2015 September Sweet Peas!!! all welcome to join

Another expecting mommy posted a thread regarding a personally previously used car seat that doesn't expire until 2018... but they had stored out in their shed for 3 years and they live in an area with temps reaching up to 124F. Her OB brought up the concern of the plastic durability.

I decided to do a little research for my own curiosity and knowledge and found this article:

Why Car Seats Expire: Details to Keep Your Child Safe​

Here's an excerpt from the article:

Materials deteriorate over time, especially plastic. Ever left a plastic toy shovel in the sun and see how it gets bleached, becomes brittle, or even cracked? The plastic that makes up your seat will do the same and weaken over time, especially if left in hot or very cold cars. Even in the best conditions, plastic just doesn't have a great lifespan. The harness can also develop elasticity that could allow more movement of your child's body than is safe, even when they're buckled in right. So car seat manufacturers take into account the average use and put that to the test to see approximately how much deterioration a seat can handle before it might have flaws that could risk your child's life.

OH's mom has a used seat she must have purchased off a garage sale site on Facebook. After reading this, I'm going to share the info with him and my new concerns as no one would know how or where the seat was stored and for how long, even if it's a current model.

Just wanted to pass this along to you all. I'd never have thought about it, just the expiration date.
It's amazing how quick the time has gone. I remember putting up the first post...

I'm much better they stopped as soon as I started taking stronger pain killers thankfully. I can only describe it as my contractions when I had my little boy except they were much more in my back. But then she is laying transverse/across my tummy back to back. So explains the back pain. It would start mid back then crawl round to my tummy, building and building intense. They say Braxton hicks is supposed t be more of a feeling not painful. These were bloody painful! No wonder they thought I was going into labour the noise I was making. I am a wuss but these were strong.

I've had a few little ones since being home again but nothing as bad.

I've been up and about today but determined to take it easier from now on.

How does everyone with children already rate this pg compared to ur precious ones.

Anyone got plans for summers hols.

I don't think the pregnancy is any different, I've always been blessed with straight forward pregnancies, its just doing it while having 3 kids and a husband to look after, and working, that's made it hard! Not got major summer holiday plans, just playdates and park trips etc. We made bread today! Now I have to hide it so I don't eat it all!!!!
Mamabunny - thanks for sharing, I think it's always important to remember that carseats are the most important thing we can buy for our babies. My MIL when I was pregnant with DS1 kept trying to convince us to let her buy a used carseat. We put our foot down and said NO. Buy all the other used stuff you want but absolutely no on the carseat. If you keep an eye out you can usually find a good deal on a new one, so unless it's coming from a friend where you know the extent of the carseat's history, I'd say a big no way.

As for comparing pregnancies, this one has been much easier than DS1's, not that his was hard. With DS1, I carried him higher, so he was in my ribs more and I had more achy hips. With this pregnancy, I really don't feel ANY aches or pains. He's lower so not in my ribs. Aside from the gestational diabetes drama, this pregnancy has been an absolute breeze (knock on wood).
Glad you are feeling better mummy!

Thanks for posting that info mamabunny! I did understand that the plastic is the reason for the expiry but also thought it might be a bit of a money grab. Like if you stored it properly and not in a hot car (especially the smaller infant seat that gets transported back and forth) then I don't think it should expire as soon. But yes, storing it improperly in the heat could make it wear out even before its expiry! If only there was a way to test it...

I spent a week at a cottage on a lake for my summer holidays. It was sooo nice. Wish I was still there!

PS... I'm suddenly wanting butternut squash... :rofl: thanks 34-weekers!!
I have been having some terrible hip pains lately plus protein is still in my urine so I will be having my 2nd biophysical profile in two weeks I'm not complaining because I will get to see my Princess again lay well she was right at 4 pounds but they said the measurement could be off by a pound.... So I'm not sure I will make it to September which makes me sad because I do not want an August baby.
I have been having some terrible hip pains lately plus protein is still in my urine so I will be having my 2nd biophysical profile in two weeks I'm not complaining because I will get to see my Princess again lay well she was right at 4 pounds but they said the measurement could be off by a pound.... So I'm not sure I will make it to September which makes me sad because I do not want an August baby.

Why not August?
We don't want an August baby either wytrease, though ours are school reasons! Hoping you make it to September!
We have alot of birthdays in august but Im happy to have her at a healthy stage so when ever she's ready and fat enough lol
I don't want an August baby either. The thought of having to send my only just 4 year old to big school is upsetting.

This pregnancy has been sooo much harder than DS. I've suffered with HG and dealing with that and a toddler was awful. My bump is so much smaller than DS aswel, but I don't know if that's to do with loosing so much weight to start with, or the fact I'm still over weight and it's hiding in my fat lol.
We have a different schooling system here so it doesn't matter to me when he comes (though I'll likely be September since he's not due to arrive till late in Sept). Any baby born in 2015 will start school the same year. So my little 3 (on the verge of 4) will start Junior Kindergarten with the rest of the babies born that year.
Yeah our school years start from September so an august baby would be the youngest in the year.

Well 'proper' school starts at 4 but pre-school starts at 3 and that just seems far too tiny. I'd love to be able to get to spend another year with LO before they have to start but I'm fully prepared for a possible august baby. However I went over with DS so I'm anticipating the same this time so it might be September who knows.
My DS1 was born September 21st and he began preschool at age 2 (just before turning 3) and did amazingly. He's always been a more mature child... whereas my DD is more mischievous and has to be more closely watched. If this LO's birthdate allows, we will likely enroll him into preschool early on like I did with DS1 if he seems to be mature enough at the age to handle it.
August is such a busy month for my family and a newborn would make it a bit more hectic plus we have a lot of birthdays that month whereas I'd just my birthday in September.
I'm not looking forward to the end of next month... My kids go back to school, my daughter starts soccer and dance class, baby is due September 2nd then my DS1's birthday is the third week of September so a lot going on! I want to take my DD school supply shopping and both kids clothes shopping soon to get that out of the way. My son starts high school (oh my gosh!) this year so he won't get a specific supply list until the first day. Money has been very tight as of late with OH not having a job, yet again, for weeks but we are slowly getting back on track now that he's got a good paying, steady job. Then I will be off work for 6 weeks once baby is here without pay for at least 4 weeks. Trying not to stress too much.
The longer this pregnancy goes on the more likely it is ill have an August baby :(

Had an appointment with the midwife today and she measured my fundal height at 28cms (when it should be 31/32) plus its static growth from my 28 week appointment. Emergency scan booked for Monday morning so I have all weekend to panic and stress which isn't ideal. Plus DH has to go on a business trip on Sunday to Wednesday so I'll be on my own for the scan and I'm petrified.

However im sure everything will be fine in the end!
Stay positive littleone. :thumbup: Perhaps LO is just gearing up for a growth spurt. FX ur scan goes well!
Daydream, that's so great that you don't have GD!!! Yay for a new doctor and that's great that this pregnancy is less painful.

Sorry about the painful BH, Mumma! I've only had tightening that wasn't painful.

I had my first hiccup episode yesterday. I loved it because my daughter was able to feel. She kept laughing.
I went three days early with my last. I'm feeling ill go the same with this one.
littleone - Hoping that Monday brings a promising scan for you. FH is notoriously unreliable, so don't be worried until you have something concrete to focus on (easier said than done I know).

SB - How awesome that Stella was able to feel it! Harrison puts his hand on my stomach, but I never can tell if he really has felt the baby, because he'll excitedly say "He kicked!" within .2 seconds. haha. This baby has had WAY more hiccups than Harrison ever had, it's almost daily, so I think I'll have a hiccup-y baby when he comes out.
Hope everyone is well! 34 weeks tomorrow and getting really fed up now. Hoping LO comes at 37 weeks, I'd love an August baby. Beginning to feel very stressed, due date is 5th sept my 2 DD's go back to school on 2nd and 7th September. I have a hearing to go to on 9th September, my DD birthday is 15th September and our angels birthday is 17th September!! August would be so much better for my peace of mind, could never forgive myself if LO came on my angels birthday :( xx
Bless you ellahopesky ur sept is jam packed. Fx lo doesn't arrive on ur angels birthday.x

I've got a wedding to go to today
This is the last thing to keep me occupied during this pg. I've finished work, done all training and courses until Nov. No more bdays before sept, no more tests, exams. No more trips out.

I might try takin my lb swimming and to the park. But having to rli pull back on how much I'm physically doing. I start to swell down below, and it aches to move after noon most days. I've even stopped hoovering which is a big thing for me. I hoover several times a day. Lol

Anyone else noticing just how limited daily activities are becoming

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