2015 September Sweet Peas!!! all welcome to join

I'm sorry you're stressed ella and I hope you get your august baby :flower: I doubt you will go that far overdue to have LO on your angels bday. I conceived on my loss day exactly 3 years later and I feel my little guy has a guardian angel.

I'm definitely feeling like my activities are getting limited. I get sore when I stand too long. Both my feet and pelvis ache. I have a wedding when I'm 35 weeks and my own shower when I'm 36 weeks. Those will be my final trips away from home aside from work and just 5 more weeks left for that... which I suspect might draaaaaag on. I've been pulled from all fieldwork (as requested by me since I can't stand too long) and will just be sitting in the office... boring!
Last night was the first night I slept on the recliner :( I was so uncomfortable in bed. I think I was having hot flashes and despite being on heartburn meds, my heartburn was awful! Then I got up and I felt so much pressure on my cervix. What an awful night. I managed 5 hrs of sleep. Anyways... rant over...

Just 1 more week till August ladies... We're almost up!!!
Sorry that I haven't been on here much ladies! Hope everyone is doing well! I have had some complications with itching and have been dealing with horrible sciatica and heartburn (yuck), but otherwise baby and I are doing well. Littleone and Ella I hope things work out well for you both, and everyone else who is having a difficult third tri. :(

Just got our 3d/4d done today and baby girl has turned breech again. My son was breech until around 34/35 weeks, so I hope she follows that trend and turns back on her own.
I'd love an August baby too! My kids start school end of August, DD soccer starts the end of August, her dance classes start the first week of September, DS1 birthday is third week of September... I'm due September 2nd right in the middle of all that :wacko:
Definitely noticing the limited activities lately.. Yesterday dh was like get up and get me that thing, you're just sitting there (we were trying to put together a nightstand for the nursery) and I just glared at him.. Lol. And I had a major scare a few days ago at the beach when I way overdid it and felt like LO might be coming early... Very scary. I'm not used to feeling limited and dont really like it!

Little one and Ella I hope everything turns out how you want :thumbup:

Baby dream have you read spinning babies? I do a few little exercises everyday from them and it might help LO turn earlier rather than later
Thanks everyone.

Another vote for trying spinning babies, heard so many success stories for turning breech and back to back babies :)
*whining alert*

My back hurts and my hips hurt and my pelvis/hooha REALLY hurts and I can't sleep and I have a headache and and and and and and and and and ....

I had a fight with my mom on the way to work this morning, I'd absolutely had it with her drama and "oh I just don't know HOW you're going to manage all this" interspersed with "Well you know if you weren't so big/hadn't gained so much weight you wouldn't be having these problems" so I told her to shut the F&*% up (in retrospect, not the best decision) and try being my mom and showing support for once instead of being such a cow. I was crying so hard I had to pull over on the shoulder.

Oh Tristansmom I'm so sorry you're having a rough time :hugs: I can relate, my mom seems to allllllways make negative remarks regarding me having another child, having a baby in the house, etc. And she's made numerous comments on "how big" I'm getting or will ask me what I weighed at my doctor appointment and make a sound of shock/astonishment in a negative way. She's actually quieted down some on all that, thank goodness, but it was really getting to me for awhile. I just try to ignore it, it's hard. I have many issues/symptoms with this pregnancy that I never ever had with my previous two and weigh the most I ever have in my life. It's going to be OK!

And I must say good for you for putting mom in her place! Although I know it's not ideal or how we want to behave towards a parent, sometimes people need a reality check and to show some support as you said instead of being such a Debbie Downer.

Hope you feel better!
I tried to explain the ring theory to my mom once. What a laugh... lol

If you're not familiar with it, it's here:


It was developed by someone who had cancer, which is obviously WAY more of a traumatic life event than pregnancy, but the theory still applies - if a pregnant woman wants to bitch about her pregnancy, you don't pile on by pointing out everything that's going to be more difficult!!
35 weeks today!


Honestly, I think TheBump.com is full of sh*t. A coconut? Come on, really?! I beg to differ... it feels like there's a Tonka truck in there. 35 more days to go... I'm excited, anxious, nervous and stressing out!
Thanks, I must put on a good front :winkwink: I'm having many more uncomfortable, blah, "get this kid outta me!" days the further along I get :rofl:
I think we're all starting to get to that point... ;) I relish the idea of sleeping for more than 90 minutes in a row...!!
Right! I had the worst night's sleep last night. Tossed and turned a lot, got up to pee at nearly 2am, OH's phone went of with an Amber Alert at 3am, I couldn't get comfortable at all, was hot and clammy as usual... then OH's alarm went off at about 5:30am. My fingers always get so still through the night and I wake up with them sore and my right middle finger gets stuck bent downward, it's the weirdest thing! My feet always feel puffy and achy in the morning as well. I cannot wait to sleep on my tummy again and ditch the ginormous body pillow... OH hates it lol
I'm only 32 weeks, so I can't imagine how I'll be at 35 weeks, it seems so far away! But this week I've definitely noticed I'm approaching the slow down mode. I've been so full of energy lately but this week I am CRAWLING. Yesterday I had my first super emotional day in a while. I was literally on the verge of tears all day for no reason.
Haha my wife makes fun of my "nest" every night - I have to build it out of five separate pillows, the body pillow just didn't work for me!! A pillow under the tummy, one behind my back, one between my legs, one across my waist under my arm, and one for my head - and then of course rolling over in bed (required every hour or so for the hip and shoulder pain) is like a freaking olympic sport!!
Also had a super emotional day yesterday. Pretty sure I cried 6-7 times. Mostly cuz I was hot and tired (humidity is unreal this week!). Although my boss also said something really prick-ish. I was so upset. I've been saying for a long time that I wasn't going to do fieldwork in August so it shouldn't have come as a surprise to him. So I go and ask him for office work to do and he says he's not that kind of manager who can just come up with something on the spot and I've really limited myself... excuuuuuse me??? A-hole...
At least the women in my office understand. DH wants me to report him to the upper manager for that comment. Thinking about it...
So for now I'll just spin in my office chair. Sigh!

Also can't wait to sleep on my back again without the body pillow!
Aww carebear I'm sorry :hugs: "You've really limited yourself" huh? What a jerk. Gawwwd I'd love for some men to be able to experience pregnancy at it's finest. They wouldn't last.
Carebear, your boss was so out of line. What an idot. Men are so dumb sometimes.

Tristansmom, I feel you on the hip pain. It came on earlier this pregnancy. Luckily it's not all day for me but it does come on strong towards the end of the day.

My body is starting to fail me a bit too. My job is still pretty demanding (lifting cases of wine, squatting to put them on shelves etc) some days. My boss is amazing though and asked if I knew anyone he could hire for Monday's and Fridays, which are the only days I'm really doing heavy lifting. The other days I'm working with restaurants or wine shops. That's super nice of him but I don't really know anyone looking for a few hours just two days a week. Oh well.

I also agree about Spinning Babies. My daughter was transverse for a lot of my last pregnancy and she turned and came out just fine. I'm not sure if that's really what did it, but it can't hurt. The exercises and stretches feel good.

We still don't have any names picked out. I'm a little jealous of all of you that have already decided on a name. We need two and haven't even agreed on one :/
35 week doctor appointment yesterday - gained 2lbs since my last visit 2 weeks ago. I've been gaining a pound a week regularly now and am at a 43lb gain so far overall. Just about to my estimated "goal" gain of 50lbs :happydance: (30 with DS1, 40 with DD and assumed around 50 with this one) My doctor said he isn't worried about me, as I always have "textbook pregnancies" and go back down in weight afterwards without a prob :blush: Belly measured spot on at 35. Got the Group B swab done... it tickled :laugh2: Then my doctor did the internal exam which was a little uncomfortable. He was feeling around then suddenly goes "annnnd THERE'S the head. Right. There. Wow." He told me no dilation, no effacement and that is rare for a third baby. Not sure if he was referring to baby's head location, the fact that I'm not dilated or anything or a combo of both :shrug: Next appointment is in a week and OH will get to join me. He's anxious and said he will have a lot of questions for the doctor. I got in bed last night and OH was pawing at me, which was odd because he hasn't been very playful or initiative of fooling around as of late but made me feel good he was interested. Then he told me I'd feel really good... and start contracting more to help the baby come sooner :growlmad: :dohh: Ugh! So that's his motive! Men, I swear... :rofl:

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