hmmohrma - Those are great numbers. I wish they did level checks over here like they seems to in the U.S. With my MMC last year I got bloods after I was earlier than they thought and my hcg was almost 1400 at 4+4. Wonder what it is with this one.
Hey tcinks, I think I remember you from before. Congrats on your BFP!
AFM - I'm having such a tricky time not worrying about everything. I feel as though I just can get excited yet. Keep reminding myself that right now I am pregnant, and that I need to just take it one day at a time. Has anyone thought about when they are telling family?
Hi tcinks!! Welcome! Of course you can join! What team are hoping for?Good luck at your ultrasound!
I know that feeling Lyn, my first ultrasound is in 2 weeks and its driving me insane not knowing! We've already told my mother, DHs grandmother, my grandparents and his father, but thats it. We only told them because we feel they deserve to know and they are our support system if we lose another.
hmmohrma, have you been able to get some Progesterone?