2015 September Sweet Peas!!! all welcome to join

I didn't really have any symptoms early on with DS. I didn't have any symptoms with my angel babies either, so that kind of scared me, but he was fine :) I had a little bit of nausea/heartburn later (maybe 6.5 weeks to 10 weeks?) but not much. My symptoms are much stronger with this pregnancy than they have ever been. I am trying to hold down some rice cereal right now...blechhh.

GL at your new job Laura!
Hi ladies can i join? I got my bfp at 11dpo but had heavy bleeding with clots at 13dpo that lasted for 9 days! Had an early scan and all looks good so feeling positive. I go back at 7 weeks to check for a hb. I think I'm due 17th September :)
Anyone else here that this is their 2nd or 3rd child? I am really scared!
I feel more prepared and know what Im doing now :haha: but juggling 3 kiddies eek. Mine are 3 (4 in August) and 18 months (2 in July)!

No symptoms yet apart from heartburn! Really? This early? That was the reason why I tested as I always only get heartburn when pregnant!

Thanks for welcoming me into this group, I joined a group with my other 2 and still have friends from each now! So hopefully I can get to know some of you and do this journey together :baby: (though I'm always one of the last to get my baby haha - my sons were born onThe 27th and 21st and this one is the 26th - so I have to sit and watch everyone else having babies haha)

This is my second baby Kaths, my lg just turned 1 indecember and the idea of having 2 under 2 scares me lol!!! This pregnancy happened earlier than we planned! We were suppose to start trying in September not have another baby by then hehe! Baby is actually due 2days after my best friends wedding...haven't told her yet or my other friend who im now going to be bridesmaid for at 6 months pregnant! 😃

Having a small age gap is lovely, hard to start with but gets easier.
I had to pull out of bridesmaid duties for my best friend as my little boy was born two weeks before her wedding. She wasn't impressed but was fine haha. All mine have been really bad timing. But hey ho. Didn't want to be a bridesmaid anyway! :haha:
I'm having major cramps today :(

I know everything is stretching but it doesn't feel like stretching - it's just cramping! Ouch!
I'd love some cramps! It feels like my symptoms have basically disappeared, save some fatigue and strong heart rate, maybe some sore nips. Anyone else have disappearing symptoms every now and then?
I'd love some cramps! It feels like my symptoms have basically disappeared, save some fatigue and strong heart rate, maybe some sore nips. Anyone else have disappearing symptoms every now and then?

Other than the cramping I had earlier in the week and a few bouts of dizziness/nausea before my bfp I've had no symptoms....it's so different to my first pregnancy that it makes me really uneasy I'm constantly worried it's a bad sign!
I'm having occassional cramps but other than that and mildly sore nipples, I've not had much at all. I keep reminding myself I'm still so early and it will probably kick in soon but I can't help but worry too. In fact each time I have a cramp, I worry more!!! Oh the joys! You wait we'll be begging for the symptoms to settle anytime soon! Fingers crossed anyway! Xx
That's true! That sounds just like me. Good to know :) I feel better!
Anyone else here that this is their 2nd or 3rd child? I am really scared!
I feel more prepared and know what Im doing now :haha: but juggling 3 kiddies eek. Mine are 3 (4 in August) and 18 months (2 in July)!

No symptoms yet apart from heartburn! Really? This early? That was the reason why I tested as I always only get heartburn when pregnant!

Thanks for welcoming me into this group, I joined a group with my other 2 and still have friends from each now! So hopefully I can get to know some of you and do this journey together :baby: (though I'm always one of the last to get my baby haha - my sons were born onThe 27th and 21st and this one is the 26th - so I have to sit and watch everyone else having babies haha)

This is my second baby Kaths, my lg just turned 1 indecember and the idea of having 2 under 2 scares me lol!!! This pregnancy happened earlier than we planned! We were suppose to start trying in September not have another baby by then hehe! Baby is actually due 2days after my best friends wedding...haven't told her yet or my other friend who im now going to be bridesmaid for at 6 months pregnant! 😃

Don't worry about the 2 under 2, I think that it all has to do with organization. I am a foster parent and I have had a newborn and a 9 month old, a 4 month old and 6 week old, and a 2 month old and a newborn. As long as you are organized and you have help around the house it's really not that bad.

When I have my lo I will also have 2 other infants, not sure what age.
Melewen I'm about the same dates as you and my symptoms come and go. I'm guessing it's normal and I'll find out next week at my scan :)
Sorry ladies I just realised I have randomly posted in here without introducing myself!

I'm expecting baby no 2 on 19th Sept, however been posting in the other September thread as I had a ruptured ectopic at the end of October so am slightly nervous!

I love hearing how everyone is doing and sorry again for just randomly appearing but I love this thread too :)
Don't start me on creme eggs I'm absolutely furious! They've ruined them now! I wonder if they'll backtrack?

Symptoms here are moisturiser taste in my mouth, tiredness and emotional insanity. Hardly any cramps at all. I'm worries as my test today at 4+5 is no darker than 2 days ago. CB digi still says 2-3 which I expect but because I'm breastfeeding I;m expecting the worst. So anxious. I hate that this part is so hard, I hope everyone else is ok. xx
I woke up this morning feeling quite sick and still feel blah now. Didn't get MS this early with any other pregnancies so wondering if maybe I'm coming down with something instead. My only other symptom is that my boobs are killing me lol.
Babylove, I'm sorry to hear this is happening Babylove. Please take god care of yourself ok. :hugs:

Welcome Pachmama!

Hi Laidee, I'm right there with you, no symptoms at all, except for fatigue. Let's hope that MS never kicks in. I had it with my first and I don't envy the ladies experiencing it now, it can make days so difficult.

xLaura how did your first day at work go? Hope you made out ok and the MS was not unbearable. When you do tell them just explain taht at the time of the interview you honestly didn't know. If they deal with it in a very negative way it may be a sign of what it's like to work therre too... but let's hope they aree very understanding an don't make a fuss when you do tell them.

Welcome Shellideaks! Wishing ou the best with your next scan. There are quite a few of us who are anxiously awaiting scans as well.

Welcome Yazzy! Understandable you are nervous, but let's hope for the best. Sending you lots of positive energy.

Mummybumpage I can't believe you changed your pic to Cream Eggs. :haha: that's too funny. What are you going t do when Easter rollsaround, that's how I feel about pizza. Funny how everyone has their comfort foods.... Try not to worry with the tests hun, no major crampign or bleeding right? Take one day at a time and be sure baby is ok. :flower:
Holy crap kaths I that makes me want to go ice my lady parts :wacko: Oww oww oww!!!

That's so funny there's commotion over creme eggs in the UK... I just ate a Cadbury creme egg this morning when I got to work. Love them! :toothpick:
Forgot to mention, as far as symptoms go for me right now I am still able to eat much more than before I was pregnant. My boobs seemed to be feeling better but got really painfully sore again over the weekend. I had to sleep in a sports bra last night and that helped :thumbup: I'm still bloated in my midsection. The past 2-3 days it seems like when I wake up I feel kinda sick to my stomach/crampy and have to poo. I'll take that over puking! I also still have random bouts of IBS-like bathroom trips right after eating which is kind of annoying especially if we are out in public. One thing that's very odd to me and I've been suffering with for weeks now is terribly itchy skin! I get it mostly on my legs, but have had random "itch bumps" on my tummy, back and arms. I had tried applying eczema lotion, baby oil etc. to my skin to try and relieve the itch and dryness to no avail :nope: I bought some Nivea in-shower lotion over the weekend. You shower as usual then apply the lotion as you would with regular lotion but while still in the shower, then rinse off. I've used it three days in a row now and it seems to be helping thank goodness! I also changed our bedding and washed our comforter. My first prenatal appointment is this Wednesday so I am going to address the itchy craziness for sure.
MammmaBunny, I have heard of other ladies complaining about the same thing. They say reducing the temperature of your shower/bath helps too.... as in avoid really hot water and more so bathe in luke warm water if you can tolerate it.
My skin is so itchy too! I just read it was an old wives tale that dry skin = boy. Ha! Who knows. But yes... I'm always scratching!
It's funny that you all mention skin itching so early because my scalp feels really sensitive.

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