2015 September Sweet Peas!!! all welcome to join

Got my doppler back today off a friend who borrowed it last year. Found bubs hb pretty much straight away :)

Congrats on all the scans ladies. I'm no good at gender prediction. With my first I dreamt it was a girl and it was. My husband and I think this is a girl. I keep calling it a girl. Not sure why. Maybe because I really want a boy so I'm trying to get myself used to the idea of two girls.

One of my best friends had a mc last week. It's heartbreaking. She was three weeks behind me. They have been trying for over two years and this is her third mc. I wish there was something I could do or say to help but there isn't. I'm going to feel guilty when I start showing. I hope she gets pregnant quickly again and the doctors give her progesterone. Tests showed her hormones were off before she conceived. She switched doctors because of a new job and they said she didn't need it. I'm just so angry for her.
I'm convinced I'm having a girl in this pregnancy!

How many of us is there in the group now?
Hey everybody. Nothing much here. Ordered a Doppler yesterday. Intuition still a girl. Today is day #2 of headache, not consistent, pulsing spasms and hurts on right side when I stand or move. My blood sugar has been low, so I suppose thats the issue. I had dark red spotting earlier, so I called my doc. She said I should be okay if im not cramping, and its not bright red blood. And its not. She said headache is because blood sugar too low. Not to let it get that low and take 2 Tylenols for headache. She said my last ultrasound showed a small hemorrhage from the baby implantation. And that could be the cause of the spotting or recent sex. She said she doesn't believe its a miscarriage. Next appointment Tuesday morning and I'll get an ultrasound. Other than the headache and nasty taste in mouth sometimes, I'm fine. Hope you all are ok!
Got my doppler back today off a friend who borrowed it last year. Found bubs hb pretty much straight away :)


So lovely hearing baby's heartbeat shellideaks :happydance:
I have been wondering whether to get a doppler this time, I've never had one. Which one do you have? There are so many different ones on Amazon xx
Got my doppler back today off a friend who borrowed it last year. Found bubs hb pretty much straight away :)


So lovely hearing baby's heartbeat shellideaks :happydance:
I have been wondering whether to get a doppler this time, I've never had one. Which one do you have? There are so many different ones on Amazon xx

Thank you :)

It's a Sonoline B fetal doppler. I got it 2nd off eBay for £25 in 2012. I've used it with DD, DS2 and now this one. Plus 4 people have borrowed it since I've owned it so it's had plenty of use lol.
Hey ladies! We decided we wanted to take the kids snow tubing at a ski resort yesterday and after extensive Googling and even posting a BnB thread as well as a Facebook post I was aggravated that 95% of responses were for me to not do it :growlmad: Well we went and I decided I could judge for myself after observing other tubers as well as sending my kids down then asking how the trip downhill was. My son said it was super smooth and harmless. So... I went... and SO glad I did! It was a BLAST! The ride downhill in the tube is super smooth and not once did I feel in danger or uncomfortable plus walking in the snow was a nice workout. There's a conveyor at the side of the hill that you stand on and it takes you to the top!

Here's a video of myself, my OH, our kids and four other friends linked up and traveling downhill in one of the lanes:


I had so much fun with my family and feel just fine today :)
Sounds like fun, mamabunny! I went tubing on the lake when I was a lot more pregnant. It was behind a pontoon going very slow so there was no jostling.
Are you still taking new members?

I'm a little late in the game but didn't feel comfortable joining in until now because of my history with 4 previous losses. Starting to really get optimistic that we may be bringing home a baby this time!

Due September 8th by LMP. In my scans I measured 4 days and then 5 days ahead but I believe my midwives are sticking with the LMP date which is ok with me!
:wave: hi confuzion!

So in bradley class tonight I learned that zofran has been linked to some pretty serious birth defects. If you take it Id read up on it.. I was so shocked! My doc even offered to give me "something" because I said I had meh m/s every now and then so i figure they prescribe it pretty often. Anyway I thought I should share..

Also I had a dream last night I had a penis?! I've read it can go either way on the gender for those dreams.. I would have thought since LO--if it's a boy--is already now producing testosterone but lots of people have had them and then gone on to have girls! It was a super bizarre dream to say the least...
Wow... FDA recommends against it in pregnancy! This is scary!


The "stronger pitocin" they sometimes give you (i forget the name) should be avoided too. It's supposed to be used for abortions but tons of hospitals use it to induce. Gotta be informed!
Some only just found this thread! Crazy! Anyway can I join in? I'm due sept 18th- got my bfp jan 10
:wave: hi confuzion!

So in bradley class tonight I learned that zofran has been linked to some pretty serious birth defects. If you take it Id read up on it.. I was so shocked! My doc even offered to give me "something" because I said I had meh m/s every now and then so i figure they prescribe it pretty often. Anyway I thought I should share..

Also I had a dream last night I had a penis?! I've read it can go either way on the gender for those dreams.. I would have thought since LO--if it's a boy--is already now producing testosterone but lots of people have had them and then gone on to have girls! It was a super bizarre dream to say the least...

wow super crazy dream, BOL
:wave: hi confuzion!

So in bradley class tonight I learned that zofran has been linked to some pretty serious birth defects. If you take it Id read up on it.. I was so shocked! My doc even offered to give me "something" because I said I had meh m/s every now and then so i figure they prescribe it pretty often. Anyway I thought I should share..

Also I had a dream last night I had a penis?! I've read it can go either way on the gender for those dreams.. I would have thought since LO--if it's a boy--is already now producing testosterone but lots of people have had them and then gone on to have girls! It was a super bizarre dream to say the least...

For someone who has done a lot of research on anti metics there are many studies for and agaisnt (then again isn't this always the case in every debate?) the main point being they can't actually do 'proper' research because it's unethical to test pregnant woman. So to cover everyone bums advice is not to take anything 'just incase'

The study you described (and the link you provided) has actually been contradicted by a massive study done in Denmark. So really noone actually knows.

I totally agree with You though, these drugs (or actually any drug) shouldn't be taken willy nilly or 'just incase' because it's not worth the risk.

For me, I do take anti emetics (not zofran) I'm suffering with HG and managed 3 weeks without anything before I ended up in hospital serverly dehydrated. The risks to carry on without any meds for myself, my unborn child and my 2 year old out weigh any 'possible' risks by taking them. At the end of the day it's down to every persons situation.

But in your situation I can't believe your doctor offered them 'just incase' mine wouldn't prescribe anything for 3 weeks until I became so ill.
Hi Confuzion and Littlejune!!

Funny dream Melewen. I've been having lots of sex dreams...well not really sex, but just very broody. I've been more so in real life too.

Pitocin scares me. It really ramps up contractions and the pain is much stronger, leading to more epidurals and more c sections. I know that's a big generalization but I know lots of women that were induced with pitocin, had an epi and ended with a C section. They gave me pitocin after I delivered to prevent blood clots while delivering the placenta. I didn't want it but was in a daze and just listened to the dr. I swear those contractions were worse than actual labor.
I had a dream that I went to a regular ob check. Well my dh was with me. You know how they ask you to pee to check for protein. Well they said they needed my dh pee too. So we went in the restroom together. I started to pee and could not stop and it was everywhere all over the walls.

just weird
:wave: hi confuzion!

So in bradley class tonight I learned that zofran has been linked to some pretty serious birth defects. If you take it Id read up on it.. I was so shocked! My doc even offered to give me "something" because I said I had meh m/s every now and then so i figure they prescribe it pretty often. Anyway I thought I should share..

Also I had a dream last night I had a penis?! I've read it can go either way on the gender for those dreams.. I would have thought since LO--if it's a boy--is already now producing testosterone but lots of people have had them and then gone on to have girls! It was a super bizarre dream to say the least...

For someone who has done a lot of research on anti metics there are many studies for and agaisnt (then again isn't this always the case in every debate?) the main point being they can't actually do 'proper' research because it's unethical to test pregnant woman. So to cover everyone bums advice is not to take anything 'just incase'

The study you described (and the link you provided) has actually been contradicted by a massive study done in Denmark. So really noone actually knows.

I totally agree with You though, these drugs (or actually any drug) shouldn't be taken willy nilly or 'just incase' because it's not worth the risk.

For me, I do take anti emetics (not zofran) I'm suffering with HG and managed 3 weeks without anything before I ended up in hospital serverly dehydrated. The risks to carry on without any meds for myself, my unborn child and my 2 year old out weigh any 'possible' risks by taking them. At the end of the day it's down to every persons situation.

But in your situation I can't believe your doctor offered them 'just incase' mine wouldn't prescribe anything for 3 weeks until I became so ill.

Currently there is a huge lawsuit pending from women who took zofran and suffered those birth defects, which--I'm married to an attorney and went to law school myself--wouldnt be shouldered with sound medical contradiction. It's just worth consideration in my opinion. I knew I would get some flak for posting it, even though the link between the two raised massive red flags, but I would personally want to know. It's like the anti-miscarriage drug we studied in law school that caused horrible birth defects--I don't want to be the first generation to take ANY medication during pregnancy. I didn't say my doctor offered zofran but just "something". I don't take drugs and we are having a natural birth so I of course turned her down before finding out exactly what that was. We run into problems when we use drugs that just "happen" to work for what we want, though they were developed--and clinical studies done specifically--for other afflictions, like the induction drug and abortions.. And zofran and chemo. But to each her own! The irony is many women who take zofran would wag their finger at a woman drinking a glass of wine a month :)
I had a dream that I went to a regular ob check. Well my dh was with me. You know how they ask you to pee to check for protein. Well they said they needed my dh pee too. So we went in the restroom together. I started to pee and could not stop and it was everywhere all over the walls.

just weird

At least you didn't grow male parts during this pee-a-thon! :rofl: pregnancy dreams are totally crazy!
Went to the doctor today measuring 9+5. LMP is 10+3. Baby's heart beat was 179. The little bean was justa moving about, kicking and stretching its legs. So cute already. Small hemorrhage still visualized. However, no issues or concerns. Doctor says I will experience spotting every no and again, especially after sex. I also got the harmony test done today. So we should know next week what the sex is! Any guesses....


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OMG!! I am so excited you got the Harmony test!!!! I am going to start that thread now and we can obsess over the next week with tests and old wives tales.. lol. I am so jealous, I really wanted it! That heartbeat is fierce! That would be one point for girl..

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