2019 Junebugs

@Mummy2Corban I know was so relieved when he found it! same here for the midwife appointments too next one will be 34 weeks on 1 May , then 36 weeks think ,this will be a home visit . then 38 hopefully that will be it don’t want to be seeing her at 40 weeks that’s for sure ! Our community midwives are only at my GP once a week too. Glad they book your next appointment before you leave or id never see them ! I do have the HV coming out too week after next!

I’ve tried to post a pic too and it’s saying file to large !
Warning super whiny ridiculous sounding post ahead....

Idk if I'm just super hormonal or have unrealistic expectations or what but I would think that while I'm growing his freaking child I would get just a little extra tlc and support from my husband, but if anything I've gotten even less. I've felt like a single mom bc when he works he's gone for 24hrs then he's been doing other things and when he is home he just falls asleep in the recliner. Last week between work, fishing and turkey hunting he was barely home. I went to my Appt on Tues and had to take my son and my BP was so high from me being stressed the Dr was worried. I had a breakdown and tried to calmly and rationally explain to my DH how I was feeling. He apologized and seemed to understand. I've had a terrible sinus infection or cold or something all weekend and I feel absolutely miserable. My head has been hurting to the point where I'm sick. I work weekend nights and I can't wait to come home in the morning, take my after work nap and have DH home so I can actually relax. Then he just tells me oh so and so wants me to go fishing with him tomorrow (as I'm laying on the sofa practically crying bc I feel so bad). ](*,)

We were also supposed to move before she came but he's dragged his feet on getting a few house projects done so our house still isn't ready to sell and we don't have a nursery set up at all and I'm done pestering him to do anything.
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I thought i would say hi ladies. I know ive been MIA for so long. I moved and finally back living with my husband and out of the military! I havent kept up on here much. We got 11 baby chickies and have been working on garden and coop outside.
Transferred over here to a girl doc i don't really like. Trying to switch doctors this week to a guy a friend recommends very much and she had the girl doc i had too with one of hers. I want this Labour and delivery to be the best yet cuz let's face it.... The other two sucked lol.
I'm having bh all the time. You guys?

We have most of the things for the wedding sorted. And by we I mean I!

Here’s a candid shot of me and my bump with my daughter on the Easter egg hunt we did yesterday! I’ll have to take a more proper one tomorrow. Everyone else looks so beautiful

Ladies you all look amazing!!!! Perfect bumps! I will take one in a bit and post it.

@mkyerby16 moan away! Men just don’t get it! Just be firm and tell him you need to rest and he can pull up his socks and get on with it. Hugs xx
@mkyerby16 hugs! That sounds super stressful. Men can be so dense but that would have really irritated me had you just told him that and he said he understood then he was going to go fishing. Okay... No. lol I agree you need to just put up your feet and relax. Let him figure out what needs to be done in the house and he can do it.

Cute bumps ladies!! :)
Huge! :haha: but I love it. I have playroom pics I want to share but bnb always gives me the “the file is too large” BS lol I promise I’ll get them on soon! The girly dinosaurs theme is just too cute.

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Cute bump!! Love the dino theme, I did one for my son (doing mermaids for this little one). And I'm totally ordering that same pack n play! I love that it has some storage underneath!!
Lovely bumps ladies!! I'm doing maternity photos this Wednesday so I'll post a pic later this week.

@mkyerby16 - I would be frustrated too! I've been putting Hubs to work every weekend. He's been non-stop busy helping around the house, I don't know what I'd do if he wasn't helping and enthusiastic. I do have to keep him focused though, he gets distracted by work so I put it on the calendar and make sure he knows what we're working on next. Maybe you can schedule a day and make a list of things you can work on together?

AFM - I have my baby sprinkle next Sunday so Saturday is devoted to cleaning the house, decorating and working on the yards. I'm excited for the sprinkle and even more excited that when it's over I don't have any more big things besides birth so I can actually focus on organizing and laundry and putting together the baby stuff as well as maternity leave so I can go to chiro appts and yoga and such. :happydance:
Well he just left to go fishing for the evening. Leaving me to do what needs to be done around here and care for our son/do dinner and bath etc. I can't even say I'm pissed more like devastated. I should have, but I didn't want to have to tell him to stay home. I wanted him to figure out that he should stay or maybe even want to stay and spend some time with us, but he's made his priorities very clear and I'm not about to fight for someone to care about me. I'm still sick and really don't feel good and to make matters worse I've mentioned it before but a while back I was randomly getting what I can best describe as a feeling of getting stuck in a contraction. My lower back, belly, and thighs will ache so bad and my belly will feel tight but it doesn't come and go it just stays for 10-15 minutes steady. Well when I woke up from my after work nap it happened again and was bad and I was nauseous and shaking and it lasted longer for maybe 30 mins at least. Once it eased up he was like so you're OK if I go? :x And he works tomorrow and some overtime Wednesday so he'll be gone from tomorrow morning till Wednesday night and while yes he'll be working and making money for us I'll have to do everything here/getting DS to and from school and all all by myself for 2 days.
Always vent here @mkyerby16 ! I’m not surprised your feel soo stressed out ! Woman have to carry on no matter what when we are feeling ill but men jeesh like babies !! Hope your feeling better soon !
Well he just left to go fishing for the evening. Leaving me to do what needs to be done around here and care for our son/do dinner and bath etc. I can't even say I'm pissed more like devastated. I should have, but I didn't want to have to tell him to stay home. I wanted him to figure out that he should stay or maybe even want to stay and spend some time with us, but he's made his priorities very clear and I'm not about to fight for someone to care about me. I'm still sick and really don't feel good and to make matters worse I've mentioned it before but a while back I was randomly getting what I can best describe as a feeling of getting stuck in a contraction. My lower back, belly, and thighs will ache so bad and my belly will feel tight but it doesn't come and go it just stays for 10-15 minutes steady. Well when I woke up from my after work nap it happened again and was bad and I was nauseous and shaking and it lasted longer for maybe 30 mins at least. Once it eased up he was like so you're OK if I go? :x And he works tomorrow and some overtime Wednesday so he'll be gone from tomorrow morning till Wednesday night and while yes he'll be working and making money for us I'll have to do everything here/getting DS to and from school and all all by myself for 2 days.

Oh wow that totally sucks !! Sorry but he’s been a total a hole now especially to leave you in the position !! Maybe you need a good sit down chat with him so things don’t fester and you get more annoyed with him ! Do you have any family /friends that could help you out over the next few days !
Oh wow that totally sucks !! Sorry but he’s been a total a hole now especially to leave you in the position !! Maybe you need a good sit down chat with him so things don’t fester and you get more annoyed with him ! Do you have any family /friends that could help you out over the next few days !

Thanks <3 I think I'm just extra hurt bc I did have what I thought was a good chat with him just last week explaining how I feel. I thought he understood and he apologized, but apparently it went in one ear and out the other. He washed a load of towels today while I was sleeping which he normally doesn't notice needs to be done (although I did make a comment about it this morning) so I'm guessing he thinks that was his big contribution and everything's all good... Mind you I still have to fold them and put them away now. :roll: It just kills me that when he's sick ( like just a couple of weeks ago) he lays on the sofa and whines or sleeps, acts like he's dying and does absolutely nothing but I'm supposed to be freaking Super Woman I guess. I don't really know what to say to him at this point or how to make him realize what a sh*t husband he's being and that I NEED more. I already tried my best to explain it last week (and many other times) so at this point I just feel defeated I guess. I don't have energy to fight but I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do/how I'm going to act when he comes home tonight. I don't want him to see me as the type of wife that never "let's" him go do things but this isn't fair.
Hey ladies, I’ve got my fetal echocardiogram at 3 today. Feeling pretty anxious about it now! If everyone could send some good thoughts my way I’d appreciate it. I’ll keep you all posted as to how it goes.
Lovey neat bump mummy2corban !

Good positive vibes from me shanlee !!
Thanks <3 I think I'm just extra hurt bc I did have what I thought was a good chat with him just last week explaining how I feel. I thought he understood and he apologized, but apparently it went in one ear and out the other. He washed a load of towels today while I was sleeping which he normally doesn't notice needs to be done (although I did make a comment about it this morning) so I'm guessing he thinks that was his big contribution and everything's all good... Mind you I still have to fold them and put them away now. :roll: It just kills me that when he's sick ( like just a couple of weeks ago) he lays on the sofa and whines or sleeps, acts like he's dying and does absolutely nothing but I'm supposed to be freaking Super Woman I guess. I don't really know what to say to him at this point or how to make him realize what a sh*t husband he's being and that I NEED more. I already tried my best to explain it last week (and many other times) so at this point I just feel defeated I guess. I don't have energy to fight but I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do/how I'm going to act when he comes home tonight. I don't want him to see me as the type of wife that never "let's" him go do things but this isn't fair.

Sorry your having such a hard time with him!!. Hopefully he will realise soon the pressure you are under ! Can’t imagine your frustration !

Men are such babies when they are sick and like you say we are meant to be superwomen !! Id try and relax hun letnit go over your head like he does , I’d let he washing mount up and gonhave a relaxing bath !

I think we all worry about being the nagging wife too sounds like he does more than enough fun/down time things for himself !

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