2015 September Sweet Peas!!! all welcome to join

They ended up having to do transvaginal anyway which was a relief!
It went well, measuring slightly ahead so new edd of 7th September which makes me 6 weeks 3days today :)
We saw the blobs wee heart beating as well, 125bpm.
So relieved and it feels so real now!

Congrats :) What were you originally at?

Court28 - congratulation on your ultrasound, being able to hear the heartbeat is great, isn't it?

I will have mine in 2 more days, hopefully I can hear the heartbeat. My last scan (5w6d) we could see it flickering but could not hear it.

Good luck! How long ago was your last scan?

Hi Ladies, can I join you? Got my bfp yesterday :happydance: edd 24th September! :happydance:

Congrats to everyone on here!!x

Congrats! :)

I've been having a rough time falling asleep, and staying asleep as well. Doesn't help that I have a toddler who wakes up calling for me to come lay in her bed. I naturally sleep on my side, but now when I do so, it's uncomfortable. I feel all sorts of pressure down there, so i have to either lay on my stomach or back. Or pull out the body pillow. I've never been the best sleeper anyways, but I don't recall have sleep issues this early last time. Oh well.

The sleeping issues are horrible. I had insomnia really bad with DD from like 7-8 weeks up until she was born. Were your sleep issues bad before? I mean, aside from it being earlier, is it worse than with the last one?

AFM, still in nausea hell. Trying acupuncture today. I really really hope it works. If not, I’m asking my doc for meds at my appt tomorrow. I just can’t function to take care of my DD well. She is so active and wants to play and I just can’t keep up with her. If I just sit there, she climbs all over me and it makes me feel worse. Quite a nightmare! Otherwise, I’m still having the hardest time with intaking liquids…6 cups of anything is my best but most days I only get like 4 cups in. Which is not good…I’m having dehydration headaches too which isn’t helping things.

How did the acupuncture go? Did it help?

Is it something you'll have to do regularly or would you be able to go awhile before having to do it again?

Sorry I haven't been on so much ladies. My pregnancy anxiety is kicking in and I am terrified about losing this bean. I was the same with with my son. It got better after I saw the heartbeat at 6 weeks, and then even more so when I got into 2nd tri, but I don't think I fully relaxed until he was born. Just trying to keep my mind on other things, but it's not always easy.

The anxiety is the worst! I agree though that it never really goes away until their born. It's always "I'll feel better once I hear a heartbeat" then it's "I'll feel better once I'm in 2nd tri" then "once I feel the baby" etc etc which eventually works out to giving birth.

Then there's the anxiety you feel the rest of your life. :haha: Never ends! At least that's how it was for me.

Still waiting to see what's going on. The brown discharge is coming out onto the tp now, but not a ton. It freaks me out every time, but I'm reminding myself it has to come out.

I had blood work done yesterday. They called me today with the results. Hcg levels at 5+5 was 11,652. I go back tomorrow for another draw and then Friday my ultrasound.

I took another CB digital weeks estimator this morning and it was back up to 3+, though since they called with my levels, I'd imagine it would be. I'm probably not going to use my last 2 tests because I think it may cause more anxiety than it's worth, especially if it pops up 2-3 again. If they are decreasing, it may not get below the 2000 to correctly give me the 2-3 results, so I'm just going to hold off and wait.

I'm praying that I'll know which way this is going by Friday afternoon. (I still want to post in here because I feel like I'm more in line of having a positive outlook which is better than not function and crying all day).

Yesterday was a very hard day. I pretty much just wasn't functioning. I couldn't focus in either class (in one I had a test - I don't know how I didn't fail it). My second class I was only distracted about 2 hours and 15 minutes of the 2.5 hour class. I hardly know what the teacher said. I know a little bit of what he lectured on, but I have no idea what he said about them (now I have to have DH help me so I can get caught up).

I was freaking out the whole time and trying not to cry. I thought the class would never end. I eventually got up and rushed to the bathroom because I couldn't handle it anymore and had to go check (which turned out to be for nothing as there was nothing new). One of my classmates (that sits next to me) asked if I was okay yesterday as I apparently looked really crappy during that time... :blush: I was at least able to focus more on class tonight and was able to get myself into a better mood. Baby or no baby I have to get through school.

So, I'm really hoping these are good things going on. I'm just hoping we see everything we need to see on the ultrasound Friday. I don't know how I'll get through it if I have to wait another week or 2 for another scan to determine which way this is going to go. (my newest worry is that of a blighted ovum - one of the reasons I'm scared to be positive only to find this out Friday).
Spunky your hcg level sounds good! You can definitely stop testing because you've passed the threshold for the cb estimator tests. So many ladies have brown spotting during pregnancy, so it is likely everything is just fine :) My own doctor told me if I had spotting to not worry too much because it is very normal and about half of the pregnant patients he sees have spotting. I hope your scan on Friday goes well :thumbup:
I had brown spotting from the beginning to end of my first pregnancy. Super normal and only a concern if it is red or heavy
MammaBunny I hope you have a better day today. Sorry to hear what you're going through. And like some of the ladies said, maybe time to make some changes one way or the other. Also have you guys considered seeing a counselor? Sometimes i helps so much to have someone help us out on these things and give a non-bias view :hugs:

Does anyone else go from being ok to STARVING within an instant? It's so annoying! It's like my body just decides it needs to eat NOW!

Definitely feeling like that. It happens usually mid morning and then again late at night before bed. I try to make sure I don't eat too much junk though (try).

They ended up having to do transvaginal anyway which was a relief!
It went well, measuring slightly ahead so new edd of 7th September which makes me 6 weeks 3days today :)
We saw the blobs wee heart beating as well, 125bpm.
So relieved and it feels so real now!

Glad to hear your scan went well Court!! That must have been such a relief to hear lil one's heartbeat. I don't get my scan until 8 weeks (sigh!) so I love hearing about how you ladies make out.
Morning ladies. I had the worst nights sleep, I'm so tired but just kept waking up! :-( I've got mild af type cramps, is this normal!?!? My test today's showed up much quicker tho! And my boobs are killing me now, along with slight nausea!

I worried too when I had AF like cramps but came to find out they are normal. I still get them here and there. Bad sleep, sore boobs and nausea... I got all these too, only my nausea has passed the slight stage :wacko:
Court how awesome you got to see the heartbeat! :happydance: I am so anxious for my 12 week appointment, I won't hear mine until then :nope:

Spunky hang in there! I was thinking about you yesterday! :hugs:

AFM, I went home after work and tried ignoring my partner and taking a nap but he wasn't letting me so easily, hugged and kissed me and wanting to know why I wanted to give up. I did get to lay down for 45 minutes or so and then he laid down beside me and was rubbing my back and cuddling with me. I told him he did not need to do that because I was upset, I have been wanting that from him all along. We talked a bit and things are somewhat better. The entire day he was home he washed a few dishes and did a load of laundry. Those are things that I can do and have been doing. He didn't touch the downstairs, as we had bought lumber so he could frame in a closet for our new bedroom. I hope he can focus on getting his butt to work regularly as well as progressively getting the bedroom construction underway on the weekends and give me a bit of extra affection. I can handle the rest :thumbup:
Mamabunny glad to hear things are better :) I knew it you guys would figure it out! Or rather.. he would get how dumb he was being. FX he keeps it up!

Bought these today to tell my sister about the LO. They're sapphire.. the September birthstone, and she's sort of a whimsical arty type so she'll be like what are these?! And I'll be like ....oh.. they're the September birthstone.....

MamaBunny so glad t hear tings are better today! Sometimes a little rest can d wonders. Hoping things only get better here on in for you guys.

Melewen those earrings are really pretty! I'm sure she will love them.
Oh those are beautiful, melewen! I want some for myself lol

MamaBunny, i'm glad things are a little better. I hope he keeps it up.

Spunky, I can't say that my sleep is worse yet. But since circumstances are different now, with having a little one, so I can't catch up on any sleep or take naps. I definitely can feel the affects when i'm at work. Before 1st tri is over, i'm sure i'm going to grab a few naps in a conference room!

Court, glad you had a great scan. Can't wait for mine. 2 more weeks!!

I think MS is trying to sneak in now. Been feeling slightly nauseous off and on all morning. Plus I think i'm catching a cold. Woke up with a scratchy throat and a runny nose. Either that or my sinus' are draining for some reason. Blah!
Spunky-I'm sorry you are going through a stressful time. I had brown bleeding during my first pregnancy and everything turned out just fine. My doctor told me as long as it wasn't getting heavier or turning red then it was nothing to worry about. Turns out I had irritated my cervix. Fingers crossed you see exactly what you need to put you at ease on the scan.

afm: my scan was moved from Tuesday the 27th when I would have been 6 weeks 1 day to that Friday. I was a little bummed that they had to reschedule but I guess that means that I will have a better chance to see everything I am wanting to see. It really does feel like the TWW all over again...except with the TWW I was able to test early and shave a few days off haha :)
Thank you all. I'm feeling better today, hope it stays that way. Melewen those earrings are pretty and such a unique way to share your news! I think my appetite is coming back today because I'm STARVING... I just can't decide what I want :shrug: I decided I'm making goulash for dinner this evening, I can't wait! :happydance:
Laidee - I'm having the same issues with slight nausea and a developing cold. I really, REALLY hope I don't get MS this pregnancy - I didn't last time and it was glorious. I work outside of the home and can't fathom having to run (down the hall, past reception, and through a card-locked door) multiple times in the morning to get to the washroom...
melewen - those are very nice earnings. I hadn't looked at the September birthstone yet. I really want to get a ring or necklace but I think that I will wait for a while.

MamaBunny2 - looks like to took my appetite. I just can't stomach the site of food. I wake up so hungry I feel sick then after a couple bites I struggle to get the rest down. I just have light snacks through the day just so that I keep something in my stomach.

DH makes these fruit and vegi green smoothies and I have found that it helps with the MS a little.
Hi ladies, sorry I've been awol for a while, every thing makes me sick, including looking at a screen! My nausea is so horrible, I cry every morning getting up and ready for work. I had to get pills from the doctor which I think help a little bit but make me a bit spaced out and soo tired, and considering how tired I was even before taking them, it isn't good. I went to sleep at 6.30 last night!
I had an early scan last week as I had a tiny bit of brown blood, all seemed fine but couldn't really see anything as it was too early so got to go back for another on Wednesday. I've got my booking in appointment with the midwife tomorrow which feels a bit strange as I don't know what is going to happen at the scan but there you go.
Sorry to hear lots of you are suffering at the moment!
Spunky I had brwn spotting with my first fro early right up until start of 2nd tri and all was fine. I am positive you will be fine as well. sending yyou positive thoughts! :hugs:

How much longer is your program? Will you continue right through 3rd tri or take a break?
Spunky - good luck on your scan tomorrow, mine is tomorrow too (7w). Last time was a week ago. What time do you have your appointment? Mine is at 10 AM. Please keep us updated.

As other ladies mentioned, spotting brown is normal in some pregnancy. I myself don't have any spotting yet (finger cross) but always in the worry mode. I always stress about "what if thing goes south". I know I need to relax a bit, but since this is my first and we were trying with multiple rounds of meds, I m scared. The first time when the Dr called to confirmed my pregnancy, she said "your Hcg is too low, I m afraid it might be a chemical". Therefore, I have been worried since day 1 I found out I was pregnant. Even though Hcg level been rising well since then, I can not get the fear out of my head yet. Maybe I will feel better after first trimester is over.

Choc - good luck with your scan tomorrow.

Mamebunny - I m glad that your partner made up to you.
Spunky I had brwn spotting with my first fro early right up until start of 2nd tri and all was fine. I am positive you will be fine as well. sending yyou positive thoughts! :hugs:

How much longer is your program? Will you continue right through 3rd tri or take a break?

Thanks :)

I don't graduate until August 2016. I'm unable to take any time off. If I do, I have to wait until Fall 2016 to re-enroll which would put us a year behind for me finding a job which is major since I quit my job to do this. It's a nursing program, so provided things did progress normally, I'd pretty much have to give birth and go back. The director said the classes aren't too big of a deal, but any clinicals I miss I have to make up. If I don't make them up, then I have to drop out and re-enroll Fall 2016.

Spunky - good luck on your scan tomorrow, mine is tomorrow too (7w). Last time was a week ago. What time do you have your appointment? Mine is at 10 AM. Please keep us updated.

As other ladies mentioned, spotting brown is normal in some pregnancy. I myself don't have any spotting yet (finger cross) but always in the worry mode. I always stress about "what if thing goes south". I know I need to relax a bit, but since this is my first and we were trying with multiple rounds of meds, I m scared. The first time when the Dr called to confirmed my pregnancy, she said "your Hcg is too low, I m afraid it might be a chemical". Therefore, I have been worried since day 1 I found out I was pregnant. Even though Hcg level been rising well since then, I can not get the fear out of my head yet. Maybe I will feel better after first trimester is over.

Thanks :) Mine's at 11 (Eastern if that makes a difference lol). I don't think I'll be seeing my midwife though. That's still set for the 27th which I don't know if they'll still have me keep if it doesn't turn out well. I'm not sure what to expect really.

That had to be scarey that they told you that your hcg was too low in the beginning, but I"m glad it's rising well now. I think the first tri is just absolutely awful. There are very few good things about it (finding out, ultrasounds, hearing/seeing heartbeat). I feel like first tri is just a ball of worries and fear.

I was relatively positive this morning, but before I went to get my blood work done today, there were 2 small dark brown clots which pretty much pushed me back into a crying mess. I got the homework I had to get done for class tonight and just spent the afternoon in bed.

Though since the 2 clots, the brown has been minimal. I think I had 2 instances where it showed up on the paper, but the other times nothing, so I don't know if that's the end of it?

Pretty sure my bloating and constipation is going away which just adds to the worry. I'm actually finding my appetite is closer to normal now.

I kind of feel like I can't handle this anymore. I just want to sleep.

DH isn't able to make it to the scan tomorrow. I figured he wouldn't because of work. I mean, I want him there, but I understand why he can't. I almost considered telling my mom and asking her to go with me, but after more thought I had decided that if the outcome is bad, I'd rather be alone.

I'm going to feel so stupid if everything is fine. With how I've been feeling, it feels like something is wrong, but I also know the mind is powerful enough to make me believe that. But I just feel like it is, and I'm scared about how I'll handle if it is bad. I know I have no control over what happens, but I'm scared that I'm going to fall to pieces and then in turn completely screw up school. I've not been doing well with keeping up this week just because I'm scared something is wrong, so I don't know how I'm going to cope.

I had 2 loses prior to DD (several years ago). The first one I couldn't handle it and had to go on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds. The second one I handled okay, but just based on how I'm right now with just being scared of something happening, I just cannot afford to fall apart right now.
Told my parents and brother that I am pregnant today and they were thrilled :thumbup: I see them a lot and since I am feeling so bad already I figured I better say something instead of lying in the coming weeks. I feel better!

Spunky, I hope tomorrow comes fast! and that your scan is nothing but good news. I've had a couple days of worry myself and it's so hard to focus on anything else. Will be thinking of you tomorrow :)

We are off to meet the midwife. Hoping we all get on well so we don't have to meet with others.
I also had spotting in my last pregnancy Spunky! From weeks 4 through about 8 I had brown, pink, and even a little red. He turned out perfect ;) It's hard not to worry, though. I understand!

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