2019 Junebugs

Ugh, sorry Hoping. Hope the Metformin helps you & that side effects are minimal/non-existent! :hugs: As for the contractions you were having - can I assume they eventually stopped for you?? Yesssss, I can def use a break!!! Thank goodness vacation starts this weekend. I NEED this week off!!! Too bad we're not going anywhere fun! A "real" vacation away would be amazing! Wow on the movement! Funny because I was looking up fetal seizures about a month or more ago because some of the movements I was getting were CRAZY - like my entire belly shaking - which I didn't remember from my kids. I read about other women who were concerned about movements like that and had seen their doctors. Apparently, if I'm understanding correctly, it's the baby sloshing/splashing around in the amniotic fluid! It ends up having a ripple effect on your stomach sometimes. That was definitely a new one for me, but def made me feel better! I'm curious to hear what your doctor has to say about it. Keep us posted!! :flower: :hugs:
I’ve wondered about too much movement myself sometimes, but the only answer I ever get online or from friends is that there’s basically no such thing. I’ve never been very concerned, just wondered sometimes. My OB never gave me a clear answer with too much movement either, just how many you should feel (4+ in an hour, which still sounds low to me). First time mom here though, so my knowledge is minimal :haha:
Today baby girl was going nutso. I realized after a few that she had the hiccups and I think she was pissed. I found her little butt/back and rubbed it and poked her toes and talked to her and she calmed down. It's SO WEIRD and awesome to have a little human in your belly. Never stops being crazy weird and wonderful.
Hey Ladies. Nurse answered and they only get concerned if I feel less than 10 kicks/punches in an hour. Lots of movement is no concern.

@BellaRosa8302 The contractions I got on Sunday did end up easing up but lasted all day. In the beginning I was getting like 10-20 an hour. They were getting uncomfy. I am now still getting about 10 a day or more. Fun times :)
Advice ladies !

Been having quite bad period like pains and back ache since yesterday afternoon around 3pm . This has continued today . Went the bathroom before and there was a blob of clear/yellow jelly like discharge about a tea spoon amount ?! . (Mucus plug maybe ?!)

Should I call / go the pregnancy unit ?!

Never had this happen in previous pregnancies lost my mucus plug after a sweep with DD1 and lost it when my waters broke with DD2

Let us know how everything goes! Fx it’s nothing!
Ugh, sorry Hoping. Hope the Metformin helps you & that side effects are minimal/non-existent! :hugs: As for the contractions you were having - can I assume they eventually stopped for you?? Yesssss, I can def use a break!!! Thank goodness vacation starts this weekend. I NEED this week off!!! Too bad we're not going anywhere fun! A "real" vacation away would be amazing! Wow on the movement! Funny because I was looking up fetal seizures about a month or more ago because some of the movements I was getting were CRAZY - like my entire belly shaking - which I didn't remember from my kids. I read about other women who were concerned about movements like that and had seen their doctors. Apparently, if I'm understanding correctly, it's the baby sloshing/splashing around in the amniotic fluid! It ends up having a ripple effect on your stomach sometimes. That was definitely a new one for me, but def made me feel better! I'm curious to hear what your doctor has to say about it. Keep us posted!! :flower: :hugs:
We go on a mini vacation to the Adirondacks this weekend just OH and I. I can’t wait and it’s a surprise for my OH so I’m even more excited! The adirondacks is a large national park in northern NY and the weather may be spotty right now but I got us a cottage and I don’t even care if we don’t leave the entire weekend. I’m just excited we have the weekend to ourselves
Finally got through to speak to my midwife this morning ! Basically just advised to get my urine checked for an infection and if the pains get worse go to local maternity unit, that’s all! Kinda useless really :-k

I’ve had tons of water infections in the past and can be pretty confident that I don’t have any of the symptoms of a water infection now !

I’ve still got the pains but baby is very active !
Awwww, Mrs.JJ - SO awesome that you can calm her down despite her being in your belly <3

Hoping - Good! Glad all is well. Sorry you're getting so many contractions! Are they uncomfortable? I'm getting a lot each day too, but mine just feel like my belly getting SUPER tight - not terribly uncomfortable. I never bothered to count them because I can never really tell when one ends and the next one begins. I just notice my belly being tight. :shrug:

Shanlee - OOOOOOO I hope you have a wonderful time!!! :flower:

Babybump - That DOES sound useless!!! Annoying. Sorry you're still in pain. Try to rest if you can <3

AFM, my darn cold is back - tons of congestion and just general misery! I hate being sick while pregnant! Being unable to take anything sucks :( I feel like baby may have turned back into transverse position last night as I felt like it was stretching arms and legs out of the left and right of my belly. "Please keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times" comes to mind :haha: I'm also getting sore SO easily... TMI but I feel like my pelvic bone, in the front, right above my lady bits, is splitting apart. PAIN! Ugh. I have my 32 week appointment tonight. We'll see what is said!!
Thanks for the tips about turning over in bed! You're right though - tough to keep legs together while you're heaving yourself onto another side of your body :haha:

UGH I've been feeling like my pelvis is separating for a while now... and when I overdo it, I feel like it wants to split in half! But, this is a bit different from that... really concentrated pain right above my lady bits that started last night when I was trying to get up from the floor... I was on all fours in so much pain I didn't know how I was going to get up! :wacko: Starting to get REALLY nervous about labor again too... even though I'm only 32 weeks, I just feel like it's going to be here before we know it & I just don't feel like going through the pain part again :nope:
Thanks for the tips about turning over in bed! You're right though - tough to keep legs together while you're heaving yourself onto another side of your body :haha:

UGH I've been feeling like my pelvis is separating for a while now... and when I overdo it, I feel like it wants to split in half! But, this is a bit different from that... really concentrated pain right above my lady bits that started last night when I was trying to get up from the floor... I was on all fours in so much pain I didn't know how I was going to get up! :wacko: Starting to get REALLY nervous about labor again too... even though I'm only 32 weeks, I just feel like it's going to be here before we know it & I just don't feel like going through the pain part again :nope:
Bella- my girlfriend is also pregnant and her pelvic floor muscles are separating too soon. She has to go to physical therapy for it because it’s so bad. Maybe that’s what you’re experiencing? She’s 28 weeks now.

And y’all about labor pains I feel you! I will get s nice contraction going and be like omg I don’t want to go through this again! Haha what did we get ourselves into?!
Labour!!!!! I’m really trying to stay positive about it but I keep having my nightly fear creep in! I keep trying to tell myself that I should enjoy it as it’s more than likely my last and that I’ll get to meet my baby BUT I still get the fear! 7 weeks!!! Argh!!

Talking of labour have any of you written a labour plan? Or a rough idea of how you’d like things to go?!

I’m sorry to hear you ladies are getting pains/contractions. Babybump I would have thought they would want to check you out properly.
Sooo ended up in the maternity assessment unit this afternoon . As suspected no trace of a water infection ! Midwife said she’s not seen a water sample as clear as mine in months ! Well hydrated!

My cervix is still closed and baby was moving all over the place and good strong heartbeat! No reason for the pain observed , maybe I’ve just over done it the last few days and it’s caught up with me .

The only issue is that I’ve been referred for a growth scan tomorrow as midwife said baby has dropped off the curve of his growth chart and down centiles . I’m not gonna lie I don’t really get the whole centile thing anyway .

Anyone been for a growth scan recently?. I’ve never needed one before. Will the sonographer tell me the results or a doctor? The midwife didn’t explain the procedure and my mind was miles away to ask her !
I’ve never needed a growth scan but from friends and family they’ve usually told them there and then what they needed to know. Maybe baby boy is just in a different position?! Let us know how it goes.

Glad all seemed ok today though.... like you say maybe just been over doing it. Hard to rest though when you’ve other children to look after and it being half term!!!
Anyone ever used a Haakaa silicone breast pump? I didn't even know they existed until I saw a few YouTube videos today about breastfeeding (I was trying to refresh my memory about storage and making a stash etc) and every video mentioned how great they were. Apparently alot of women use them to put on the side they're not feeding on to catch the milk from let down instead of wasting it. I know with my DS I poured milk all the time so it's an interesting concept.

Also my free breast pump from insurance shipped today! I've been meaning to make sure I was still eligible/see where I needed to order from and called today and didn't expect it to be so easy or for them to ship it pretty much immediately. I used Aeroflow.com.
I actually added one of those pumps to my amazon basket last night! Looks amazing and the reviews are great. I usually leak a lot from the other breast so to me seems a great idea to have some milk frozen.

Also was looking at reusable/washable breast pads ? Has anyone used them?! If so are they better than disposable?
Shanlee - My midwife didn't say much about what it was, but commiserated that she had the same issues when she was pregnant. She advised (in this order) a chiropractor, physical therapy, or prenatal yoga. Problem is, I have NO TIME for any of that :haha: In the meantime, like Mrs.JJ said, I've been focusing on keeping my legs together which really does help. Midwife mentioned that too. <3

Mummy - YES! I just handed in my birth plan at my appointment yesterday. My practice gives a bunch of questions, so it's more like "how do you feel about this or that" type of stuff. Basically I said I don't want pain meds (and my midwife amended it to add that I had 2 births without pain meds already), that I do NOT want my son circumcised OR retracted if it ends up being a boy, that DH is going to cut the cord after delayed clamping, and that I am breastfeeding - no formula to be given to the baby. OH and that I'd rather not give birth on my back - that I'm trying to minimize tearing. I don't think there was much more that was super important to me on there.

Babybump - Are they worried? Did baby drop a major chunk of percentiles?? At least you're getting it checked out. Yay for another scan/peek at baby <3 Keep us posted!

mkyerby - I have been hearing about haakaas a lot lately. I had originally thought it just catches the breastmilk from the side that you're not nursing from, but learned that it literally pumps you, and that's not something I (personally) want. I think I'm going to try out the Milkies milk saver (which just sits in your bra & catches your letdown). Personally, I'm VERY sensitive there and HATE the sensation of pumping, so I think it would be distracting & uncomfortable for me. But I've heard RAVE reviews on it and so many people highly recommend it! I'd say if you're not as sensitive as I am, go for it! It's def cheap enough too to give it a go! As for a double electric, I got all my paperwork in, just waiting for mine to ship out! :happydance: (Happy dancing despite HATING pumping with a passion! But I know I'll have to do it once I return to work and want to make sure I have a good pump to do it with!) I'm getting mine from yummymummystore.com.

Mummy - YES! I've used the reusable ones. I think they're great, personally. I have a few Bamboobies ones from when I had my son. What's great, too, is that every so often they have a freebie sale, where they'll send you some and you just pay shipping. When they did that, I'd have my mom "buy" some too so I'd have extras (they limit how many you get). I think I have a good 6 pairs now? And then disposables for backup. They wash nicely and I never had problems with leaking through them. Then again, I didn't use them in the early days (because I didn't have them yet at that point), so I guess keep that in mind. <3
Baby was perfect ! Was moving his little hands (she did confirm baby was a boy lol) he even has some hair growing !

He apparently dropped from the 95th centile onto the 90th not a massive drop but she said they were concerned because I was measuring a week ahead , then he dipped off and my chart was going horizontal as opposed to following the curve ! Yesterday I measured 30 weeks .. so now measuring a week behind based on fundal height ( not very accurate at all I don’t think ). Today he was head down too! Not confident he will stay that way given he was breech yesterday ! Still moving all around !

So he’s perfectly healthy no issues at all and currently weighs 4lb 3 oz !

We so stressed yesterday ! So now it’s just back to the midwife on 1 May !

Sorry not read through all the latest posts by you ladies but will catch up !
Babybump - Yay! Glad you got another sneak peek at your baby boy! Interesting about the fundal height.... IDK how accurate that is. At my appt yesterday, I was measuring a week ahead :shrug: Interesting at the very least... Anyway, so happy he's looking healthy! Must be a relief for you! <3
Glad all was ok with baby boy. I don’t always think fundal height is correct.... I think baby laying in certain ways can affect it. My first bump measured 2-3 cm bigger throughout and he was my smallest. My smallest bump measured about 1-2 cm smaller each time and she was my biggest baby. Baby boy is already 4lbs! And you say his hair! Just too cute.

I can’t believe how quickly the finish line is approaching! I want to meet this baby but also don’t wanna not be pregnant if this is the last time! If that makes sense!

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