Shanlee - My midwife didn't say much about what it was, but commiserated that she had the same issues when she was pregnant. She advised (in this order) a chiropractor, physical therapy, or prenatal yoga. Problem is, I have NO TIME for any of that

In the meantime, like Mrs.JJ said, I've been focusing on keeping my legs together which really does help. Midwife mentioned that too.
Mummy - YES! I just handed in my birth plan at my appointment yesterday. My practice gives a bunch of questions, so it's more like "how do you feel about this or that" type of stuff. Basically I said I don't want pain meds (and my midwife amended it to add that I had 2 births without pain meds already), that I do NOT want my son circumcised OR retracted if it ends up being a boy, that DH is going to cut the cord after delayed clamping, and that I am breastfeeding - no formula to be given to the baby. OH and that I'd rather not give birth on my back - that I'm trying to minimize tearing. I don't think there was much more that was super important to me on there.
Babybump - Are they worried? Did baby drop a major chunk of percentiles?? At least you're getting it checked out. Yay for another scan/peek at baby

Keep us posted!
mkyerby - I have been hearing about haakaas a lot lately. I had originally thought it just catches the breastmilk from the side that you're not nursing from, but learned that it literally pumps you, and that's not something I (personally) want. I think I'm going to try out the Milkies milk saver (which just sits in your bra & catches your letdown). Personally, I'm VERY sensitive there and HATE the sensation of pumping, so I think it would be distracting & uncomfortable for me. But I've heard RAVE reviews on it and so many people highly recommend it! I'd say if you're not as sensitive as I am, go for it! It's def cheap enough too to give it a go! As for a double electric, I got all my paperwork in, just waiting for mine to ship out!

(Happy dancing despite HATING pumping with a passion! But I know I'll have to do it once I return to work and want to make sure I have a good pump to do it with!) I'm getting mine from
Mummy - YES! I've used the reusable ones. I think they're great, personally. I have a few Bamboobies ones from when I had my son. What's great, too, is that every so often they have a freebie sale, where they'll send you some and you just pay shipping. When they did that, I'd have my mom "buy" some too so I'd have extras (they limit how many you get). I think I have a good 6 pairs now? And then disposables for backup. They wash nicely and I never had problems with leaking through them. Then again, I didn't use them in the early days (because I didn't have them yet at that point), so I guess keep that in mind.