new one (boy) I'm craving lots of meat, cheese and potatoes (any starch really). My weight gain has been a tad bit higher but not much. I get weighed next week so it will be interesting to see where I'm at now. In general though I have found this preg a bit more tiring but I think that is simply because this time around I have more going on, i.e. 7 year old, work, hobbies etc.
Yes, I second the more tiring comment! I worked part time while pregnant with both DS #1 and DD and not as much responsibility. Now I'm working full time, so much more responsibility at home and such plus the added 10+ years in age is having an impact on my body :laugh2:
Sbmack, this pregnancy has been WAY different than my first - first one, had NO major symptoms until ~36 weeks, then mild heartburn. Only real craving was pineapple - got worse later in pregnancy, to the point I'd eat them till the roof of my mouth was raw! Total weight gain about 40 lbs.

This pregnancy, HORRIBLE nausea for about 16 or 17 weeks. (Morning sickness is such a misnomer; mine was worst in the evenings.) Other symptoms included frequent nosebleeds for first 20 weeks (as many as 5-6 per day), eczema/rash on my forearms, extreme acne on my chest and back, crazy food aversions (COFFEE? SERIOUSLY???), and brutal heartburn from 10 weeks on which was slightly better from 20-25 weeks but is making a comeback (I have to sleep propped at a 45 degree angle now). Oh and of course who could forget the extreme constipation, sometimes for 4-5 days at a stretch!

The ONLY thing better with this time is that my weight gain has been very reasonable - only just over 10 lbs so far, hoping to keep it at ~15-20 overall (per doc's recommendation due to extremely high pre-pregnancy BMI).

Can't believe I'm thinking about doing it all again when baby is a year or so old LOL....
This pregnancy is basically the exact same as my first. Both boys. Morning sickness from 6 weeks to 13/14 weeks. I think by this time last pregnancy I was completely off the zofran but this time I'm still on 4mg 1xday in the morning. Hoping to try going off again end of next week. Last pregnancy I lost 10 more pounds the first trimester than the second, so I'm tracking 10 pounds ahead weight gain-wise. From bump pictures, the bump also looks bigger by about 4 weeks or so. I'm hoping things slow down! Eeep.
I'm being a bit thick here and wandering if anyone can help me clear this up.

I lost around 21lbs due to HG from my pre pregnancy weight. However since it's eased up quite abit (I'm still sick on occasions but keep majority food down) I've put around 24lbs back on - this was a few weeks ago so might be more now - I'm eating Ice cream like there's no tommorw lol.

So would I class that as gaining 24lbs? Or infact only gaining 3lbs? I'd dread to think what I'd weigh if I hadn't lost all the weight to start with, however I'm pretty sure when I started eating food my body was grabbing onto and holding onto for dear life as I'd previously been on nothing haha. It's just 24lbs is a lot of weight for me to gain (i started after over weight) and I only gained around 28 all pregnancy with my DS.
Congrats ladies on number of weeks you all are. I'm now 27weeks. The less I think about how many weeks the quicker it seems to go.

I gained 26lvs with my first but had alot of complications with eating, this time Ive not weighed myself since 12 weeks and trying not.t care
Il eat what I want when i want,
First time I was sick 6weeks t 26weeks and then last 6weeks, this time I was sick 9weeks t 18weeks, the pain and heartburn where worse last time, I'm super active this time obv having a toddler to run around after helps. He spures me on and gives me plenty of energy. It's at night I struggle
I can't get comfy enough to sleep but I'm happy to just lay and relax.

I think as long as I'm still surely I'm testing lol

My lb was 11 days over due, my oh is adamant our LG will be early. He's fretting about getting everything ready, im pretty much organised, just have to pick up pram and monitors.

Question to anyone with experience or the know how with bottles in a hospital, I am bottle feeding, do I take bottles and formula t the hospital??
Congrats ladies on number of weeks you all are. I'm now 27weeks. The less I think about how many weeks the quicker it seems to go.

I gained 26lvs with my first but had alot of complications with eating, this time Ive not weighed myself since 12 weeks and trying not.t care
Il eat what I want when i want,
First time I was sick 6weeks t 26weeks and then last 6weeks, this time I was sick 9weeks t 18weeks, the pain and heartburn where worse last time, I'm super active this time obv having a toddler to run around after helps. He spures me on and gives me plenty of energy. It's at night I struggle
I can't get comfy enough to sleep but I'm happy to just lay and relax.

I think as long as I'm still surely I'm testing lol

My lb was 11 days over due, my oh is adamant our LG will be early. He's fretting about getting everything ready, im pretty much organised, just have to pick up pram and monitors.

Question to anyone with experience or the know how with bottles in a hospital, I am bottle feeding, do I take bottles and formula t the hospital??

Yeah most hospitals you have to provide the formula now. I took a starter pack last time like this one (however it had 15 bottles in looks like there smaller packs now)


This saved me having to take bottles in aswel. However they do have little bottles and disposable teats at the hospital, so that if baby didn't drink a whole bottle I'd pout it into one of there bottles and pop in the fridge to save for later. However this only worked if my OH was with me as I didn't want to keep getting up and going to the fridge (and didn't like ringing for the midwifes to help)

They do cartoons of milk aswel, if you'd prefer to just buy them and take your own bottles - or use the ones there. But personally I found the ready made bottles a lot easier (even though abit more expensive)
mummy I'm in the US (northern Ohio) and my hospital has always provided the little starter bottles of formula you can just screw a nipple onto. Not sure about elsewhere :shrug:

xLaura, I'm confusing myself (typical) but did you say you lost the weight BEFORE you fell pregnant or while pregnant? Then gained back weight after falling pregnant? If you lost it before falling pregnant, I'd say you've gained the 24lbs. If the weight was lost during early months of pregnancy then you managed to put on the 24lbs I'd say you gained 3... but I'm not a professional.

28 weeks today!


3D volunteer ultrasound this afternoon then our second birthing class this evening! Scheduled my glucose screening for tomorrow morning...
Wow what a fab idea. That's such a great help. Even if I just got a few packs I could use them at home if I didn't use them at the hospital. Thanks ladies. I didn't know this existed
Mumma bunny - I lost the 21lbs whilst pregnant due to being so sick with HG. So technically even though I've gained 24lbs I'm still only 3lbs heavier than I was before I was pregnant.

Mummy2_1 - yeah they are very useful especially in the early days instead on faffing about with sterilising ect. They do them in all the forumla brands so which ever you were choosing they will have a starter kit for it.
Just had my GD test, reeeeeaaaaaaaaallllllllllly not interested in finishing out my shift at work...:blush: Just can't seem to find any motivation lately? I'm sooooooooooo impatient to be done! Counted it up and accounting for weekends and the few days vacation I have booked (want to use as much as I can before my leave), I only have 54 workdays left but it still seems SO long!
I'm familiar with the pre bottled formula given at the hospital as well.
In the uk the hospitals don't provide anything. You have to take all formula and bottles and nappies. They will provide formula in emergencies ie if breast feeding isn't going to plan, or you run out and can't get anymore right away but that's it.

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