Flossie - your bloat bump is adorable! I hope the bloat subsides for all of us soon!
pink - I am beyond exhausted most days, and usually take a nap with DD. I'm not getting a lot done right now!
Butterfly - I love Charlie/Charley; those names are perfect
Mum - I went out and bought some maternity clothes as soon as I got the positive. I think I'm just going to stay in them now since they are so much more comfortable!

I like Max as well!
Lou - Evie is my favorite girl's name
Boy's name is easy, we're sticking with David William (FIL and step-FIL, David is the traditional son's name in hubby's family). Girl's is more difficult, since we've already used our favorite. Middle name will be Elizabeth after MIL's middle name (DD has my mother's), but we're struggling with the first name. I'm torn between Katelyn and Esme, but I don't think hubby is keen on either of those. So we'll see!
I think I'll be around 15-16 weeks for Thanksgiving, so I'm thinking we'll do the private gender scan and do the big reveal at the family dinner when we're all together. I might have to wait and find out with everyone else so I don't blab it beforehand!
Welcome the new ladies, and good luck to everyone having appointments and scans this week!
busy - I did! The geeks on my friends' list were all thrilled, and one of hubby's Army buddies has already said he's going to steal the idea when he gets around to having kids.
A lot of us have scans at the end of the month; can't wait to see all the little babies!