2019 Junebugs

Shanlee - Glad everything turned out okay! <3

Hoping - YES, reflux is def getting worse. I take 2 tums (to help immediately) but they wear off in around 10-20 minutes... and I take a Zantac 75 at the same time. That usually helps. :flower:

Babybump - UGH! I hope you're feeling better soon! I remember my sister's dog jumping on me when I was pregnant with my son and being sore in my belly for a while. Did you call your doctor??

mkyerby - Oh no! :haha: What did you say?? Kinsley Mae? I kinda like a one syllable middle name with it :) Cute name! Glad you seem more settled about waiting on the move and getting things ready <3 As for the hospital bag - YES! I plan on getting mine ready to go next week actually... I just have this feeling baby is coming early & I want to be prepared!
AFM, I'm getting sick of being pregnant. It's no longer "fun" with this GD diagnosis... no perks are left. And with my husband working long hours AND working on his master's degree, SO MUCH is left to me to do. This weekend, I spent Saturday out of the house with the kids, so my husband could concentrate on his schoolwork (because, believe me, had I stayed home, it would have been constant fighting - he's on edge, so if the kids try to get his attention, somehow it turns into my fault). Then, I had to do EVERYTHING for the week yesterday.... so by bedtime last night, I literally felt like I was breaking in half. When I climbed into bed, I just had these pains going up and down my legs, into my waist... could barely turn over in bed... got up this morning limping around because my sciatic nerve is acting up.... I just TOTALLY overdid it. But it was really stuff that HAD to get done! Making dinner, laundry, cleaning up/putting clothing away, giving the kids baths, etc. So yeah... between that, making sure I'm eating when I have to, not eating when I'm not supposed to (like, when I wake up in the middle of the night just wanting a bowl of cereal & can't.... and I just want to cry about it, thank you hormones), it's just STRESS up the wazoo! Then I have so much going on outside of work - my kids have a ton of random things I need to get to (doctor appointments, evaluations, awards, school activities) and trying to get the time off to get to those.... plus my son's birthday was last month, and my daughter's birthday is next month, so I'm trying to get that all set.... I'm just so done with all of this. DONE. Something needs to change because I'm DROWNING. Sorry to dump all of that on you all, end rant. :cry:
@BellaRosa8302 - I'm so sorry, it sounds like you have so much on your plate. When does hubs get done with all this work? Hope you can try to take a little time for yourself. Maybe you can sneak in a bath this week? Hang in there!

@mkyerby16 - I love the name! What came to my mind right away for a middle name was "Jade". I just love it. But do you have any family names you could use?
Thanks MrsJJ. He won't be done with these classes til early May (May 5th or so). Then he has one more class stating (I believe) in June, that will last the summer. But work is also ramping up and demanding more time of him - I have no idea when that will end. Sounds like not for a while :( Thankfully, he is taking a week of time off with us, as my daughter and I have April break next week. So things should at least be able to slow down for a bit then, even if he still has schoolwork to complete over the break. Just trying to make it through this week for now! <3
That's rough! Sounds like you'll get a little relief soon though but don't be afraid to take a little time for yourself. You're growing a human after all! <3
@mkyerby16 - I love the name! What came to my mind right away for a middle name was "Jade". I just love it. But do you have any family names you could use?

Eh the whole family names thing is a sore topic. Sorry for repeating bc I think I have mentioned it in here before. But my husband is the 5th. I had told him before we even got engaged that if he wanted our kid if we had a son to be the 6th that he shouldn’t marry me because I thought that was just way too many of the same name. He was fine with it, but when my 1st was a boy of course his family flipped out that we weren’t going to name him the 6th & gave me a lot of crap about it bc of course they assumed it was all my fault. So they made things kind of a nightmare. we didn’t announce his name until he was born, and to make matters worse I made his middle name Michael which is my dad‘s first name. They were really not happy about that one. I love my husband‘s response though he says the last name is their name so what more do they want. Of course he doesn’t say that to them though. So this time I’ve already found out that my MIL told my mom at my sons bday party that since he was named after our family that this one better be named after someone in theirs. Makes me not want to just out of spite, plus I really dislike my MIL and don't really care to "honor" such a nasty person as selfish as that may sound. Her middle name is Ann, SIL's middle name is Elizabeth. My mom's name is Kathleen so they made my middle name Kate and my sister's Katelyn (super creative lol). My aunt, grandma and great grandma's middle name is Marie but it's also my cousin's who has treated me really nasty. DH suggested Rae but while I like the flow I'm not crazy about the name and it's my coworkers middle name and my Dad's middle name is Ray lol Our dog is Kara Mae lol! Idk why but that's what comes out when she's in trouble. Kinsley Marie, Kinsley Elizabeth, Kinsley Anne, Kinsley ugh idk I don't like anything lol
Baby name drama is never easy. I wouldn’t be using their family names either if I were in your shoes. She can get over it - not her baby, not her choice, not her business. IMO.

Kinsley Rain

Kinsley Rose

Kinsley Aurora

Kinsley Isla

Kinsley Ivy

Kinsley Eden - I love this!

My middle name is Rae and I don’t care for it :haha:
Ok ya, no family names then! What a mess! Screw them, it's your family, you can name your baby however you want!

Oh I loveee those middle names @wifeybby!
Oh no I didn't mean any offense about Rae :) It'd be kind of funny since my Dad/grandpa's middle name is Ray :laugh2: That's why I'm considering something super generic like Rose or Faith. I have no idea lol at least we got the first name.... I think.... Lol We won't be telling anyone her name till she's born
@mkyerby16 i remember now you saying about the whole name thing! Families!!! Can be so annoying!!!! I don’t blame you for not using certain names. Up to you and hubby. We used family names as we both lost our dad (both named John) so used for DS 1 middle name so we just kinda followed suit with the others. We don’t really discuss names with people as everyone has an opinion and I don’t really care for hearing them :haha:

Love some of the suggestions for middle names. We are struggling with middle names. Thought about using mine or DH middle name but we are a Jane and Geoffrey so we aren’t really sure. DH is set ok Huxley for a boy but unsure on the Thea or Cora for a girl. Hopefully we decide soon as baby time is creeping up a bit too fast!!!!!
@BellaRosa8302 im so sorry your feeling like this.... but please vent away... you need to do it otherwise you’ll explode. It’s different but I kinda get what your saying. DH goes through periods of work where he works late and weekends and it’s left up to me.... it’s hard specially with being preggo. I hope things get better for you guys soon and there is less stress xx
mkyerby - UGH that is an awful situation. I, too, hate name drama. I was feeling kind of bad that my son's middle name is for my maternal grandfather (Henrik) and that maybe this next baby should have something for my DH's side of the family.... but then I remembered that we named him JACOB (which was supposed to be my husband's name... till they got to the hospital and my FIL decided he wanted a junior and named him James, after himself). Sooooo naming our son Jacob was our way of naming him after DH while giving him his own name. Plus, you bring up a good point - all the kids get DH's/SO's last name, so we should be able to name after our side of the family as we like! :haha: Anyway, back to Kinsley's middle name.... What about Grace? I'm partial to that one because it's my daughter's middle name. LOVE it. Kinsley Grace sounds beautiful to me <3 (Obviously biased though! :haha: )

Mummy - Thank you for your kind words and for commiserating! <3

Still sore today... though nowhere near as bad as I was yesterday & the day before. I'm really wondering how I'm going to make it 8 more weeks... I really would be surprised if I don't go early :wacko: #HugeAndSore :rofl: Next midwife/ob-gyn appointment is Thursday. Anyone else have one coming up??
I had a 32 week appt yesterday, very quick and uneventful. Measured fundal height and checked heart rate, chatted for a minute with questions and that was it. I really miss getting scans at every appt :(

Kinsley Grace is super cute! <3
Wifey, yesssssss, appointments aren't usually too much fun.... I guess I'm hopeful for some tidbit of information regarding when to expect baby or whether baby is head down yet, etc. :shrug: but in the end, it will probably be uneventful :haha:
Hi ladies, I’m following along just keeping quiet. Have a lot of work in school and my toddler is keeping me busy! Hope you all are doing well and everyone is getting along well.
Advice ladies !

Been having quite bad period like pains and back ache since yesterday afternoon around 3pm . This has continued today . Went the bathroom before and there was a blob of clear/yellow jelly like discharge about a tea spoon amount ?! . (Mucus plug maybe ?!)

Should I call / go the pregnancy unit ?!

Never had this happen in previous pregnancies lost my mucus plug after a sweep with DD1 and lost it when my waters broke with DD2

Babybump - I'd call. I know your mucous plug can regenerate, but that def sounds like it. Any blood?? Have you been timing your contractions? I wouldn't hesitate to call, but I wouldn't necessarily go to hospital yet. Keep us posted <3
@Babybump87 I was having that on Sunday. I drank some water and stayed on my left side but still didn't help. I got in the shower and that slowed them down but was still lasting all day. I didn't not lose any mucus plug though. If they do not let up or quit I would say you should go in. Better safe!

As for me- I went to my appt yesterday and now due to my fasting numbers I have to start Metformin at night time and will now have ultrasounds every week. So weekly appts for me now. Fun fun!
@BellaRosa8302 Wow that is a lot you have to do! Sounds like you could use a good break for yourself.

Welp I just e-mailed the ob/gyn practice because of way TOO much movement which is probably stupid and silly but seriously this girl hasn't stopped thrashing around for 2 hours and it is concerning. She is active but not non stop no pause/breaks.

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