2015 September Sweet Peas!!! all welcome to join

:wave: hi confuzion!

So in bradley class tonight I learned that zofran has been linked to some pretty serious birth defects. If you take it Id read up on it.. I was so shocked! My doc even offered to give me "something" because I said I had meh m/s every now and then so i figure they prescribe it pretty often. Anyway I thought I should share..

Also I had a dream last night I had a penis?! I've read it can go either way on the gender for those dreams.. I would have thought since LO--if it's a boy--is already now producing testosterone but lots of people have had them and then gone on to have girls! It was a super bizarre dream to say the least...

For someone who has done a lot of research on anti metics there are many studies for and agaisnt (then again isn't this always the case in every debate?) the main point being they can't actually do 'proper' research because it's unethical to test pregnant woman. So to cover everyone bums advice is not to take anything 'just incase'

The study you described (and the link you provided) has actually been contradicted by a massive study done in Denmark. So really noone actually knows.

I totally agree with You though, these drugs (or actually any drug) shouldn't be taken willy nilly or 'just incase' because it's not worth the risk.

For me, I do take anti emetics (not zofran) I'm suffering with HG and managed 3 weeks without anything before I ended up in hospital serverly dehydrated. The risks to carry on without any meds for myself, my unborn child and my 2 year old out weigh any 'possible' risks by taking them. At the end of the day it's down to every persons situation.

But in your situation I can't believe your doctor offered them 'just incase' mine wouldn't prescribe anything for 3 weeks until I became so ill.

Currently there is a huge lawsuit pending from women who took zofran and suffered those birth defects, which--I'm married to an attorney and went to law school myself--wouldnt be shouldered with sound medical contradiction. It's just worth consideration in my opinion. I knew I would get some flak for posting it, even though the link between the two raised massive red flags, but I would personally want to know. It's like the anti-miscarriage drug we studied in law school that caused horrible birth defects--I don't want to be the first generation to take ANY medication during pregnancy. I didn't say my doctor offered zofran but just "something". I don't take drugs and we are having a natural birth so I of course turned her down before finding out exactly what that was. We run into problems when we use drugs that just "happen" to work for what we want, though they were developed--and clinical studies done specifically--for other afflictions, like the induction drug and abortions.. And zofran and chemo. But to each her own! The irony is many women who take zofran would wag their finger at a woman drinking a glass of wine a month :)

Totally no flak given from me, I agree with you people should be informed of the risks involved. I was just stating that people who take these drugs don't do it for no reason and if I could cope without them I would.

My point I was trying to make is that there is no certain answear as these kind of things cannot be trialed fairly. I've done loads of studies within the psychology field and it is just not possible to do anything with pregnant woman fairly without any bias. As woman who are likely to be up for it need to take the drugs because of how it is effecting their daily life. No woman in there right mind would volunteer for this kind of thing if they had no sickness or didn't need them. How many children are born with birth defects who's mothers have had no drugs? It's just simply way too open to make these general assumptions. However I totally agree with you there is a risk and people should be aware of this.

The only thing I disagree wih you is the wine drinking comment. Someone who chooses to take a tablet to stop them being sick has absouloutly nothing to do with someone who chooses to have a drink of alcohol. I don't choose to be sick, whereas i can choose weather I have alcohol or not.
Lovely scan Babifever I've got mine Friday. It seems like a life time away.
Phew.. it's official, I've created the ultimate gender prediction thread! Come play if you want! babifever let's see if we can get yours right! :D

Whew! More excitement I'm missing! I'll be hopping over to the gender thread as well...
I'm ALL about gender predictions.... ALSO I have my second OB appt tomorrow. My first at 7 wks went great, good hb and everything so fx the second one goes just as great!
arrgh, I want to participate in the gender prediction thread, but so many test I have not done and I m pretty lazy to go do all of them now.

Is anyone experience skin itchyness? my body skin feel so itchy through out the day (shoulder, belly, near my bra lines, butt, thight). What kind of cream/lotion are you mommies using to eliminate the itchyness? TIA
Had a docs appt today. He couldn't find the HB on Doppler. Trying not to freak out because I'm overweight and only 11 weeks and it's probably nothing - even he said sometimes doppler can't pick it up until 12-13 weeks. But still. Not feeling great atm.
Aries I left some blank like bump and key!

Tristansmom when are you going in next? Have they done an u/s?
:wave: hi confuzion!

So in bradley class tonight I learned that zofran has been linked to some pretty serious birth defects. If you take it Id read up on it.. I was so shocked! My doc even offered to give me "something" because I said I had meh m/s every now and then so i figure they prescribe it pretty often. Anyway I thought I should share..

Also I had a dream last night I had a penis?! I've read it can go either way on the gender for those dreams.. I would have thought since LO--if it's a boy--is already now producing testosterone but lots of people have had them and then gone on to have girls! It was a super bizarre dream to say the least...

For someone who has done a lot of research on anti metics there are many studies for and agaisnt (then again isn't this always the case in every debate?) the main point being they can't actually do 'proper' research because it's unethical to test pregnant woman. So to cover everyone bums advice is not to take anything 'just incase'

The study you described (and the link you provided) has actually been contradicted by a massive study done in Denmark. So really noone actually knows.

I totally agree with You though, these drugs (or actually any drug) shouldn't be taken willy nilly or 'just incase' because it's not worth the risk.

For me, I do take anti emetics (not zofran) I'm suffering with HG and managed 3 weeks without anything before I ended up in hospital serverly dehydrated. The risks to carry on without any meds for myself, my unborn child and my 2 year old out weigh any 'possible' risks by taking them. At the end of the day it's down to every persons situation.

But in your situation I can't believe your doctor offered them 'just incase' mine wouldn't prescribe anything for 3 weeks until I became so ill.

Currently there is a huge lawsuit pending from women who took zofran and suffered those birth defects, which--I'm married to an attorney and went to law school myself--wouldnt be shouldered with sound medical contradiction. It's just worth consideration in my opinion. I knew I would get some flak for posting it, even though the link between the two raised massive red flags, but I would personally want to know. It's like the anti-miscarriage drug we studied in law school that caused horrible birth defects--I don't want to be the first generation to take ANY medication during pregnancy. I didn't say my doctor offered zofran but just "something". I don't take drugs and we are having a natural birth so I of course turned her down before finding out exactly what that was. We run into problems when we use drugs that just "happen" to work for what we want, though they were developed--and clinical studies done specifically--for other afflictions, like the induction drug and abortions.. And zofran and chemo. But to each her own! The irony is many women who take zofran would wag their finger at a woman drinking a glass of wine a month :)

The irony is that many woman would wag their finger at a woman drinking wine?
That's a pathetic argument! Drinking alcohol and taking medications in pregnancy are not even remotely the same.
In my last pregnancy I had severe HG I was vomiting 30+ times a day and couldn't keep anything even fluid down I had to take zofran along with metclopramide, cyclizine and buccastem, high dose folic acid, & thiamine for most of the pregnancy as well as being admitted weekly till 18 weeks for fluid and vitamin infusions. If I hadn't received this treatment I don't know what would have happened to me or my DD please don't imply that people like me who suffered like this are making the same choice as someone drinking alcohol. I agree like Laura that people need to know the risks but not from people like you with no medical knowledge posting one link to a study, I'm all for natural but I hope you never encounter HG because ginger won't cut it.
The fact that your doctor just offered you 'something' is most probably do with the fact he can claim the cost back from your insurance or make you pay for it than your actual need. Like Laura I had to be admitted to hospital and needed 5litres of fluid before prescribed anything.
I once spoke to a lady from Ireland in her second pregnancy who had come to the uk for treatment as they wouldn't treat her HG back home and in her first pregnancy she ended up in intensive care with multi organ failure as a result of complications due to dehydration she nearly lost her life. People don't know how serious HG can be if not treated so don't judge people when you have no idea and no right.
arrgh, I want to participate in the gender prediction thread, but so many test I have not done and I m pretty lazy to go do all of them now.

Is anyone experience skin itchyness? my body skin feel so itchy through out the day (shoulder, belly, near my bra lines, butt, thight). What kind of cream/lotion are you mommies using to eliminate the itchyness?

I haven't done them all, just used what I know (that didn't require testing) and answered the ones I happened to do (baking soda and salt, Chinese gender) and figured out the Mayan calendar one in my head right then and there :thumbup:

From around 5/6 weeks until around 9/10 weeks I had HORRIBLE itchy skin with small red bumps (looked like bug bites) on my upper inner thighs, backs of ankles, under upper arms and sometimes random spots. I tried everything - regular moisturizer, medicated itch cream, in-shower lotion - and found that a homemade coconut oil/honey moisture bar that my friend gave me as a late Christmas gift seemed to help with the itching and actually make it stop :shrug: Not sure what it was but so glad it's gone!
Hi september moms- I have an ob appointment today- please keep fx for me!
Littlejune excited to hear what happens!

Lola you're responding like I made up the claim out of nowhere to be judgy, but it is a warning from the FDA! Would you *not* want to know? Apparently not. Women had HG before they prescribed zofran, so are you telling me zofran is the ONLY option? Of course if I had been sick, I would want to be informed and know my options and their potential consequences.. Which is why we have done such immense research on the effects of drugs and procedures during labor and delivery.

Massive research (and logic) show us that drinking lightly actually has ZERO effect on the baby (up to 8.5 glasses a week to be exact, but that's not exactly "lightly" for me). We are so worried about a single glass of wine but get defensive when a medication--developed and tested for people literally using radiation to kill cancer cells--has worrisome side effects. How many babies do you know with FAS that came from mothers who had a glass of champagne on their anniversary? Like.. I just don't see how that even makes sense.

Taking medication IS a choice. Being sick is not, but taking that *particular* prescription is, yes, a choice. If your doctor did not warn you of the dangers, then I feel that is extremely irresponsible. But There are warnings of the link between clefts and steroids (zofran, phenegren) in the very first article that comes up on medication in the treatment of HG, yet most women still don't seem to be aware. I wasn't until Monday, but it was never an issue for me of course.

My doctor--a woman, imagine that--knows I am going unmedicated and also that there are hundreds of other (safe) options out there for the mild nausea I experienced for a couple weeks (I thank magnesium dosage and natural vitamin K and A for this), so no need to insinuate my doctor--to whom I have been going for ten years--is crooked.
Littlejune excited to hear what happens!

Lola you're responding like I made up the claim out of nowhere to be judgy, but it is a warning from the FDA! Would you *not* want to know? Apparently not. Women had HG before they prescribed zofran, so are you telling me zofran is the ONLY option? Of course if I had been sick, I would want to be informed and know my options and their potential consequences.. Which is why we have done such immense research on the effects of drugs and procedures during labor and delivery.

Massive research (and logic) show us that drinking lightly actually has ZERO effect on the baby (up to 8.5 glasses a week to be exact, but that's not exactly "lightly" for me). We are so worried about a single glass of wine but get defensive when a medication--developed and tested for people literally using radiation to kill cancer cells--has worrisome side effects. How many babies do you know with FAS that came from mothers who had a glass of champagne on their anniversary? Like.. I just don't see how that even makes sense.

Taking medication IS a choice. Being sick is not, but taking that *particular* prescription is, yes, a choice. If your doctor did not warn you of the dangers, then I feel that is extremely irresponsible. But There are warnings of the link between clefts and steroids (zofran, phenegren) in the very first article that comes up on medication in the treatment of HG, yet most women still don't seem to be aware. I wasn't until Monday, but it was never an issue for me of

My doctor--a woman, imagine that--knows I am going unmedicated and also that there are hundreds of other (safe) options out there for the mild nausea I experienced for a couple weeks (I thank magnesium dosage and natural vitamin K and A for this), so no need to insinuate my doctor--to whom I have been going for ten years--is crooked.

Zofran is not neccessary for mild nausea no medication is. HG is not mild nausea. HG is a debilitating and awful condition. Your implying that I should have chosen to put mine and my child's life at risk because of a 'possible risk' my consultant said he has prescribed zofran for years to pregnant woman and yet to see any side effects.
Actually I didn't have a CHOICE zofran along with 3 other medications throughout my pregnancy were the only things that worked to stop the sickness.
People are ignorant to HG and have no idea what it's like so don't dare judge me.
As for alcohol there's no 'safe' limit there have been cases of FAS where the mother had only had a couple of drinks throughout pregnancy yet your implying I'm more irresponsible for taking neccessary medications. Hey we can't all be perfect.
Honestly I find you very arrogant ignorant and immature and I think life's a few lessons to teach you yet. I'm leaving this forum because I can't read anymore of this tripe.
Hey all of you people that are itching!

Itching can be a normal part of pregnancy however it can also be a sign of obstetric choleostatis. Keep an eye on it and if it starts waking you up at night then tell them at your next appt. Its just a blood test they need to do to rule it out and it is pretty rare but can be very severe :)
I had some crazy itching at the start but not as much lately. I was keeping body butter on every surface it seemed like! I'd pull up my shirt and scratch my back vigorously in public.. super sexy :rofl: Thanks for the info littleone :D
Aries I left some blank like bump and key!

Tristansmom when are you going in next? Have they done an u/s?

I had a u/s at 7 weeks 2 days, all looked ok then - measured at 7w4d and hb was 157. I'm trying to tell myself it's just because of the weight (I'm carrying about 40 extra lbs) plus it's hard to get a good reading off of a doppler before 12-13 weeks because the uterus is still mostly behind the pubic bone - baby could be implanted low - placenta could be in front - etc etc etc etc etc - but I'm still kinda freaking out. Doctor was SUPER not worried about it, says it's very normal, since I have no cramping or spotting he said just come back in 2 weeks and we'll try again. So I'm back in the 2ww. :(
Blast. Well I'll be counting down :) I am sure everything is fine!

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