Oh ladies when will my sickness end?
I literally cry everyday, I've never been so miserable in all my life. This is my last pregnancy and I wanted to enjoy every moment but I can't.
This last week I had a couple of days where I was keeping down one meal so I thought if was starting to ease, but then the last few days I've gone back to throwing every single thing back up. I'm so tired and got no energy at all. It stupid things like I really need a shower and wash my hair but I can't bring myself to do it, I've got no energy at all.
I look at my 2 year old and it makes me so sad that I can't look after him. He did a poo on his potty earlier and as soon as I saw it I started heaving, and by time I got to the bathroom I was throwing up. He was looking at me asif he'd done something wrong and started hugging me, it broke my heart.
Also I've had the worst head for days now, I'm guessing it's cause I'm not drinking enough, or should I say keeping enough down. I just want to feel 'normal' again.
Sorry for the pitty party post, I just feel asif no one understands how I feel. My mums just phoned me and said 'you don't sound very happy what's up with you?' I've been this sick for the last 6 weeks, but my family still don't get it?