2015 September Sweet Peas!!! all welcome to join

Im so jealous of all you guys with your flutters. I know I'm still early on but im jealous!

I had a consultant appointment today which was interesting.
My NT scan had come back as 1 in 30,000 which was very reassuring and we talked about my other health concerns.

They want me to have a caesarean under general anasthetic at 38 weeks which will be wonderful
littleone - that's great to have a plan set, what a weight off your shoulders! Can you remind me, why do they want to do csec for this one?
I've been feeling flutters for a while, though only in the evening once in tucked up in bed. Think its because then I'm focused on them. Also had a big kick last night, had my hand on my stomach and I'm sure I felt it on my hand too. Cant wait til its unmissably baby!
littleone - that's great to have a plan set, what a weight off your shoulders! Can you remind me, why do they want to do csec for this one?

I'm anasthetic resistant. Analgesics such as entenox and pethedine will work on me but anasthetic doesn't. So with a local anasthetic such as an epidural or spinal block they don;t work and with a general anasthetic it takes about 90 minutes to 2 hours to take effect.

Because of that they want me to have a section just incase there is an emergency because if there is then they wont be able to get the baby out.
Wow, I have two in here and I haven't felt a thing!! I am so envious of you ladies feeling flutters. :)

With DD I wasn't confident I was feeling anything more than gas until around 18 weeks... but I am hoping it will be sooner this time around given that there's double trouble in there! :baby::baby:

Man, trying to eat enough for three is hard! With twins you are encouraged to bulk up early on (it's a key indicator in terms of pre-term birth weights... and many multiples don't make it to term... plus twins reach a growth plateau sooner). I am trying to gain 24 lbs by 24 weeks, but with healthy meal choices. Challenge is... I am supposed to eat every 3-4 hours and I still feel bloated from my last meal. :sick:

On a happy note... I bought a new diaper bag!!! :happydance: I bought a giant Jujube Be Prepared off another mom who barely used it... I can't wait to stock it full of stuff!! And I sold my guest room furniture to make room for a nursery. :) Normally I would wait until after 20 weeks but I've been hearing so many stories of moms being put on bedrest half way through with twins, so I want to get a jump on things.

Anyone else doing some major house projects in prep for baby? Or babies? :) We're also redoing our basement bathroom and tearing out our basement kitchen to extend our playroom to accommodate 3! :) So much work... I wish I didn't have a job!
Yikes we are turning the downstairs family room into our new bedroom and relocating my son into our old bedroom and my daughter into her brother's old bedroom. Then baby will be in big sister's old room. The downstairs was a PROJECT, as it had to pretty much be emptied (it was FULL of junk), brick hearth busted up, wood burning stove removed, huge gun safe taken out, a closet framed in and tons of drywall work! It's near finished just waiting on carpet install and a few finishing details. Then we are painting all three bedrooms upstairs before the swap. And we have to install flooring outside our new bedroom, paint and install baseboard and bifold doors to hide the laundry area. SHOOOO!!! :wacko::wacko::wacko:
Wowzers... we've been renovating for a year, so I know exactly what that's like!! Good luck mama!!
Ok, got up a while ago, sat with my tea and baby is definitely kicking, and I can definitely feel it with my hand!!! Yay!
Can't wait ti feel definite movements. I've had bubbles similar to my lb's first movements. I've been reading my pregnancy diary with my first. I don't want t jinx myself but so far it's going quite quickly. Maybe this is bcos I have a two yr old t chase after during The day. I know when i was pg with my lb I would finish work and live in my bed from very early on . Anyone else comparing pregnancies
I started feeling DS move at 15 wks. This time I have felt fluttering since last week. I am certain it's baby....because if I get out the doppler I can hear (and feel) the little movements. Nothing strong yet of course, just feels like a little fish in there (like it started with DS). Can't wait to start feeling the big kicks and being able to see body parts pushing on my tummy. It's so amazing!!!
Can't wait ti feel definite movements. I've had bubbles similar to my lb's first movements. I've been reading my pregnancy diary with my first. I don't want t jinx myself but so far it's going quite quickly. Maybe this is bcos I have a two yr old t chase after during The day. I know when i was pg with my lb I would finish work and live in my bed from very early on . Anyone else comparing pregnancies

My DS is also 2, and this time around it has been SO much harder!!! I have zero energy. I used to do the same as you...go home from work, crawl in bed, and relax. Now as soon as DS goes to bed I go to sleep!!!
You are smart babydreams!

When DD goes to bed and I really should too... but instead I am online all the time selling stuff (making room for two!) and shopping for good deals on mat clothes. :)

I don't know if it's because of the twin bump or what but I am soooo exhausted. And I find that my patience level is very low. DD has started acting out in a big terrible-twos kinda way and I am grasping for every last ounce of energy to deal with the drama. Instead of communicating what she wants she goes from fine to complete meltdown in seconds. Her daycare even mentioned that she is melting down on the drop of a dime this morning. It's so draining. Add to that the fact that she's suddenly become a super picky eater and I am at my wit's end. Sheesh, parenting is hard work!!

And now we'll have three under three!!! Yikes!! :)
Sparkles that's awesome you can feel baby with your hand! I'm jealous! I only feel light, soft flutters from inside and even though I try SO hard to feel something with my hands I just haven't been able to yet :nope:
My DS has just turned 2 aswel and he's developed loads of attitude lately and has his little tantrums which are so draining. Tbf I think it's abit of terrible 2s and also being bored being couped up most days - so I try to be as calm as I can with him but he's certainly testing me. Earlier my mum popped round, and he kept pointing to her car and dragging her to the door (what he does when he wants to go with her) and when she was going he was waving to me grabbed his coat and assumed he was going with her, his face when he realised he wasn't was so upsetting. (My mum couldn't take him as she had to go the airport - she felt so guilty aswel ) breaks my heart knowing he'd rather go with others.

Anyway ... I went docs on Monday to get another sicknote and to check my urine as I was convinced I had a uti as I was in pain, anyway she said it was clear and that it was cause I wasn't drinking enough! I explained I'm drinking as much as possible but not much stays down as I'm so sick, anyway she said to drink more. So all week I've been in agony trying to drink more (which makes me more sick) and I gave up and went back today and saw someone else and she said I've got a really bad infection!!! I'm really pissed off as I've been in agony all week when I KNEW I had an infection!l now I'm on antibiotics 4 x a day - not sure how effective there going be at keeping them down though, as I can't keep my sickness tablets down as I throw them back up! *touch wood* I've managed keep the 1st one down so far.

Seriously though, when will i be able to enjoy my pregnancy? It's just one thing after another.
Littleone they're doing a c section because of pain meds..?
Laura - oh honey! To have an infection on top of your sickness!! I'm sorry and thinking extra positive thoughts for you. I hope things improve.

I have an ob appt today, excited to hear baby!
Littleone they're doing a c section because of pain meds..?

I think it's cause she doesn't respond to anaesthetic so if there was an emergency (baby gets stuck/heart rate drops ect) they wouldn't be able to get baby out fast as it takes up to 2 hours to take affect.

That's how I read it anyway? Sorry if I'm wrong littleone.
Oh xLaura how horrible! Gosh I sure hope you can feel better soon :hugs:

daydream let us know how your appointment goes!
Thanks daydream + mamabunny2. I'm currently trying to distract myself from being sick (it's coming) so I can keep my 2nd pill down longer haha.

Goodluck with your appointment daydream - excited you will be able to hear baby again.

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