2015 September Sweet Peas!!! all welcome to join

What's everyone eating for breakfast? I just can't face food as I feel too sick, and makes me Eve, but I know I need to eat. I've just been munching on a couple of biscuits which helps ease the nausea but I can't live off biscuits everyday.
Hugs Kd

Mamabunny maybe taking your mum out to eat or something like that to tell her.

I see my mum pretty much everyday lol so told her the day I found out. She has been by my side after my mmc and recently my ectopic so I need her support...she also predicted I'd have a baby in September lol!

For breakfast I've just had a couple crumpets. I don't feel too bad so although there isn't much I fancy eating I can manage it.

Melewen did you ask about the sore bbs?! Mine always hurt after ovulation up to AF then stop. They are still sore but the intensity varies, yesterday they hurt a lot all day and today not too bad at all.
:hugs: kdmalk I'm so sorry to hear what you're going through. We were cycle buddies so I was really upset to see your post today. Stay positive hun, praying that you have a sticky bean!! :hugs:

Hi Melewen, I never get sore bb's during AF, and don't have it now either. Seriously constipated instead...

xLaura glad to hear your fist day went ok. Take one day at a time and you'll figure out when to tell them. Maybe somewhere between week 8 and 12? :thumbup:

As for breakfast, whatever I can get my hands on first :dohh: Yogurt, crisps, fruit, tea, almonds, pizza... bits of DD's lunch that I put together each morning lol ... No MS for me but when I did have MS wit my first, all I was able to eat was 1 slice of toast (very slowly) everyday.
OMG I've got to stop looking up my questions online, I swear only the worst of answers/solutions comes up... and then after reading them all for 40min I've got myself all worked up. :nope: Anyone else being a real worry wart?
So sorry kd. Hope you get your sticky bean very very soon x
What's everyone eating for breakfast? I just can't face food as I feel too sick, and makes me Eve, but I know I need to eat. I've just been munching on a couple of biscuits which helps ease the nausea but I can't live off biscuits everyday.

I have baked oatmeal in the morning. It quick, healthy, and when I'm not eating much it keeps me full. It's pretty easy to get down when I really don't feel well.
I'm a worry wart aswel.

However - today whilst I was out shopping I bought my first baby item :D I know it's really early and I wasn't planning on buying anything for ages yet. But I saw the cutest Winnie the Pooh baby grow and I just HAD to get it. Were staying team yellow this time, so I'm only going to buy a few things neutral as soon as baby arrives ill either want blue/pink but I couldn't resist.

I haven't really connected with this pregnancy yet, I don't know why (maybe cause I'm convinced something will go wrong) but buying this and seeing how tiny it is has made me realise this is really happening :D ok I know it's still really early and things could still go wrong but buying this one thing isn't going to make anything bad happen.

I'm getting excited :)
OMG I've got to stop looking up my questions online, I swear only the worst of answers/solutions comes up... and then after reading them all for 40min I've got myself all worked up. :nope: Anyone else being a real worry wart?

I worry too. I woke up without MS, my nose was not as congested, and I didn't have to poop. I got worried. Off to google I went. The first person in that situation turned out ok so I stopped there. lol
I'm so sorry kd

Hi ladies. I think i'm finally over this nasty cold. Now my lo is congested. Hopefully we won't just keep passing our germs back and forth. Thanks all for helping me see that my symptom-less pregnancy thus far should really be celebrated lol. Just feels weird having no signs, other than the positive tests i took 2 weeks ago. Can't wait for my first appointment next week.

On a scary note, I fell down the steps the other day. Not quite sure what happened, but i landed pretty hard and my bum still hurts. Haven't had any cramping or spotting so i think the little sweet pea is still good in there. I did manage not to drop my lo's chips I was carrying during the whole ordeal. She found the whole experience quite funny :growlmad:
TTC My mom is pretty negative and judgmental as well. I wouldn't think so much into when or how I am telling her if it wasn't for the delicate state she has been in most recently. When I was 18 and 20, with my first two pregnancies I was terrified. Now at 31, I am confident and after 7 cycles of trying this baby was definitely not an "oopsie". I'm so sorry you have to endure interracial comments and judgments. My SO is Sicilian - has dark hair, a beard and a darker/light tan complexion. My mom really embarrassed me by asking him questions like "Are you Mexican?" She also threw in "So... you haven't been married? No kids? How much money do you make?" We were out to dinner and I was mortified. She noticed he smokes (cigarettes) and said "Oh there's one strike against you" and that he drinks "Oh there's strike two". She just has done nothing but judge him and make him feel unwanted :nope: And ironically, my dad both smoked and drank! :dohh:

kd I'm so very sorry :hugs: Praying you will join us again soon!

xLaura I had Cheerios with honey drizzled on top this morning before work. I am STARVING and didn't bring anything to munch on besides oatmeal. My stomach is growling like crazy and I feel empty. It's snowing outside now and I'm thinking a delicious soup in a bread bowl from Panera sounds amazing! :happydance:

Laidee Happy 6 weeks! Hope your bum feels better, I'm sure that was scary!

I've been having some XXX-rated dreams. They always involve my SO and are HOT :blush: My boobs hurt so bad when laying in bed. I need to get a special pillow because I'm a tummy sleeper. These are perfect! :rofl:


So I spoke with my sister yesterday and told her the news. She said she kinda knew (no idea HOW :shrug:) and congratulated me. She suggested that I invite my mom over to my house and that it be just me and her when I break the news. My SO is going to take my kids out for a bit while I do that. Then if my mom is up to it we can hopefully all go out to dinner. I called my mom and invited her over and suggested that we could possibly go out to eat. She replied with "Oh I really don't want to do anything" (for her birthday, which is the 31st) and I assured her it wasn't any celebration like that and we wouldn't acknowledge her birthday if that's what she wanted. She said she's been missing my dad a lot lately. I know the feeling :cry: So she's coming over this evening... I'm so nervous! But it needs to be done and over with. Wish me luck!

My first appointment is tomorrow at 3:30. His mom wants to come with us even though there won't be anything significant happening this time, just a pregnancy test and a bunch of talking - no exam, no heartbeat. She doesn't have to work tomorrow and I guess she's just really excited. I'm glad his family is so happy and anxious, I just hope there isn't someone tagging along EVERY time... not to sound mean.
TTCFirst and xLaura, glad ot see I'm not the only one who is always wondering if something will go wrong. I guess it's natural at times but I sure could do with a little less anxiety. Might feel a bit better after the first scan.

xLaura, nothing wrong with buying something, it's like a memento for yourself as you progress through. I keep looking online at all the cool cute things that I'd like and even how I'd like to arrange the room before Lo's arrival. It's scary and so exciting at the same time... almost feel bipolar lmao

Laidee glad to hear you're ok and that you saved the Crisps!! :juggle:

MamaBunny2 good luck tonight and let us know how it goes. Hopefully the reactions are welcoming and supportive.
Hi everyone , I'm new to this site . Just done 2nd pregnancy test ....it's positive :) so pleased think I'm about 4 weeks gone . Me & my partner have a 2 1/2 year old girl already only started trying again in November xx
TTC: The way I see it, your baby will be lucky to be raised NOT to see color like your mother does!

kdmalk: so sorry to hear this news. Praying for next cycle!

xLaura I've found if I drink OJ first thing, I can beat most of the nausea and eat a little while later. I'm pretty sure it has to do with getting a sugar 'bump' after blood sugar has been low all night while sleeping. Has worked for the last few days!

Laidee: Oh man, that's scary!! Glad you're okay!

Mango: Google is nothing but trouble, but it's so hard to resist.

Sleep is hard to come by. I'm blaming my head cold, dry ai,r and my prenatals. I've already started taking them at bedtime which helps keep the daytime nausea at bay, but now I'm waking up in the middle of the night with it. I think I am going to start cutting my prenatals and splitting the dosing twice a day. If that doesn't work, I'm getting something else with lower iron.
Got my betas from yesterday, they're 5795!! That's a doubling of 1.5 days.. Whoa. Going in for a scan today!! Hopeful to see the bean's home and maybe a heartbeat.. Maybe!!
Good luck melewen! Can't wait to hear how your scan goes.

I have been feeling pretty good the last couple days. My MS has been off and on. Something that I've been feeling the last couple weeks is when I get up sometimes from a sitting position it feels like I pulled muscles on one side of my pelvis, sometimes right, sometimes left. I think it might be round ligament pain? This person's picture describes the area well. Is anyone else feeling this?

I had some time and sent a list of everyone's dates to mummy2_1 so those should probably be up soon!
Knobby - I have the exact same pain. I just assume it's round ligament pain also.
Hello. I just had my first scan today. After hearing the heartbeat of 111bpm and seeing that it looks healthy, as of now, I'm gaining confidence. I think I will join this group as well (if that's ok). My due date is 9/13.


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Ambiguoushope beautiful bean! Welcome!!

Has anyone had betas? Please share! I feel like mine are super high - is that bad?! Not gonna lie, I fell down a Google black hole and saw that trisomy and high HCG levels are related?! But I think they mean later HCG levels. But omg now I am worried about that! I just can't seem to relax, even though I have such great intuitions about this little bean!
Oh and had my first u/s today! Saw the yolk sac but no heartbeat just yet - still quite early at about 5w2d. Going back on feb 5 when we'll definitely get to see one!

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