2015 September Sweet Peas!!! all welcome to join

Regarding our Facebook photo announcement... A LOT of people were congratulating him on his photo post, some included me too of course. Someone said "Oh yeah and Jyllian too lol". I commented with "Hey now I'M the one cooking the meatball here! He supplied the sauce." :rofl:
They say 5w4d but I think it's a little less than that. My HCG is really high, probably 12000 by now. It was 5795 on Monday. Do you know when you O'd? They didn't date me based on the scan since baby was only like 1.5 mm then.. Aw!
They say 5w4d but I think it's a little less than that. My HCG is really high, probably 12000 by now. It was 5795 on Monday. Do you know when you O'd? They didn't date me based on the scan since baby was only like 1.5 mm then.. Aw!

I have no idea. I was thinking around Dec 27, CD 16, but if that's the case then I'm measuring behind and there could be a problem.....not that I'm a doc. But I would be 5 weeks, 5 days today, they would have seen a sac. They couldn't make it out Tuesday.. Based on my hcg I'm 4-5. They kept me at 9/19 based on lmp of Dec 13. Based on my calculations according to my hcg of 615 and the link below I'm 4 weeks 5 days due 9/26. I'm sure my DD will be adjusted. My calculations are pointing at ovulation on CD22.

I'm only 615 hcg I can't be 5 weeks 5 days unless something is wrong!
hcg link: https://www.babymed.com/hcg-level-in-early-pregnancy
Oh... just remembered not only will we be hearing the baby's heartbeat at the next appointment but the doctor will be performing a full pelvic exam. And his mom want's to be there... Can we say awkward? I hate being in this position. I'm just going to have to sit down and talk to him about my feelings and hopefully he will understand. It's so easy for him to just say yes without thinking... and then leave it to me to be the one that decides otherwise. Because now if he tells her she can't come it falls on ME since he's already given her the OK. I wish he wouldn't have said anything to begin with.
Oh... just remembered not only will we be hearing the baby's heartbeat at the next appointment but the doctor will be performing a full pelvic exam. And his mom want's to be there... Can we say awkward? I hate being in this position. I'm just going to have to sit down and talk to him about my feelings and hopefully he will understand. It's so easy for him to just say yes without thinking... and then leave it to me to be the one that decides otherwise. Because now if he tells her she can't come it falls on ME since he's already given her the OK. I wish he wouldn't have said anything to begin with.

I understand just talk with him. Maybe she can step out during that part.
WOW So much happens on here in a single day!

MamaBunny2 I think my OB will be the same, not sure they do ultrasounds this early but will find out end of next week.I hate needles as well. Hopefully the nurse was gentle. Hopefully So is a little more considerate moving forward. He probably didn't even realize it, men can be really oblivious! But I'd definitely agree wit not wantinga bunch of people at my scan. Did you decide to let his mom come or did you explain that you preferred for it to be just you and him?

Carebear1981 welcome on over! Sorry to hear about your foot. We have the same due dates :happydance: (according to my LMP) But I have not yet been for a scan so I'll have to wait until my OB fully confirms it.

Babydreams85 glad to hear your fever has gone down. Hope the ms gets better for you though. And my goodness waiting to hear lil one's heartbeat on the scan is hard enough but waiting to see if there are two heartbeats must have you through the roof. Best of luck with your next scan. :flower:

NurseGinger sorry to hear all that you are going through right now. :hugs: Seems like everything at once. But sounds like you are managing through everything pretty well. How often will you be going in for scans/monitoring?

TTC First glad your US went well, understandably I'd be stressed to with your experience but wishing you a happy and easy 9 months hun, stress free. Oh and what to do instead of worrying? LOL I'm sure you can come up with a long list!

3boys welcome on over, we'd love to have you here either way. When is your next scan to confirm dates?

Welcome Kota! How are you feeling?

babifever have you gone through a pregnancy before with diabetes? Glad ot hear your tests have gone really well so far! Fingers crossed they continue that way :flower:

My days have been ok. The MS has be down and the gassy feeling is so uncomfortable. I was trying to wait to DH's bday to tel him but the MS burst my surprise so I had to let him know sooner. He was starting to get concerned. .... I just feel like blaaah :sick:
Mango I'm going to mention it to him today. We could ask her to step out but I mean first off I wanted it to be just me and him to begin with when we hear OUR baby's heartbeat for the first time... and now she has to be shooed out because I'm uncomfortable as well? What if they send me to the exam room and ask me to undress upon entering while I wait for the doctor (as they always have for pelvic exam appointments)? Then it's going to be super awkward and inconvenient. I just want to enjoy this special visit with my SO. In my opinion, it makes more sense for her to patiently wait until our third appointment where the doctor will listen to the heart and measure my belly, no undressing, no pelvic exam. And if she wants to come to any other non invasive appointments that's fine as well.
@mango yes with my son I had gestational diabetes. Now I'm type 2. Honestly I wasn't taking my insulin or watching diet with my son. He was perfect and 5.14. No excuses. I was young and my doc was lenient....this time it will be another ball game. Luckily I dont have a big appetite when pregnant, that would make it harder to manage. I usually eat alot
Mango I can't believe you kept it a sectet :p I couldn't :)

Babifever when is your next appointment? You could have had late implantation or messed up days... I'm freaking out myself having high NK cells and getting no treatment for it :( it'll be a miracle if my baby survives...but I'm tryikg to keep positive ...
Hi Mango :hi: I don't have the for sure date either but I have a scan booked for Jan 29. I can't wait!!! Also waiting to hear from the doc about my HCG numbers. FX it's today!! It think I o'd late... judging by when me and hubby BD'd cuz this was kinda sorta an accident. but the best accident ever!! How you feeling?

Mamabunny - I went with a friend before to her scan and she went in and they called me in when she had the baby up on the monitor. Maybe they will do that for you. Take you in first (and maybe SO as well) and then call his mom in when u both are ready
Is anyone else having really vivid dreams? I remember having them in my last pregnancy aswel. It's strange cause I don't normally have dreams - or remember them anyway. But recently I'm having them all the time, really strange/weird stuff aswel. Also I wake numerous times throughout the night and everytime I go back sleep I have another dream.

Yes! My dreams have been crazy. Last night I vividly dreamt of going in for our scan and seeing the embryos super up close (kind of like the pictures they have on babycenter) and that's right, I said embryoS. I dreamt there were two and a third sac but no embryo. I was freaking out. I reallyyyyy hope there's only one in there. My scan is next Friday, so I guess I'll be having stress dreams for a week until the appt :dohh:
Mango I can't believe you kept it a sectet :p I couldn't :)

Babifever when is your next appointment? You could have had late implantation or messed up days... I'm freaking out myself having high NK cells and getting no treatment for it :( it'll be a miracle if my baby survives...but I'm tryikg to keep positive ...

headed to high risk appointment now :)
Thanks mango I'm not in any hurry to go to the docs and say I'm pregnant. So I don't know when i will have a scan I just know from previous pregnancies they always go by my lmp and not when I ovulated and then I end up going "overdue"
Thanks mango I'm not in any hurry to go to the docs and say I'm pregnant. So I don't know when i will have a scan I just know from previous pregnancies they always go by my lmp and not when I ovulated and then I end up going "overdue"

Here they go by your lmp as a guide up till your 12 week scan and then they use the scan to date your pregnancy. So your due date can be put forward or back if needed. However they won't change it after that scan if you measure ahead it behind in later scans.

I just assumed they did that everywhere, makes sense really as everyone ovulates different like you say.
No Laura I always ovulate late on all 6 pregnancies but my dates where never changed I think I have big babies or something lol
Also they never give a scan over here until around 17 weeks and I think it's not as accurate then so they go by lmp except there is a massive difference.
MamaBunny2 - Both DH and I totally understand where you are coming from. Even he said that he wouldn't want family in there for any appointments. I don't think that I could have an u/s with others in the room. They don't do the external u/s for heartbeat for quite some time. Maybe then I would feel comfortable but still feel it's unnecessary. You are being kind with what you are offering to her already but DH should take your lead as to what you are comfortable with. Nobody overrules the chef!
Thank you Mango!! :hugs:

Congrats to the ladies who have had perfect scans!! How exciting!

I too have had really vivid (strange) dreams. A lot of them are about sex. :haha:

I have had some pink spotting/discharge this morning and light cramping. Scaring me a little, but I am still very nauseous and boobs are still sore, so I'm hoping that's a good sign. I had bleeding when pregnant with my son, from 4 weeks through 8 weeks...and he was fine. Still makes you worry after losses, though. :nope: Please stick little baby!!!

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