Ok, continuing my catch up - (for my own reference: p. 109)
Mummy - What exactly happens now?? Homebirth visit? It's not like they can predict when you're going into labor? I guess I'm a little confused as to what that looks like?? Sorry that it's not with the midwife you want though, that's really crappy.
Hoping - When exactly are you having the procedure done?? I don't blame you not wanting pain meds for something so quick, but I really hope it's not too painful for you
Babybump - Yup - I've been getting mild period like cramps here and there... and (TMI, sorry) while I used to be quite constipated, the opposite is beginning to happen. Warned DH as I know that started happening before I went into labor with my other two. Or, hey, maybe it's just a fluke & I ate something that didn't agree with me

Over being pregnant, sure am! But still not ready, so hoping for a bit more time still...
Babybump - YES... I get nervous about it too (the huge amount of discharge) because I had a slow leak with my son... sometimes I wonder if I've got another. Oh well, I've got my 36 week appointment next Thursday (May 9th) and it's an internal one, so maybe I'll have more information then.
Mummy - I'm wondering the same!!! In the May group, 3 babies have been born! I feel like it's a matter of time before we start in this group!
Emzee - Thinking of you

At least, if they're letting you go two weeks, they're probably not TOO concerned.... I'd just make sure to call if you have any changes/lack of movement, etc. Let them monitor everything with you to make sure you and baby are okay

Hang in there hun!
MrsJJ - Yay on the sprinkle! Glad you had fun! And OMG so jelly on the 4 weeks off! Enjoy your time!

Keep us posted on the group B test! I also tested negative for it with both of my pregnancies, but I know a while back they tested me for it (before I was ever pregnant) and I had it.... so I do wonder if I'll end up with it again at some point
Shanlee - Have you tried a bath? I had one for the first time in probably years a couple of days ago and OMG it was HEAVENLY! It made all my aches and pains go away... at least, while I was in there

Maybe that would help??
One page left to catch up on, ladies!!!