2015 September Sweet Peas!!! all welcome to join

I had betas done at 4+6 which was 2,288. They didn't repeat to check doubling time as they were happy with the level and just gave me a scan instead.
I feel awful today :( been sick and having a hyperactive toddler do not mix :(

I've got work later aswel I'm on 2 - 9.30 hope it eases up after dinner, I simply can not function ATM. I've got loads of cleaning/tidying to do before I go aswel as the in laws are coming to have LO.
Melewen, don't go down the Google black hole!! LOL it's nothing but trouble believe me :dohh: Isn't it horrible that no matter what you type in it's always geared to something negative. I've heard HCG levels vary sooooo much in first tri and it's typically fro some ladies to be very high while others are on the lower end.

Up until today I've been lucky enough to avoid MS but it officially kicked in last night... and it seems more like "all day sickness".... it's been more of a constant gassy nauseous feeling, no vomiting so far but my goodness it definitely makes the days more difficult.
Melewen, don't go down the Google black hole!! LOL it's nothing but trouble believe me :dohh: Isn't it horrible that no matter what you type in it's always geared to something negative. I've heard HCG levels vary sooooo much in first tri and it's typically fro some ladies to be very high while others are on the lower end.

Up until today I've been lucky enough to avoid MS but it officially kicked in last night... and it seems more like "all day sickness".... it's been more of a constant gassy nauseous feeling, no vomiting so far but my goodness it definitely makes the days more difficult.

I know right?! I told myself I wouldn't even read what to expect because I heard there were so many "you're probably fine.... But.." Moments in there. And look at me now! I'm officially blocking myself from that madness

Sorry to hear about your ms :(
I have such bad backache today. Sat with a hot water bottle on it to try and ease the pain. Hoping it's not a bad sign.
MamaBunny2 - My mom has been welcoming too, thank god. She doesn't get too personal though. I bet your mom doesn't like the smoking and drinking because it reminds her of her loss. How did it go yesterday?

Mango - I lost 3 babies in the last year, all around this time. So my worry is not going anywhere anytime soon. But I am trying not to stress over it.

nikkchikk - Thanks. I grew up in a very multi cultural area so it's not a big deal to me. I really look forward to seeing what we each pass on to our lo. I am really fair skin and burn in the sun, I look forward to my child not going through that!

knobby - Im with you on the pain, just a couple times. I git out of bed too quick yesterday and it was horrible.

xLaura - Sorry to hear about your tough time. I hope you have help. I have my MS and 2 newborns (Im a foster parent) so it's tough when the kids don't understand.

shellideaks - I don't think I have heard that a backache is a bad sign, that would be cramping. I have definitely heard of backaches as a typical pregnancy issue. So it's a good thing, as much as it hurts.
My only symptom (pressure boobs, not sore but inflated like pressure) is gone... I'm so so worried and confused and sad. I don't want to leave the September sweet peas group... I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens next :/

Good day to you all and hugs
Hi ladies! Was super cold and snowy out while taking my kiddos to school and myself into work - blah! I'm having a great day! I got the telling my mom part done and over with! :happydance: It wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be. She wasn't thrilled, but she stayed at my house and her and I got to talk for awhile and then my SO brought my kids home and we all went out to dinner at Olive Garden (I can't wait to dig into my leftovers for lunch today). My mom really included my SO into conversation and it made me feel so much better. She even apologized to him after dinner for being so negative and judgmental and treating him how she did before, congratulated me and hugged us both. I told her we will have to get together more often and told my partner that I will be making sure to call her at least once a week and regularly keep in touch/check on her via text :thumbup: So excited for my 8 week appointment today, even though it will be uneventful I'm anxious to get to my next appointment and hear our baby's heartbeat! And we are going to make our big news public this evening. I'm cooking a pasta dinner and him and I are doing the "We're Prego" photo announcement on Facebook.
Everyones scan pics look so cute :)

Mamabunny2 why wouldn't the check hearbeat today? May be they will :)

My breakfasts have been like Mango's :blush::haha::dohh::wacko: Everything and anything I see I eat... I think for me it's a way to deal with stress more than a pregnancy symptom though...

MamaBunny2 , i'm so glad things went well with your mom. And she even apologized....that's awesome!! I know that's a big load off of your mind.

xLaura , I hope you feel better soon!

Kika7, I'm the exact same way. Eating everything in sight. Trying to make sure I keep healthy stuff around. I have a real sweet tooth now.

Melewen, ooo how exciting, glad the scan went well. Mine scan is on Tuesday but now i'm worried because they are calling for snow Monday night into Tuesday. I really hope they're wrong and don't mess up my appointment!
Kika7 0 My breasts were really hurting till yesterday and now they have eased up. I hear it happens to others. I don't think we should worry.
Melewen: to answer you beta question, yes. I also fell down the google black hole when I got my 5w3d beta back at 15,000. According to 'average' levels at that stage, expected levels are 18-8000. The nurse commented that they were higher than usual so she booked me a scan at 6w0d (yay! early scan!). I read the same info you did, about downs and multiples, and I got myself properly freaked out. I asked other women on BnB and one woman said that HER doctor told her that unless the levels are over 100,000 that early, he (and she) have nothing to be concerned about. Number also don't indicate multiples. Some women I asked had normal levels and ended up with multiples and some with high numbers only had one. So in the end, the HCG level range of normal is VAST.
MamaBunny2 - Im so glad things went well. It sounds like they went way better than you could ever expect. It's great that this has brought you all closer. :happydance:
Mamabunny2 why wouldn't the check hearbeat today? May be they will :)

They told me no heartbeat at this appointment :nope: I believe they don't do it until the 12 week appointment because it's so early to catch with a doppler. When I went for my very first appointment when pregnant with my son, they did the initial nurse consult as well as listened to the heartbeat and I believe my first vaginal exam all in one because I was nearly halfway through my pregnancy :wacko: Stupid, stupid me :dohh: I've never had any complications or any concerns, my pregnancies and births were a breeze. Unless they changed their policies I doubt I'll hear my bean til 12 weeks and not see him/her til 18-20 weeks.
Hi all :hi:
I've been lurking around a few days now. I'm in the PAL sweetpeas group but since we're all due in Sept I wanted to share your stories/scans/pics/fears etc!! I have a lot of time on my hands right now since I broke my foot mid-dec and am off work till Feb 9th. It was my right foot so I can't drive either. Lots of time for me to chat online :haha:
So about me... I'm from Ontario Canada. This will be baby #1. Got my :bfp: on saturday. According to my LMP I'm due Sept 18 but I think I o'd late so we'll see! I have a dating scan booked for Jan 29. I had my first doc appt monday and got bloodwork yesterday... impatiently awaiting the results. I have on and off symptoms which are kind of scaring me... since I'm a little off right now. But my bbs still hurt and I'm bloated sooo good signs I hope!!
Hi ladies! Hope everyone is doing well!!

I was taken to the ER Sunday afternoon for a high fever and severe back pain, hospitalized for 2 days. My white count was high but they could never figure out the exact cause. They're thinking kidney stones or infection. :( At the hospital they did bloodwork and ultrasounds. HCG was 1753 and the ultrasound showed at least one sac, possibly two. Will know more on the 2nd when I have my next ultrasound. My OB said he wasn't 100% convinced there are two, but it's hard to be sure this early. I will seriously faint if there are two! :o At this point I'm just hoping for a healthy baby, and hoping that this illness doesn't affect growth. Nausea and sore boobs are awful this time! :(
MamaBunny that's such great news about your mum and is definitely a step forward that she could be civil and even apologised to your SO! :thumbup:
Just got home after my 8 week appointment. Nothing exciting to report other than I've gained 6 pounds at least and they drew blood :sad2: I hate needles!

My next appointment is in 2 weeks on February 4th! :happydance: I'll get to hear my baby!
Hey everyone! I took a little time away from the world due to my issues that were going on. Father of the baby and I are not together, he hasn't really asked about this child until his aunt said something to him which today I asked her not to say anything because i don't want to force it on him. After everything I don't care if he's in the life or not. I do not want to be with him.

On a lighter note I am 7 weeks today and had my first appt! Reality really set in!!! 156 beats per min. With the heart. They wanna keep check on mine and the babies hearts. I got labs done today, scheduled with cardiologist, and figuring when they will start testing for any fetal heart issue. Going to get a blood drawn in a few weeks for gender and abnormalities. Reason for all the heart stuff Is because of my heart surgery and heart issues I've had and me being out of breath and having heart palpitations/arrhythmias again since I got pregnant, And both sides of my family have heart issues. Hopefully the photo attached, on my phone at the moment. :) u/s done vaginally.


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Nikkchikk pretty sure we are having the same pregnancy! First the weird dip on the day of :bfp: and now high HCG. Is that picture in your siggy from your first scan? Did they hear the heartbeat? They wouldn't give me pictures because there wasn't a heartbeat yet.. boo!

NurseGinger I'm sorry to hear that about you and him :( but it sounds like you're in a good place with it! So so exciting to hear the heartbeat :) I can't wait!

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