2015 September Sweet Peas!!! all welcome to join

Tristansmom- so frustrating, sorry :-( Hopefully he pulls his head out of his ass.

crazymumma- so sorry about the pain levels you're dealing with :-( please feel free to rant- it sounds like you're being very strong and everyone needs to let off steam.

Need advice mommas- I will of course ask my OB when I see her tomorrow, but I've been feeling a lot of dizzy and faint spells lately. I got my most recent coming home from a walk, I out of the blue felt incredibly weak and shaky, had brown spots in my vision and felt as if I was going to pass out. I came home and ate to ensure it wasn't low blood sugar, but it didn't seem to help. I laid down and took a nap but I have felt so weak and incredibly tired since. This has happened several times and they are really hard to recover from. I know low blood sugar and fainting can be common, but are not something I want to deal with- any suggestions on how to cope?
littlejune - it could be blood pressure? mine tends to be quite low and when it drops I feel the same. Try upping your water and salt intake - and it seems strange, but lemonade seems to give mine a boost when I'm low?

Sbmack- I had SPD with Miss 4, but only from about 7 months, and not anywhere near this bad. I used crutches with her, but only walking around a shop or something - and never a wheelchair.

Unfortunately things are very unlikely to improve until after the baby is born. Once I deliver, hopefully my pelvis will become more stable - if not, then they will do surgery to fuse the pelvis together. Until then, there's not alot that can be done, and as I get bigger its going to get worse.
Littlejune sounds similar to what I have -vertigo. It's very common during pg unfortunately. I'm not allowed to drive or left by myself :( I haven't yet fainted but have fallen a few times. My head is swimming. It's getting better I only feel.it every so often bow. For a few days it was constant.
Littlejune sounds similar to what I have -vertigo. It's very common during pg unfortunately. I'm not allowed to drive or left by myself :( I haven't yet fainted but have fallen a few times. My head is swimming. It's getting better I only feel.it every so often bow. For a few days it was constant.

Did you go the doctors who diagnosed this? I've been having them same feeling faint episodes and one whilst I was driving yesterday, now I'm really scared of being on my own and even driving. I don't want to go the docs just to be told it's normal though. I've literally lived in the doctors this pregnancy (mostly HG related) and I don't want them to think I'm just being overly dramatic.
Yes been to Dr's and diagnosed. He was confusing sed would.only last 3 weeks then sed let's hope it doesn't last the rest of pg?? So which one is it. Got to say it's def easing. I only get dizzy now when standing up and sometimes going up stairs. I stumble some times but not often
Woohoo Sparkles! Halfway! I'm right behind ya at 20 weeks tomorrow :happydance:

Less than two weeks until my ultrasound!!!
littlejune - when was the last time you had bloodwork? Could also be anemia!
Crazymumma - i can't even fathom what your going through and I'm so sorry. All I can say, is, as bad as things are, and I know they are...try to focus as much as possible on what a wonderful family and husband you have, and the fact that all this pain will lead to a beautiful addotion to your family. You are blessing your family. Huge hugs to you and feel free to vent away anytime!!!! We're here for you!

Tristansmom- ugh! Hugs!
Welcome Aroha!

I keep thinking about my birth plan and its doing my head in. With DD I wanted a waterbirth, in the end I was induced after 30+ hrs of labour, wasn't dilating and never got the waterbirth, ended up with an epidural (which I didn't want) but I was so tired and in so much pain i caved. Total labour of 46 hrs. It was horrible, and in the end I felt so sad I didn't get the birth I'd dreamed of..

When DH and I started trying, I explained all of that, (he isn't DD's bio dad) and did alot of research and had a whole plan before I even conceived. I had my heart set on a home water birth - id even decided which pool I wanted. No drugs, all natural. Leave the cord to stop pulsating, no injection for the placenta.

Now I am not allowed a home birth due to my pelvis - If it 'locks' as it sometimes does then I will not be able to move my legs at all -and it can take 10-30 minutes for it to relax. During labour this could be worse.

I may not be able to physically get into the birthing pool- and if something goes wrong certainly will have a hard time getting out.

If I am stuck in a wheelchair and cannot mobilize - how the heck am I going to manage. I am not allowed an epidural again as last time they pushed my legs so far apart my pelvis ended up worse.

I have a funny feeling they are going to push for a C-section. :cry:

I'm never going to have the birth I've dreamed of
Found out at my anatomy ultrasound why I haven't been feeling much for movement - I apparently have a fundal/anterior placenta, so the tech said I may not feel much until 24 weeks. But baby looks very healthy! :)
Glad the baby is healthy tristansmom, roll on the next few weeks so you can feel some wiggles!!

I'm in a great mood today, woke up to an email offering my youngest a place at the school we wanted fir September! One less thing to worry over!! Yippee!!
Sorry that some of you ladies are having such a tough time :( HUGS!!!

Tristansmom I didn't have an anterior placenta in the first tri, but apparently mine has moved to that position. I started out feeling baby more than I feel her now. I get little taps VERY low, but I can't feel the bigger movements yet. The U/S tech showed me how she is kicking directly into the placenta. I was feeling major kicks from my son at this point in the pregnancy, and I think it was 18 weeks when I could see it from the outside. So, this is a different experience for me!

I am STILL struggling with nausea and major food aversions! It seemed to lighten up at 14 weeks, and then came back full force :( Otherwise not much to report here. Just waiting on my anatomy scan (2 more weeks) and hoping that baby is healthy and still a girl (my WORST fear--I have already bought lots of pink ;) :p)!!
Babydreams - I know what you mean, not only was my bump way bigger with my son (my doc was actually concerned it might be twins as I didn't have an early u/s with him, only the anatomy scan at 19 weeks - and it was 16 weeks when I popped with a fundal height measuring 22 weeks), but I could TOTALLY feel him from 16 weeks on, and so could my friends/family if they touched my belly! this time I'm much heavier, so although I look like I've put on a little weight I do NOT look pregnant at all, still wearing normal (size 18) clothes although they are just now starting to get uncomfortable. Between that and not feeling the baby I really have had a hard time feeling connected to this pregnancy, but seeing baby has helped a lot, as has understanding why I can't feel anything!

Sorry to hear that you're having nausea still, FX that it resolves soon for you!
Hi ladies, I've been off the thread for a long time. I was feeling so ill that I actually didn't want to talk about the pregnancy or anything to do with it! I am now coming out the other side and starting to feel better so have begun to get a bit more excited! Had my 20 week scan and all was fine, found out we are having another boy! Very pleased and currently knee deep in all Aidans old clothes trying to sort them out!
I have an anterior placenta too tristonsmom, I have started to feel movement in the last 2 weeks xx

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