2015 September Sweet Peas!!! all welcome to join

I have another scan on the 11th which im excited about. Im going to see family and friends today since ive been so ill although i should really be on bedrest! Hubby is going to do the driving though and i must be ill because im letting him drive my beautiful porshe. Hes not allowed to touch it usually since hes the one thats getting the family car!

I love looking at other peoples scans i cant figure out how to load mine!

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Babifever my scan is tomorrow at 2:30!! I actually had a dream based off of one of your posts last night I think - I dreamt that I had the scan and they saw the heartbeat but it was only 121 bpm and you had just posted yours so in the dream I was comparing and I knew it was too low! Then I woke up and was like wtf... Haha. Praying for a good result tomorrow... a bit nervous not gonna lie! Don't know how I'll make it through the morning!!

I met with my doula today and she. is. AWESOME! She's a prenatal yoga teacher as well so I am like beyond stoked. One question for you ladies.. so she can either perform basic doula services OR she can work as a montrice, since she's almost a midwife. A montrice can do vaginal exams (and in labor she says they will only do one.. and then watch the sacral line to see how dilated I am, no more vaginal exams than absolutely necessary) and can monitor the baby's heart rate with a fetoscope. She's already $700 (in addition to the hospital.. which is not even totally covered by insurance! Ugh! Another $600) for just doula services.. a montrice is $850. I want to labor at home as long as possible and the hospital is only about 10 minutes away. What do you think? What would you do? Is the montrice bit worth it?
Babifever my scan is tomorrow at 2:30!! I actually had a dream based off of one of your posts last night I think - I dreamt that I had the scan and they saw the heartbeat but it was only 121 bpm and you had just posted yours so in the dream I was comparing and I knew it was too low! Then I woke up and was like wtf... Haha. Praying for a good result tomorrow... a bit nervous not gonna lie! Don't know how I'll make it through the morning!!

I met with my doula today and she. is. AWESOME! She's a prenatal yoga teacher as well so I am like beyond stoked. One question for you ladies.. so she can either perform basic doula services OR she can work as a montrice, since she's almost a midwife. A montrice can do vaginal exams (and in labor she says they will only do one.. and then watch the sacral line to see how dilated I am, no more vaginal exams than absolutely necessary) and can monitor the baby's heart rate with a fetoscope. She's already $700 (in addition to the hospital.. which is not even totally covered by insurance! Ugh! Another $600) for just doula services.. a montrice is $850. I want to labor at home as long as possible and the hospital is only about 10 minutes away. What do you think? What would you do? Is the montrice bit worth it?

the doctors told me 121 was fine????????? And that it would increase as the baby grows and decrease closer to delivery.......
So I went the docs yday and he signed me off sick for 2 weeks, but wouldn't prescribe me anything and said to see how I go on resting. Yeah cause its easy to rest with a nearly 2year old running around lol.

Yesterday was an alright day actually I was really sick in the morning, but actually managed to keep my dinner and tea down which is an improvement. We also told the inlaws last night aswel. We were going to tell them this weekend anyway, but as they were supposed to be looking after LO today whilst I was at work, oh told them over the phone last night so that we weren't lying to them about why I was off work. I think they are pleased for us, they worry about everything far too much and always said to wait till LO was in school before having another one, so we weren't sure how they would react but at the end of the day it's our life.

I NEED to clean my house today. It's a MESS. With being so sick lately I haven't done any house work apart from cleaning the toilet, as that's where I spend most if my time with my head down haha. And it's got so bad, OH has been good with cooking and washing dishes - but that's as far as he goes so I NEED to get my arse in gear.

Is anyone else letting housework slip? Or isit just me.
So I went the docs yday and he signed me off sick for 2 weeks, but wouldn't prescribe me anything and said to see how I go on resting. Yeah cause its easy to rest with a nearly 2year old running around lol.

Yesterday was an alright day actually I was really sick in the morning, but actually managed to keep my dinner and tea down which is an improvement. We also told the inlaws last night aswel. We were going to tell them this weekend anyway, but as they were supposed to be looking after LO today whilst I was at work, oh told them over the phone last night so that we weren't lying to them about why I was off work. I think they are pleased for us, they worry about everything far too much and always said to wait till LO was in school before having another one, so we weren't sure how they would react but at the end of the day it's our life.

I NEED to clean my house today. It's a MESS. With being so sick lately I haven't done any house work apart from cleaning the toilet, as that's where I spend most if my time with my head down haha. And it's got so bad, OH has been good with cooking and washing dishes - but that's as far as he goes so I NEED to get my arse in gear.

Is anyone else letting housework slip? Or isit just me.

My house is a mess too deep don't worry! Between the MS and my 13mth old I've given up on the house till I feel better! I know once I feel better I'll get back on top of it! X
Hi Babifever, glad to hear your scan went ok!

Welcome Horseyplay :flower:

xLaura I don't even try to bother with housework. I have horrible all day sickness and am barely coping through work (A b6 vitamin has helped with coping). I just crawl into bed as soon as I get home. My bed is now where I eat dinner, watch tv, read, help DD with her homework... DH has taken on a bigger share (well all) of the housework as I can't manage right now. Hopefully soon it eases so I can get back to helping out more.

Any idea is MS last just as long as first pregnancies? I had mine well into 2nd tri and I'm praying it doesn't last as long this time! :nope:
I'm calling the girl who cleans our house stat!! We had stopped using her recently to just do it ourselves but I think over the next year we will be seeing a lot of her... Luckily she's super cheap!

Babifever that is too funny! Even in my dream I shouldn't have been worried! Fx for today's scan!!! I'm nervous!
I want a cleaning lady but my dh is totally against it. Luckily he does a lot around the house.

Xlaura, that's odd that your dr. won't prescribe something for your sickness. Hope the rest helps. Don't worry about the house!
Hey ladies! My 10 week appointment went well yesterday, for the most part. My SO met me there. I gave a urine sample, checked blood pressure and weight (141.5 from pre-preggy 136) then got situated on the table, awaiting the doctor. He immediately checked for the heartbeat... nothing... checked more... nothing... checked some more... still nothing :sad2: I was super tense and panicking. He went ahead with my exam. I asked "What if you can't find a heartbeat?!" He didn't seem concerned. I was in SUPER PANIC MODE. I was scared, mad, worried, sad... but I tried to reassure myself that if there seemed to be an issue that my doctor would say something, especially during the exam. I asked him if my cervix was blue which made him and the nurse laugh. She said "Sounds like someone's been doing their research. I don't think I've ever heard someone ask that before!" (FYI it wasn't blue. Guess it's an early pregnancy thing and only a percentage of women get it :shrug:) After he finished with that, my doctor said he would try moving my uterus upward towards my abdomen to try and get a listen for the heartbeat. It was kind of awkward, him digging all up in me with one hand and using the doppler with the other, pushing around and all. But then finally...

We only got to hear it for a few seconds because of course as soon as that little heartbeat came on I started to cry which made me tense up and the doctor lost it. But it's enough to reassure me that I am really pregnant. There's a baby in there! :thumbup:

*Sorry I'm not sure how to attach the video file as an actual video in the post. I think it downloads the clip :shrug:
Hey ladies! My 10 week appointment went well yesterday, for the most part. My SO met me there. I gave a urine sample, checked blood pressure and weight (141.5 from pre-preggy 136) then got situated on the table, awaiting the doctor. He immediately checked for the heartbeat... nothing... checked more... nothing... checked some more... still nothing :sad2: I was super tense and panicking. He went ahead with my exam. I asked "What if you can't find a heartbeat?!" He didn't seem concerned. I was in SUPER PANIC MODE. I was scared, mad, worried, sad... but I tried to reassure myself that if there seemed to be an issue that my doctor would say something, especially during the exam. I asked him if my cervix was blue which made him and the nurse laugh. She said "Sounds like someone's been doing their research. I don't think I've ever heard someone ask that before!" (FYI it wasn't blue. Guess it's an early pregnancy thing and only a percentage of women get it :shrug:) After he finished with that, my doctor said he would try moving my uterus upward towards my abdomen to try and get a listen for the heartbeat. It was kind of awkward, him digging all up in me with one hand and using the doppler with the other, pushing around and all. But then finally...

We only got to hear it for a few seconds because of course as soon as that little heartbeat came on I started to cry which made me tense up and the doctor lost it. But it's enough to reassure me that I am really pregnant. There's a baby in there! :thumbup:

*Sorry I'm not sure how to attach the video file as an actual video in the post. I think it downloads the clip :shrug:

kool I heard it
xlaura My doc asked how I was feeling and I said I felt a bit queasy after eating.. and she was like do you want something for it?! I can't believe yours wouldn't give you anything!!

So peanut update! We had our scan today and the baby is measuring just perfectly! We even got a 3d view and saw the little tiny arms and feet.. ah! We heard the heartbeat and it's measuring 159 bpm which is perfect :) So all my fears are quelled! We love this little shrimp already

Babifever I just realized that YOUR bpm was 121 which is why I thought that in my dream. That's so crazy! I really put your info away subconsciously huh? In the dream I was just so nervous so I guess I was thinking something was wrong even though I did hear the HB? Lol. 121 is perfect. Ours is super fast which I think means... :blue: !!! And yours means :pink: .... just saying...... :D
xLaura, I've been horrible about keeping the house clean. With being so tired it is hard to get motivated to do it.

Mamabunny, I heard the heartbeat! Congrats!

melewen, WOW! I'm so jealous of your 3D scan! That is too cool! congrats!

I can't believe it is 10 weeks already for me! I just came back from my obstetric history, pap smear, pelvic exam, blood tests appointment. I'm scheduled for an NT scan for 11w6d. It's so easy to find the baby's heartbeat on doppler now! I just put the probe down and it's there pretty much :) I hope the rest of this trimester flies by!
mele - what a beautiful scan!! Definitely one for the baby book
Babifever I just realized that YOUR bpm was 121 which is why I thought that in my dream. That's so crazy! I really put your info away subconsciously huh? In the dream I was just so nervous so I guess I was thinking something was wrong even though I did hear the HB? Lol. 121 is perfect. Ours is super fast which I think means... :blue: !!! And yours means :pink: .... just saying...... :D

when I read your post about your dream I got worried. Started googling stuff, lol! From what I read the rate is between 110-180 is good around our stage. But anywho, your pictures look great. I thought it was the opposite, high means girl, low means boy? If I recall I believe my son would always be around 154 - 9 years ago. I really want a girl. My husband is dying for a boy. He has 2 girls already from previous relationship.....i have a son from previous. Lol. Either way I will be happy. We plan to have at least 2 together.
The fetal heart rate changes during pregnancy. And the gender thing is a myth. Babifever, you are exactly where you should be based on where you are in your pregnancy :thumbup:

A normal fetal heart rate (FHR) usually ranges from 120 to 160 beats per minute (bpm) in the in utero period. It is measurable sonographically from around 6 weeks and the normal range varies during gestation, increasing to around 170 bpm at 10 weeks and decreasing from then to around 130 bpm at term.

Evolution through gestation

Although the myocardium begins to contract rhythmically by 3 weeks after conception (from spontaneously depolarising myocardial pacemaker cells in the embryonic heart) it is first visible on sonography around 6 weeks of gestation. The FHR is then usually around 100 to 120 beats per minute (bpm).

FHR then increases progressively over the subsequent 2-3 weeks becoming 7:

~110 bpm (mean) by 5-6 weeks
~170 bpm by 9-10 weeks

This is followed by a decrease in FHR becoming on average:

~150 bpm by 14 weeks
~140 bpm by 20 weeks
~130 bpm by term​

I'm out ladies. We went in for our scan at 7w5d and I was only measuring 7w2d and they couldn't find a heartbeat. I'm thankful we caught it so quickly so that I know what to expect (trying to mc naturally) but we are heartbroken as this is our second angel in a row. We will try again but I feel extremely down. I'm wishing everyone a H&H rest of your pregnancies.
I'm out ladies. We went in for our scan at 7w5d and I was only measuring 7w2d and they couldn't find a heartbeat. I'm thankful we caught it so quickly so that I know what to expect (trying to mc naturally) but we are heartbroken as this is our second angel in a row. We will try again but I feel extremely down. I'm wishing everyone a H&H rest of your pregnancies.

so sorry hunni
I'm so sorry for your loss AngelOB :( My last miscarriage I went in at 7w6d for a scan and baby was measuring like yours without a heartbeat. I miscarried naturally too. Feel free to message me if you need someone to talk to :hugs:

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