2015 September Sweet Peas!!! all welcome to join

I went for my 7 week u/s and everything looks great. :happydance: I don't have another u/s till 10 weeks.

I don't have any bad news to stress over and I usually miscarry by 6 weeks. Now I'm confused, what do I do? lol No stress, No u/s, no TWW, no bbt, no BDing for baby makin'...I'm not used to this. It's been two years of trying, that's the life I know. :shrug: ha ha
Hey guys my doc dates me by my lmp which gives me a due date of September 21 however I normally ovulate late which puts me at October 02. I don't really know where I belong lol.
Hi everyone,
have found myself back on the expecting boards very unexpectedly! found out yesterday i'm pregnant with number 3! about 5/6 wks pregnant and due mid Sep. :happydance:

Still very much in shock although that is starting to make way for excitment!
Congratulations ttc! 😄
Hi Kota and congratulations! I'm due around mid sept unexpectedly too! I was very shocked to begin with but very excited now!
Is anyone else having really vivid dreams? I remember having them in my last pregnancy aswel. It's strange cause I don't normally have dreams - or remember them anyway. But recently I'm having them all the time, really strange/weird stuff aswel. Also I wake numerous times throughout the night and everytime I go back sleep I have another dream.
Is anyone else having really vivid dreams? I remember having them in my last pregnancy aswel. It's strange cause I don't normally have dreams - or remember them anyway. But recently I'm having them all the time, really strange/weird stuff aswel. Also I wake numerous times throughout the night and everytime I go back sleep I have another dream.

I had them in my last pregnancy not not in this one yet although last night I dreamt we were at the 20week scan and found out it's a boy but that's probably because I'm convinced I've a blue bean this time 😄
no strange dreams here yet, think i'm so tired i'm sleeping way to heavily for dreaming! lol

quick question... does anyone know if there has been a FB group set up for the Sep Sweet Peas ?
TTC, great news on scan!

Kota, welcome and h&h 9 months (well the remaining of it :))

I was going to ask about vivid dreams...with my first pregnancy I had them since a few days after Ovu up to a week before I miscarried. This time NOTHING :/ is it normal?

Hey guys my doc dates me by my lmp which gives me a due date of September 21 however I normally ovulate late which puts me at October 02. I don't really know where I belong lol.

September/october... close enough!!! hang with us!! Welcome and congrats!! :)

And welcome to you too, Kota. Congrats!!!

No vivid dreams for me. I had them with my ectopic though.
Hello everyone I some how couldn't find this group, I have a few things to catch you up on, I have my first appt with maternal fetus specialist today, I'm sure their going to put me on insulin. Praying they do another ultrasound, my doc mentioned their equipment is better. My head has been hurting on and off, I'm assuming its because of the diabetes and pregnancy

also on Tuesday had my first ultrasound due to having high blood sugars and needing med management. They said they the gestational sac was too small to measure or really see anything in-depth on the ultrasound, they think its probably to early. They are ordering a blood hgc test, a1c (for the diabetes) and referring me to a high risk doctor who's going manage my diabetes. My urine did come back positive. The doctor said at this point they are trying to out weigh 3 things the doctor said: normal developing pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, or early miscarriage. Going to see me next week for a second ultrasound. He then came back and said " everything is looking good, its just super early. And we have alot of work to do".

no ultrasound pic, I guess because I wouldn't have seen anything? Was I suppose to ask? They also kept my due date as 9/19/15 until a ultrasound picture can be confirmed. I will say as the ultrasound tech was looking I asked "do you see anything". She said " yes it looks like I see a sac but its too small to measure" I didn't ask anymore questions, something about those techs, they don't really like talking!

also she typed down: two small forbids, two small cysts on left ovary. I only knew about the forbids from November. I didn't even inquire with doc. I'll ask about it next week.

There going to call me once the results are in. Still no call as of Thursday morning.

-I'm going to catch up with you guys and comment on another post.
NurseGinger Yay bumpbuddy I'm so glad you're back on BnB! We've all missed you :hugs:

Kota I know there's an August Sunflower private group set up that I'm in but I don't think there's one for September. Someone should start one!

xLaura Yes! I just dreamt last night that my SO really pissed me off and then I had my us and everyone was there but him. My mom blurted out "It's a girl!" and I was livid because I wanted to guess the sex after looking at the us and also really wanting a boy. :growlmad: I've also had a lot of vivid XXX-rated dreams involving me and my partner :blush:

AFM After my appointment yesterday we announced our big news via Facebook:

He posted this one from his account...

I posted this one from mine...

The caption said "We are proud to announce the upcoming arrival of our lil meatball on or around September 2nd!" :laugh2:

We got a lot of congratulations :thumbup:
Now of course I have to vent. My hormones must've had me super easily irritated yesterday. It was a good day, I was excited for my 8 week appointment. We are at the office and the nurse is going over everything and then schedules my next appointment. I could choose February 4th or 11th and of course I wanted ASAP so chose the 4th... to which my SO replied "Oh but that's the day Switchez (that big slobbery dog of his I don't care for) gets his nuts chopped off". To which I replied "Well then you go be with the dog and I'll come listen to our baby's heart". He was like "Don't start or you're gonna piss me off...". Uh, I'm already there dude :growlmad: And once the appointment was set his mom said "Oooh can I come to the heartbeat appointment?!" and he immediately replied "Well yes". :saywhat: Um what? I was going to talk to him about the appointment where we we first hear our baby's heartbeat and that I would like it to be special for just me and him that time. I didn't realize the nurse would schedule my next appointment right then and there with his mom sitting next to me. So great... I'll be the b*tch pregnant girlfriend if I say she can't come. So then I was sent to the lab for a blood draw :wacko: I hate needles and was super nervous. I signed in and he just haaaad to go smoke and get on Facebook. His mom had left after the nurse consult so of course as soon as he walks out to go do that I get called back and had to call him on his phone to come back in and I had to carry my sweater, coat, purse, bag with pee sample, bag of papers and books I received and our drinks we got from the vending machine into the back room where they would stab me with the needle. Then I had to go let him in when he made it in. I had met him at the office separately for the appointment because we were both at work and on my drive home I started to cry. I was so pissed and upset mainly about the stupid dog comment. At home, he could sense my mood and asked if I wanted him to leave me alone and asked what was wrong and what did he do. I told him and he said "Well I don't have to pick up the dog until 6:30 that day. It has nothing to do with anything anyways". I replied with "OK? Then what was the need to even mention it in the first place? Exactly. It has NOTHING to do with our baby and who the f*ck cares about it?!?!" We had to run to the store to get food for dinner. When we got home, I asked him if he would like to go nap while I cook dinner because he has been getting to bed a lot later than usual the past couple days and I knew he was very tired. So I'm fixing homemade marinara sauce, cooking spaghetti and homemade breaded chicken with parmesan, parsley and cheese for the Facebook reveal photo. I was trying to hurry because it was getting late, he had to get to bed and also his mom was really anxious to make her own Facebook announcement but waiting until we shared the news first. I ran upstairs to find my camera while dinner was cooking and find him laying in bed with his nose in his phone, on Facebook. I said "If I knew you were just gonna come up here and be on your phone then I would've had you help me with dinner". UGH!!! Thankfully, I'm having a better day today... so far. I swear it takes all I have not to go completely insanely full-on b*tch mode sometimes.
Mama bunny 2 what a lovely announcement pic and I found it really cute his mom was anxious about her FB announcement...ya really sweet :) I've heard stories of in-laws not being excited about pregnancies and I like how excited yours was :) I don't think she should be coming to the appointment but even if she ends up there with you and your OH you'll be so excited to hear your baby's <3 beat you won't even notice her ...and she will be excited too ...

I just can't get over the pic it's so so amazingly wonderful, I like the spaghetti and the facial expressions just say it all :p
Babifever I just had a scan two days ago and my tech was really good at her job (but not my favorite person..) so she saw the sac, it was only 3mm though! She said she wouldn't give me photos until a heartbeat and I was a bit peeved but I think that's probably normal. Can't wait to hear updates from you!
I try to think of how lucky we are that his family is SO excited and happy and this is his first child and his mom's first grandchild so I guess it's not that big of a deal. I'm not expecting him to be able to come to every appointment because of work so would be fine if his mom came to any others. Just a few things I was hoping to share privately with him but even if it doesn't happen that way I'll still enjoy his reaction to hearing our baby for the first time.
Babifever I just had a scan two days ago and my tech was really good at her job (but not my favorite person..) so she saw the sac, it was only 3mm though! She said she wouldn't give me photos until a heartbeat and I was a bit peeved but I think that's probably normal. Can't wait to hear updates from you!

hey hun. How far do they have you at? Just got my hcg back its 615.

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