2015 September Sweet Peas!!! all welcome to join

Wow, I can't believe the early Sept folks are already full term! It still feels pretty far away for me. We had out last out of town trip this past weekend, so now I've started drinking the third trimester RRLT and DH aired up our exercise ball last night. Slowly getting ready for this. I'm really just trying to get through my last two weeks of work before my maternity leave starts. Then I'll start really getting ready.
Hi ladies, I haven't posted in a while again, but have been trying to keep up with the thread! I'm on maternity leave now so will be able to post more.
I could do with some RLT advice please. I went into Holland and Barrett to buy some capsules but just didn't know what I was doing! They had raspberry leaf, but wasn't sure if that was what I needed or if it's red raspberry leaf? Or are they the same? People in the shop didn't have a clue! Also those who are on capsules, how many are you taking?
choc - I'm just doing the tea, no capsules. I'm drinking the earth mama third trimester tea.
I've got the capsules - at a guess I'd say there's no difference between red raspberry leaf and raspberry leaf? Not entirely sure though as my health store only carries the one brand. Mine are 450 mg each, I'm on 3/day until 36 weeks, then 4/day. The packaging actually recommends up to 9 (!) but if you check out the Third Trimester board, it seems like 3-4 per day is the usual for this point in pregnancy.
Thanks girls, the ones I saw said not suitable for pregnancy so now I'm wondering if I was looking at the wrong thing!
Hey everyone, I was just thinking has anyone delivered here yet? I'm apart of another September forum and those ladies been delivering since 24 weeks. There were about 5 delivers last week alone.

Any who, I'm 34 weeks today. Last growth scan was at 32+6 he was 4lbs 11oz in the 48th percentile. Due to my type 2 diabetes I will be induced at 38+1 weeks on September 9th. I was checked for dilation at 29+6 and I was 0 so not sure about that. They won't check me again until the day before the induction.
Looks like you're getting close babifever! That's great baby is a good average size!
Good luck to all the ladies due sept. It could happen any day. And we all know it's an amazing journeyman experience carrying our precious little bundles and then giving birth and meeting for the very first time. I'm soooooooo excited and soooooooo ready to meet my bundle.

If anyone would like me to update op with arrivals and gender for those team yellow let me know.
Thanks girls, the ones I saw said not suitable for pregnancy so now I'm wondering if I was looking at the wrong thing!

Choc, I'm taking the same ones - don't worry about it saying not suitable for pregnancy, it's fine! I checked with the lady in store and the midwife, it's just a precaution for h&b to write that on the capsules. I'm taking 2 a day and took these ones with my last pregnancies too. Oh and red raspberry leaf and raspberry leaf are the same :) x
Full term at 37 weeks today :happydance:


Feeling good! Doctor appointment this afternoon...
Thanks girls, the ones I saw said not suitable for pregnancy so now I'm wondering if I was looking at the wrong thing!

Choc, I'm taking the same ones - don't worry about it saying not suitable for pregnancy, it's fine! I checked with the lady in store and the midwife, it's just a precaution for h&b to write that on the capsules. I'm taking 2 a day and took these ones with my last pregnancies too. Oh and red raspberry leaf and raspberry leaf are the same :) x

That's great, thanks ella x
I posted some maternity photos my cousin who is a photographer took over the weekend in my journal, see signature for the link and password. Can't believe the bump is that big already!! Eeeeep!
Beautiful photos daydream! My doctor appointment went well. No sign of a baby anytime soon. No dilation or effacement. My belly measured a week behind, for once, at 36. Gained 2lbs, but I expected that as I've had a ridiculous appetite as of late :toothpick: Doctor estimates baby to be in the 7lb range right now.

Made the oatmeal chocolate chip lactation cookie recipe I had and it's DELICIOUS! Baked only two cookies to try (glad I did, otherwise I would've ate so many more) and froze the rest of the dough in individual portions to bake as needed :thumbup: Washed my pump parts and a bottle (just in case), cleaned the gunk off the bathroom exhaust fan vent cover, finished painting the last set of bifold doors and had DS help nail a few final pieces of trim down in the house. I still need to pack my hospital bag so will do that today, hopefully. Also am dying to clean the upstairs bathroom, sweep and mop the floors and dust the house. Official "nesting" mode has kicked in!
Beautiful photos daydream! My doctor appointment went well. No sign of a baby anytime soon. No dilation or effacement. My belly measured a week behind, for once, at 36. Gained 2lbs, but I expected that as I've had a ridiculous appetite as of late :toothpick: Doctor estimates baby to be in the 7lb range right now.

Made the oatmeal chocolate chip lactation cookie recipe I had and it's DELICIOUS! Baked only two cookies to try (glad I did, otherwise I would've ate so many more) and froze the rest of the dough in individual portions to bake as needed :thumbup: Washed my pump parts and a bottle (just in case), cleaned the gunk off the bathroom exhaust fan vent cover, finished painting the last set of bifold doors and had DS help nail a few final pieces of trim down in the house. I still need to pack my hospital bag so will do that today, hopefully. Also am dying to clean the upstairs bathroom, sweep and mop the floors and dust the house. Official "nesting" mode has kicked in!

Nesting has taken hold at my house too. It started slowly with washing all the sofa cushions, then nets and curtains from all rooms a few weeks ago then more recently re organising and cleaning the kitchen cupboards, I've washed, rewashed and reorganised my lo's wardrobe.
Yesterday I set to work cleaning the garden then the bathroom and the kitchen floor.

I get rli irritated when as soon as I sit down from tidying and cleaning my oh or my lb comes home to mess it all up again. They don't do it intentionally and are just living in our home
I just want it to stay nice and clean
Oooohhh now I think I want to wash my curtains, never thought of it! I did wash the shorts ones in our back addition, as my mom and DS recently helped me get the disaster pile of junk cleared out back there and it was rather dusty and unattended to for some time. I also want to clean all the windows, blinds and ceiling fans :thumbup: I get easily annoyed when OH leaves clothes on the floor or strewn anywhere BUT in the hamper. And he habitually powders his "manhood" every morning before works, as it gets really hot in the plant... but leaves a huge mess of powder all over the floor. At first, he was doing it in our bedroom on the new carpet and I told him to put a towel down. But then the towel was just tossed over to one side on the floor every time. SO then I put all the powder, deodorant, cologne sprays, etc. in our half bath just outside our bedroom and told him to use it in there but he doesn't clean up afterwards and leaves it for me. That's exactly what I want to do right now... bend over and clean powder off tile floor :growlmad: And if I don't clean it up then it gets trampled through and tracked everywhere. I caught him wearing his work shoes on our new bedroom carpet this morning. Once I clean the floors and carpets today I'm strictly enforcing a NO SHOES policy. I expect my kids to pick up after themselves and help out some, they're old enough, and OH is definitely old enough and capable. No reason for me to be constantly after everyone to keep things in order. Once the baby is here I am definitely not going to have the time to be everyone's maid! Heck, at this moment I don't have the energy!
Id love to have some of the energy you guys have got with 'nesting' I've got so much that I want to do .... Just absouloty no energy to do anything.

Even walking up the stairs when my son wants to use the toilet is such an effort these days. I attempted to tidy my sons play room earlier and I simply can't bend down and when I tried sitting on the floor it was so uncomfy.

I just feel so useless.
Laura I'm the same, there are so many jobs I want/need to do, I just can't find the energy to do them. I am sleeping so badly, waking to roll over every hour, going to the loo about 6 times a night and having terrible acid reflux that means I need milk/gaviscon /rennies every 2 hours. It's getting me down now.

Oh and I forgot the unbareable restless legs and awful hip and thigh pain I get from laying on my side! I feel like I'll never sleep again!
I'm with you both, choc and laura. I have no energy to do anything. Not sleeping well, horrible acid reflux and pelvic pressure. I can't be on my feet for long because of the pressure and my dog just wants to go for walks :( since DH is working afternoon shift, I'm on my own to walk her and I feel bad when I just toss her in the backyard to do her business.
Luckily we just moved into the house in December and most of our curtains have been purchased recently, all rooms were painted and new flooring was put in before we bought. I just need to put the baby's room together (crib is done and what clothes we have so far are washed) and I'm still waiting on my shower (Aug 23rd). I really wish we had scheduled it sooner so that I could be more prepared but I guess it's 10 days away so not too bad. I'm just freaking out a little bit now since this morning I was having so much pelvic pressure, I swear he was trying to get out. It made me shaky and panicky :dohh: and here I thought I was going to be ok when labour arrived! I keep telling myself I can handle it, that the more I freak out, the more it'll probably hurt. I'm trying to focus on staying calm and breathing deeply but then the first sign of intense pelvic pressure, I get all freaked out... wow... I think he dropped actually and that was the cause. Every time he moves his head now, I get a sharp pain down below. Wonder if that means he's engaged?

PS beautiful pics daydream!
Choc our pregnancies have been so similar it's scary. Every single thing you've just wrote is how Im feeling right now. I've got terrible acid reflux also, Ive tried so many different things but ranitideen has helped so much if you haven't tried it already. I did have it prescribed from the doc but I ran out so just went and bought some from tesco to keep me going.

As for sleep .... Pfffft!

Sorry your feeling the same carebear ... Let's hope we have some energy soon even if it's just a little bit. Were having new windows fitted next week, it seemed a good idea at the time but being 37 weeks pregnant and having all that mess ... Don't think I thought it through lol.

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