2015 September Sweet Peas!!! all welcome to join

Anyone else have a feeling if they going to go over/be early/on due date??

I was 11 days late last time. How did everyone else go in relation to #no of pg

I have NO clue what will happen. I'm prepared to go late (assuming my dr will let me with this GDM and large headed baby nonsense). My first I was at 39,6. But that was because my dr had stripped my membranes and I sprung a leak lol. So I had augmented labor with pitocin once I went into L&D. I don't know when I would have gone had my water not broken.
:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:Today is my first official day on maternity leave (well I've been signed off on sick leave until 36 weeks when I start maternity leave!) !!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

However I desperately needed to finish work earlier than I had anticipated. Pregnancy went from perfectly normal to growth scans every 3 weeks so it was completely necessary.

I've been really anxious throughout the pregnancy and then at 28 weeks I was told the baby was measuring along the 9th centile so needed to be closely monitored and it was coupled with reduced fetal movement- I've had 3 episodes now where she just hasnt moved for over 12 hours. Naughty baby. So I went to my GP today and he told me 'You have more important things going on than work' and signed me off for 6 weeks which I wasn't expecting but I'm really grateful for.

I think I'm starting to get everything ready now finally. The moses basket is up and assembled. I'm waiting for delivery of my pushchair week of the 1st September and its all so exciting!
Anyone else have a feeling if they going to go over/be early/on due date??

I was 11 days late last time. How did everyone else go in relation to #no of pg

Well I'm guessing early, as that's the only way I can go because I'm going to be induced at 38/39 weeks due to diabetes. However, I'm guessing he may come on his own at 36/37 or my doc suggests a earlier induction. But heck I really don't know lol
I'm anticipating going late for some reason. No real logic.
Soooooooo had a checkup today, baby's hb and my bp are both great.... fundal height measurement was a bit ahead though - not much, actually not even as much as last appt (last appt was almost 3 weeks ahead, this time I measured 34 weeks so ten days ahead). Dr said if I'm still measuring ahead at next appt she might recommend a 36 week ultrasound and possibly early induction..... Trying to wrap my head around maybe having an August baby!!
I've always had it set in my head that I'm going to have an August baby. With both of my previous pregnancies finishing around a week and a half early, I'm guessing (and hoping) this one does as well. Besides, I already have a September baby with my DS1.

Hoping to have one more volunteer scan, just because OH and I would like to see our LO in there for the last time before he comes out and also get some measurements to see if he's still a bit big. If not, no big deal... I have pleeenty to keep me busy until he decides to arrive.
I think I'm going early by a few days. He's always measured ahead since the 12 week ultrasound. I'm so sure that I even set my ticker to a few days earlier :rofl:
Not prepared to go late and will probably be hugely disappointed!!

Woohoo!! Congrats on starting your mat leave littleone!!

6 weeks for me still before the 2 week vacation before mat leave. My little guy has been so active the passed few days and is enjoying bouncing on my bladder.
carebear my LO has been the same since 12 weeks! OH estimated he'll weigh 8-something basing it off an average of our weights combined. I weighed in at 8lbs 14oz at birth, he was mid-7's. Our LO has had three episodes of hiccups today. I never recall my previous two pregnancies having daily hiccups like this one and today has been very hiccup-y lol
My little guy had them once last night and once today :)
He really needs to take a nap... I'm being beaten up from the inside!! Gonna start poking him back ;)

My hubby and I were opposite. I was mid 7lbs, he was high 8s!
I think I'll go early too. I've never made it past 37 weeks with my others! Really hoping she stays in until at least 36 weeks.
I checked my pregnancy scrapbooks and I had DS1 at 10 days early and DD at 8 days early. So I've got at least another four weeks from Sunday before I become a walking time bomb :laugh2:
I have spent the best part if today at l&d on a monitor. I never knew Braxton hicks to be so painful. They took my breath away. They kept coming on and off, when they drifted off I was exhausted from the previous ones. When they started again I couldn't hold back tears. It would start in my back and then radiate round my bump. I had two mw and a Dr in the room monitoring me at one point they thought labour was imminent. It didn't obviously. They've sent me home with strong painkillers and strict instruction to rest. Officially started maternity leave.
Welp, doctor's office called me back and said rather than wait to book in for a u/s before my next appointment, so I'm going in at 34 weeks 5 days which is the day before my appt (couldn't get in earlier that week because August 3 is a holiday where I live). A little nervous, as I have a feeling baby is quite big for gestational age and that they're going to recommend induction... I guess we'll see...!!
mummy2 - Sorry for the painful braxton hicks! I hope they calm down soon.

How exciting for you folks who expect to go early! Babies could be coming so soon!

Tristan - Sorry about the growth scan worries. It will be nice to see it and find out for sure what it is.

AFM - I switched OBs last week to an OB that's closer to our house and is actually the father of our RE. Our new hospital is literally within walking distance. I met with him and am very pleased, our first visit was actually in the same exam room that we had our first ultrasound with DS1! It's all feeling very meant to be, and I'm thrilled.

He asked me to take the 3 hour GTT because my previous OB only used the 2 hour. Well I took it on Monday and got the call today that I passed with good scores! So my GDM diagnosis is officially reversed. I'm THRILLED that I won't have the added scrutiny of the GDM diagnosis (possible induction, post partum testing etc). I do think I'll continue a form of the diet though because I want to avoid packing on too much weight as we get to the end of this pregnancy. I might test every once and a while but since my levels have been good over this month of testing I'm not too worried.

My next appointment isn't until next Friday so I'm still curious to see what he says about LO's big head. But until them I'm basking in this wonderful news.
Mummy - glad your LO decided to stay in there a little longer. Sorry to hear you're in pain. Hope you are feeling better now?

Tristansmom - good luck at the ultrasound! Hope everything turns out fine!

That's awesome you like your new OB daydream and that they reversed your GD diagnosis!

Not much going on here... just waiting... Had a busy work week so I can't do my 2 hour glucose test till Friday. Next OB is July 31st but they aren't too exciting since she only does a pee test, FH, weight and fetal heart rate. 5.5 weeks left till mat leave...
I am 34 weeks today!


Yesterday was a super rough day for me, it being the six year mark since my dad passed from lung cancer and also I was so uncomfortable with the tight fitting clothes I was wearing, baby pushing up into my lungs and ribcage and my super sore feet from the shoes I had on. (As you can see by my photos, I opted for stretchy, looser clothing today) I had a little cry once I was home but decided I would be productive to make me feel better. With the help of my kids, I began tackling our back room that is piled with loads of crap. My goal was to clear out the one far end with our dinner table so we could all sit together and eat once OH got home from work. Mission accomplished! :thumbup: I had put a pork loin in the slow cooker on my lunch break so dinner was ready to go. It was nice and made me feel better.


After, one end:

Still have A LOT to sort through and clear but it's a start.

I got an email and am able to have another, final volunteer ultrasound :happydance: Just have to figure out a date because she wants me in next Wednesday but I have my doctor appointments on Wednesdays and would rather not miss much work in one day plus OH works that day and really wants to come. Hoping she will work that out with me...
WOW! That's awesome, MamaBunny! Can your kids come over and help with my basement? :haha:

Also, you look super cute in your photos ^_^

Happy 34 weeks!
Anyone else have a feeling if they going to go over/be early/on due date??

With my first I was only 2 days early. With this one I feel like it will be sooner. My only reason for feeling that way is because baby just seems bigger and more active. My my first is 7 years old now so they say with such a big spacing it's like having baby #1 all over again. Not sure my body even remembers much lol.

I have spent the best part if today at l&d on a monitor. I never knew Braxton hicks to be so painful. They took my breath away.

Mummy2_1 I'm sorry to hear you had to go through that. What did they feel like? Is it like intense menstrual cramping? I never experienced them with my first but it helps to know what they feel like so as not to panic if/when they do occur. Hope you have no more pains but at least you know your body is getting ready!

Hope everyoen is having a good week. The time has flown by sooo fast! I rememebr when this thread first started and a lot of ppl hoped over from the TTC board..:cloud9:
It's amazing how quick the time has gone. I remember putting up the first post...

I'm much better they stopped as soon as I started taking stronger pain killers thankfully. I can only describe it as my contractions when I had my little boy except they were much more in my back. But then she is laying transverse/across my tummy back to back. So explains the back pain. It would start mid back then crawl round to my tummy, building and building intense. They say Braxton hicks is supposed t be more of a feeling not painful. These were bloody painful! No wonder they thought I was going into labour the noise I was making. I am a wuss but these were strong.

I've had a few little ones since being home again but nothing as bad.

I've been up and about today but determined to take it easier from now on.

How does everyone with children already rate this pg compared to ur precious ones.

Anyone got plans for summers hols.

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