2015 September Sweet Peas!!! all welcome to join

xox4angel - Good idea ;)

Grateful365 - I think you are so very right. People think you just pull some person out of the yellow pages and they come over, ill equipped and uneducated to deliver a baby.

mummy2_1 - Yes, that is one reason of many that I feel more comfortable in my own home. Hospitals are great for many reasons, I just feel that giving birth is something our bodies were made to do, and i hear so many positive things about home births, that I know it's right for me. It's less expensive, less serious..if that makes sense :) If a situation arises that calls for a hospital birth, then I have no problem switching my plan.

ellahopesky - Awesome to hear! Will you be doing it again?

I was already set on home birth, then I saw a documentary on youtube called The Business of Being Born. That sealed the deal for me!
See I'm too scared to give birth anywhere but a hospital. I'm crazy when giving birth, I freak out, (who doesn't) I'd feel even less on.control at home, whigh is backwards rli, I have anxiety but haven't had a panic attack since before my son was born. How will you ladies feel facing friends and colleagues and family and keeping quiet if your not telling yet. I visited family yesterday and found it easier then I thought. But. Think work on Monday is going to be difficult
I'm the same with the attention thing. I told my best mate yesterday and that was great, but I'm nervous to tell anyone else. I don't want a big deal made until after my scan but don't want to wait that long to tell my mum. Can't win then really can I!
Haha choc am the same. I'm enjoying my secret. Buts it's bursting to.come out when I'm around family and friends. Works gonna be a tuffy
I will tell my boss on Monday and maybe the rest of my team, I'm not sure yet.

My stomach cramps have gone. I know lots of ladies find them worrying but I found them reassuring as I'd had them since ov. I miss them as they were my only symptom really.
Happy new year ladies! I woke up with terrible cramps which scared me... turns out I just had to use the restroom. I decided to use my last HPT and of course two blue lines :happydance: Does the darkness of the control line matter? It was fainter than my test line, which was super dark! I wasn't hungry really all day yesterday and that worried me too but I think I'm gonna make up for it today. My boobs are still so sore and now my nipples hurt as well. I hope I don't wind up with two watermelons on my chest by the end of this! :holly: First to do of the new year - run to the department store and buy their stock of stretch leggings :thumbup: I'm not telling my boss or coworkers until after my 12 week appointment at least. I'm nervous about it.
Fallon- I saw the business of being born too. Very very interesting. Nearly swayed me to home birth! I did have a very good experience in the hospital though, much better than anticipated. I had a good birth plan that they followed very well so things went as I had hoped for. I had a very hard time getting the baby out, so because of that I think I will stick with the hospital this time too. I'm so excited for you! I'm sure it will be a wonderful experience!

I think I will be waiting to tell my work until after 12 weeks too. I'm an independent contractor so my job has no maternity leave....not quite sure what I will do about that!:wacko:
Ended up in hospitap yesterday for bad abdominal pains, ive had cramping since the beginning which was mild, but have started to have sharp stabbing pain too and I started freaking out. Because im only 4 weeks 2 days they said nothing would show on ultrasound, but they took my bloods and my hcg levels came back as 640. According to the internet, that would indicate im in my 5th week but im definitely just 4 weeks so hopefully just one strong wee baby! No diagnosis for the pain, just have to go back in if it gets more severe or I start bleeding. Fun way to spend new years day haha.
Oh no court! Hope nothing is wrong and that you feel better! :hugs:
That's good hcg levels for four weeks. Hope the pain eases and ur comfortable soon. I'm worried about telling my boss. They are a family run business and very family orientated and I know they will be very supportive and happy for me I'm just scared to tell them
Hope you are feeling better court x
I could be crazy too when I give birth... I just don't know it yet ;) I have seen a few home births where the women were saying "I changed my mind, I want an epidural, take me to the hospital!!" I hope that's not me!

I have friends and family in Texas and New Mexico that have had great experiences birthing at a hospital, but I hear worse about here in Las Vegas. I do have a hospital 2 miles away from my house, JUST INCASE :) so I feel good.

Saw my mom yesterday, it was a little weird not telling her but I think it was easier than I expected too. My husband was sure I told her, haha. But i didn't.

I'm self employed for a year now, so I don't have to worry about work mates and I'm grateful to be able to take it easy when I need to as pregnancy progresses.
Court28, saw the word hospital and was scared for you. I've had sharp pokes all evening for the past 4 days and the first day I was all kinds of nervous, but so far, all seems well. Wishing you comfort and calm thoughts :)
Hope everyone had good New Years. I started with a head ache around 10pm so went bed but then got woke up at 12 with all the fireworks and my head was spinning! I stumbled to the bathroom and was throwing up! Stupid migrane! I really need to speak to my doctor for something to safe to take whilst pregnant, I was lucky last time that I only had one throughout 9momths but considering I'm so early on think if better get something prepared just in case.

Does anyone else suffer from migranes?

Luckily OH got up with LO (well after I woke him 3 times to get up with him haha) so I hada lie in to catch up with sleep I lost last night. Then today I've took the decorations down and cleaned all up and found places for all of LO new toys. Quite proud of myself but I am shattered now.
I have had migraines off and on since I was 8 years old. in the past years, I take Excedrin Migraine and it works great for me. Not sure what I'd do either if I got one. Let me know if you find a safe remedy ;)

Hope you can catch up on some lost sleep!
I used to get migraines before I had my son. (touch wood) I haven't had them.since. I do get aggressive headaches that leave me.unable to stand or walk. Bit they pass. Im getting.nasty headaches since finding.out I was pg this time. But I'm.coping with them. Only.taken paracetamol once
Does anyone know of any home remedies for normal headaches too??
Fallon I saw my mom yesterday too and didn't share my news with her. It was weird but I'm glad I'm waiting a bit. Will likely tell her after my first appointment. I'm nervous...
I hear you! My dad, brother and niece all have January birthdays and we are going to have a dinner with everyone sometime this month, which would be the perfect time to tell them since it's not often we all are together at once. The thought of telling them has also made me so nervous! All those eyes staring at me - haha.

Whenever the time is right, good luck! I look forward to hearing about it :)
Mamabunny how was the get together with your mom?? I'm happy to see you all speaking or trying. Hopefully it went well. Xoxo

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