From what I understand of Ramzi theory (and I have been doing a TON of research on it and comparing early pics with CONFIRMED gender). First of all, a lot of people do it wrong. For transvaginal u/s you would hold the picture against your belly and those sides are correct (left is left, right is right), BUT a lot of people say the sides are correct when simply looking at the photograph. It's not--you have to put it against your belly because YOUR left is left, YOUR right is right. Hope that makes sense. For abdominal it's the other way, hold it against your belly and it's opposite sides (OR it's the correct sides when holding the picture up). Also, it ONLY works between 6 and 8 weeks. After that the placenta begins to move and it's no longer accurate.
When looking at it this way the gender seems to be correct most of the time. The problem is that there's a margin of error with the sonographer. If she/he flips the photograph for any reason, then it won't be correct. Of course there are also babies that don't follow this theory and are in the 3%. It was correct for my DS, when holding his 6 wk u/s picture up to my belly he is on MY right side, and is a boy. This baby is on the top in the u/s pic, but the placenta seems to go around to my left side. Also, I know that I ovulated from my left this time (confirmed via u/s due to luteal cyst), and ovulated from my right with DS. So this baby should be a girl if Ramzi theory holds true. We shall see
Of course this is only a theory, and Ramzi (by the way) is/was not a medical doctor. However, by looking at confirmed gender ultrasounds I think I've finally figured it out.
Babifever that DOES appear to be your left side, if I'm looking at the picture correctly and your sonographer didn't flip the image. So, yours would be in the 3%