2019 Junebugs

What maternity / sanitary pads are you ladies buying for after birth ?!

With DD1 I used Mothercare ones felt like I had a big brick between my legs, uncomfortable but needed them because of the stitches ! DD2 I just used Always Ultra Night !

I have already picked up some Kotex and Always Ultra Night. I don’t like the pads without the wings !
What maternity / sanitary pads are you ladies buying for after birth ?!

With DD1 I used Mothercare ones felt like I had a big brick between my legs, uncomfortable but needed them because of the stitches ! DD2 I just used Always Ultra Night !

I have already picked up some Kotex and Always Ultra Night. I don’t like the pads without the wings !
Where I’m being seen we don’t have midwives. It’s an office with Drs and nurses and I know if I call and leave a message they will tell me to go to L&d at the hospital and I don’t really want to go there now! I’m very frustrated today with him haha!

JJ that is so awesome that you get 4 weeks prior! I’m envious you work for a company that appreciates their mothers so much, that is amazing. Did you get anything good at the sprinkle?

I also plan on buying probably the Always Night pads with the wings. I’m like you I don’t like pads without wings. With my daughter I had them and loved them as I bled A LONG TIME.
Where I’m being seen we don’t have midwives. It’s an office with Drs and nurses and I know if I call and leave a message they will tell me to go to L&d at the hospital and I don’t really want to go there now! I’m very frustrated today with him haha!

JJ that is so awesome that you get 4 weeks prior! I’m envious you work for a company that appreciates their mothers so much, that is amazing. Did you get anything good at the sprinkle?

I also plan on buying probably the Always Night pads with the wings. I’m like you I don’t like pads without wings. With my daughter I had them and loved them as I bled A LONG TIME.

Ohh I see thats kind of annoying ! Our midwives are only at my GPs surgery once a week so if anything happens it’s off to the MAU in our local maternity hospital so I understand you not wanting to call !!

I will probably end up stocking up on the Always since I know they are reliable ! I bled for ages too after DD1 was about 5 or so weeks ! DD2 was around 3 weeks! Not looking forward to this stage !
We didn't need too much so I got lots of cute outfits, onsies and PJs and a couple little things we needed plus some diapers. All I really need now is the pack n play and I'll get a new wipe warmer and shopping cart cover. And all this pad talk reminds me that I need to get some pads and nursing pads and such before I'm ready.
I cannot stop peeing today. :shock: Wth. I don't remember it being this bad with my DS. I've had a cough too and I HAVE to squeeze my legs together. I'll have just peed but still be on the toilet (thankfully) and blow my nose or cough and more pee shoots out... Tmi but What the heck!? :oops: I need to do more Kegels :haha:
I usually buy some of the massive pads for labour... specially with being at home and not knowing when your waters will go! Plus for those first few bigger gushes after birth then I like the smaller ones but without wings! Hehe!

I also bleed for quite a while too.
Aww that’s great MrsJJ !!

Haha MK ! The joys of pregnancy /post birth !

Ewww I hate the gushes after birth when you stand up! I will pick some extra maternity and Always products up anyway !

I’ve started to get my bag ready now too ! It will be packed and unpacked soo many times before the big day ! Is anyone taking a dressing gown !? Find them such a waste of space .

I’m gonna have a spare bag at home which DH can just grab if I need more things bringing into hospital anyway!

I literally cannot believe it’s the 1 May tomorrow!! It’s so crazy !
Ok, continuing my catch up - (for my own reference: p. 105) :haha:

Breastfeeding - to everyone/anyone: I breastfed my daughter till she was 3 years + 2 months. I tandem fed my son and daughter for 4 months. I continued on to breastfeed my son for 14 months. Both of my kids self-weaned (my son due to a strike - I tried every trick in the book to get him back on the boob, but he's stubborn). And I did this while working... so lots of pumping too. Point being, I'm happy to help if anyone has any questions :flower:

Babybump - In terms of breastfeeding in public, there are certainly ways around it - you don't have to if you don't want to. And it doesn't have to be all-or-nothing - you can always feed expressed milk in public or formula feed in public. Or use a cover (although babies do tend to hate that...). I used the double shirt trick & swear nobody could ever tell what I was doing. But, of course, you do you & feed your baby how you are most comfortable - happy mama = happy baby <3

Jules - YES! I get really awful round ligament pains... usually when I wake up with my belly stretched one way/not supported enough. So like, last night I was sleeping on my right side, and I woke up with sharp knife-like pains under my belly on the left side. When that happens, I just rub it and turn over onto my other side <3

Hoping - YES! I've randomly been leaking here and there. One time when my son was using the potty for the first time and I was SO proud of him! I started crying (thanks hormones) and told him how proud I was of him, and started leaking out my right boob :haha:

To be continued.... :haha:
Hi ladies. Just checking in. Can’t believe it’s gonna be May tomorrow!
We are in the final stretch. I packed a diaper bag for baby with a couple of swaddles and his take home outfit.
I am still delaying packing my bag. I don’t know why!? I’ll be 35 weeks tomorrow, induction in 3 weeks. I need to get breast pads too. I breastfed my older four pretty much till I was pregnant with the next one. (They are all 20-22 months apart) I breastfed the fourth baby longer- he was almost two when we stopped. I can squeeze and get a little out of each breast but no major leakage this time.
Have you heard of these new gadgets that catch the letdown on the breast you are not feeding from?
@elmum - Time is flying and you might be one of the 1st to give birth! Very exciting! Ya, I got some milk savers to catch the precious liquid. I wished I'd had them last time so I think it's worth a try!
Oh my word the heartburn. I ate maybe 500 calories yesterday and still took so many Tums. I don't know why it plagues me every pregnancy. Do I just run out of room and the baby pushes my stomach up? Because I really don't understand how I have heartburn so much. It feels like half my calories in a day come from Tums!
I need to go read through the funny/embarrassing labor stories thread again before I give birth. It was great last time I was due and made for the perfect read at night when I couldn't sleep. :laugh2:
Ok, continuing my catch up - (for my own reference: p. 106) :haha:

Jules - YES! Ughhhhhh summer clothes/beach weather/bathing suits.... I actually just recently bought myself a pair of maternity shorts with the elastic on the sides but that still has the button/zipper closure. I figured at least I'll have one pair of shorts that fit me this summer! :haha: I also contemplated a maternity bathing suit... I am a teacher & take my kids to the beach weekly in the summer. I def need a good bathing suit that I'll be comfortable in and that I can breastfeed easily in! As much as I want to buy any maternity clothes NOW.... because I feel funny buying them postpartum, I also realize my body will be different & if I'm thinking of wearing it postpartum, I'd better wait until then to purchase. At least having GD helps in one way... since diagnosis I haven't gained any more weight, so hopefully the weight will come off quickly & I'll be able to fit into summer stuff more quickly :haha:

Babybump - YESSSSS..... I have my completion discounts ready on my baby registries (which I pretty much made for the completion discounts since who's buying me stuff for a 3rd baby, right?! LOL). So I'm ready to order that, especially because I need to pack my darn hospital bag! I just made the list of what I need in it yesterday, so I need to sit down and do it!!!

Emzeebob - Ugh my midwife is less than supportive lately too... sorry you're going through this hun. Glad your GP seems to be taking care of you :flower:

Shanlee - Best of luck with the wedding!!! That's a lot to have on your plate at once. You are brave!!! <3

Wifey - I read a book on hypnobirthing.... it was a nice read, made me feel more confident about labor, but after two natural, pain-med-free births, I'm kind of of the mindset that it doesn't really work (sorry!). Maybe you'll have better luck with it than I did! <3 PS - Love your bump shot! Cute! <3

Mummy - Great idea! I'll try and get a bump shot on here.....eventually.... they're all on my phone and I'm currently on a computer :haha:

....to be continued :haha:
Ok, continuing my catch up - (for my own reference: p. 107) :haha:

Ugh Mkyerby - First - adorable bump pic! I feel you girl. Please feel free to vent in here! My husband has been useless with helping, too. Granted, in his case, it's usually due to working late and working on his school projects (he's finishing up his Master's). But still.... I swear, he comes home every night saying, "we need to get the kids to bed early tonight because I've had a long day and I'm tired." Um... excuse me? I work all day and then have the kids... I literally do EVERYTHING for our children.... Here are a couple of gems: 1. I asked him to give the kids a bath because I literally felt like my pelvis was breaking in half. He ran the bath water, got the kids into the tub, and left me to get down on my knees and actually wash them. I COULD HAVE DONE THAT! 2. A couple of nights ago, he comments, "Watch, it would be just my luck that my favorite brewery would release this limited edition beer on a Saturday, when I could actually go up there and get it, and you would go into labor." Um... excuse me?? Then when I gave him a bit of an attitude about that remark, he says, "Well, how is it any different from you being upset if you go into labor and miss our daughter's dance recital?" UM. REALLY?!?! It's totally different! I've been taking her to dance two days a week for the entire school year! If I miss her recital, I'll be devastated! IT'S OUR DAUGHTER'S RECITAL! and we'd both be missing it if I'm in labor! This is NOTHING compared to beer! Ughhhhhhhh sorry, then there I go piggybacking off your rant :haha: Sorry hun, didn't mean to take the attention away from your rant - just trying to say I feel you. I'm in the same boat. :hugs: we will get through this.... somehow.... :haha: <3 <3 <3

Crusher - cute pic! Hope you get the doctor you want. And yes - I get BH multiple times daily! :wacko:

Shanlee - Awww, love the candid shot! You have the perfect round/basketball bump! <3

Mrs.JJ - Love mermaids!!! So sweet! Yay! Enjoy your sprinkle!!!

mkyerby - UGHHHHHH makes me so mad for you! But I can totally relate.... mine is SO exactly the same! :hugs: Hope you're feeling better??? And as for the way he acts when sick... MAN FLU. Mine's awful in that manner as well! Woe is me because I have a sniffle! I wish they could feel what it's like to be pregnant and hurting for 5 seconds! Maybe then they'd care & pitch in a bit more!!!

Mummy - ADORABLE bump! You're all baby! So cute!

Shanlee - Best of luck sweetie! I expect you probably kept us posted but I have yet to read it :wacko: :haha: Hope it all went well!

....to be continued :haha:
Ok, continuing my catch up - (for my own reference: p. 108) :haha:

Babybump - YES! The pressure is real! Sometimes as I'm walking around to get my groups (teacher here) I end up holding up my belly with my hands to try and relieve some of that pressure! :haha: Also makes me have to pee sooooo often!

Emzee - awwwww that's sweet! Hope you have fun! :flower:

Hoping - I'm pretty sure you mentioned breech in the May group & I responded there - any progress on that?? Really hoping you don't need a section! <3

Wifey - that crib is BEAUTIFUL!!!! <3

Shanlee - YESSSSSS!!!! Great news!!!! :happydance: So glad baby's heart looks good!!! :yipee: You must be thrilled! As for pumps, I have experience with Medela and Spectra. I had Medela for my daughter, then Spectra for my son. Between those two, I thought Spectra was better by far! Far more comfortable and better output. Hope that helps!!! Also, have you looked into getting it free through your insurance??

mkyerby - OOoooo that reminds me that I finally got a coming home outfit and need to share! I'll have to check out yours on your pregnancy journal! :flower:

Jules - I feel you, girl!!! I love my cereal - HUGE pregnancy craving for me! Unfortunately my GD can't handle it :( I can manage a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios with 2% fairlife milk... but I really want cornflakes with whole milk :cry: Enjoy a bowl for me!!!

To be continued.... :haha:
Ok, continuing my catch up - (for my own reference: p. 109) :haha:

Mummy - What exactly happens now?? Homebirth visit? It's not like they can predict when you're going into labor? I guess I'm a little confused as to what that looks like?? Sorry that it's not with the midwife you want though, that's really crappy. :(

Hoping - When exactly are you having the procedure done?? I don't blame you not wanting pain meds for something so quick, but I really hope it's not too painful for you <3

Babybump - Yup - I've been getting mild period like cramps here and there... and (TMI, sorry) while I used to be quite constipated, the opposite is beginning to happen. Warned DH as I know that started happening before I went into labor with my other two. Or, hey, maybe it's just a fluke & I ate something that didn't agree with me :shrug: Over being pregnant, sure am! But still not ready, so hoping for a bit more time still...

Babybump - YES... I get nervous about it too (the huge amount of discharge) because I had a slow leak with my son... sometimes I wonder if I've got another. Oh well, I've got my 36 week appointment next Thursday (May 9th) and it's an internal one, so maybe I'll have more information then.

Mummy - I'm wondering the same!!! In the May group, 3 babies have been born! I feel like it's a matter of time before we start in this group! <3 <3 <3

Emzee - Thinking of you :flower: At least, if they're letting you go two weeks, they're probably not TOO concerned.... I'd just make sure to call if you have any changes/lack of movement, etc. Let them monitor everything with you to make sure you and baby are okay <3 Hang in there hun!

MrsJJ - Yay on the sprinkle! Glad you had fun! And OMG so jelly on the 4 weeks off! Enjoy your time! <3 Keep us posted on the group B test! I also tested negative for it with both of my pregnancies, but I know a while back they tested me for it (before I was ever pregnant) and I had it.... so I do wonder if I'll end up with it again at some point :shrug:

Shanlee - Have you tried a bath? I had one for the first time in probably years a couple of days ago and OMG it was HEAVENLY! It made all my aches and pains go away... at least, while I was in there :haha: Maybe that would help??

One page left to catch up on, ladies!!!
Ok, continuing my catch up - (for my own reference: p. 110) Yay! Last page! I'm caught up!!!! :haha:

Babybump - I've heard AMAZING things about Depends... so I bought the silhouette ones. I think they're going to work much better than the maxi pads and/or mesh panties and huge liners they give at the hospital. I plan on wearing the Depends with those heavenly ice pack pads they have at the hospital for as long as I can!

mkyerby - Same girl, same! The pee just keeps coming and coming... it's awful!

elmum - Yes! I have a milksaver in my cart on amazon that I plan on buying! :) I've heard good things about the Haakaa too, but since it literally pumps you, I didn't want to go that route - I'd rather something just catch what comes out naturally :shrug:

Jules - YES, heartburn is horrible. I've started taking Zantac as a preventative, because I know it's inevitable! I'll have to look up the stories you're talking about; sounds like fun!


Ok, now, AFM.... just been SO incredibly busy. So many appointments, so many things going on outside of work/socially/family related.... So many things going on AT work.... bottom line is, I'm sore, tired, stressed, and feel unready, both to give birth/go through labor again, and for baby at home. I'm in the middle of making purchases needed for baby, organizing what I've got at home for baby, doing baby laundry (OMG those yellow stains that come out after being stored in the attic are horrendous and SO hard to get out! Thank you Oxiclean!) I just feel like my house is a mess, I still have to pack my hospital bag, and then it's just that my husband isn't able to help so it's all up to me to take care of the two kids I already have and get ready for this 3rd one on top of just the woes of being in my 9th month of pregnancy now! :wacko:
I'm only 32 weeks, so not needing to pack a hospital bag yet. Wondering what you all put in them? It seems every time I pack it, I use almost nothing in it. I'm in the US so they supply baby diapers and wipes, baby stays in the hospital t-shirt, hat, and blanket, I wear the hospital gown. The last three babies I just wore home what I wore there since I was always induced and they didn't have any birthing fluids on them from a big rush to the hospital. The first pregnancy I brought pre-pregnancy clothes and had NO CLUE I wouldn't be able to fit them two days after giving birth. :rofl:
Bellarosa you are so good at catching up on everyone. I'm awful! I got a few urges of nesting last week and now I'm just googling everything labor and delivery. I meet my new doctor tomorrow and maybe discuss how important it is to me to have no meds! Just let me be lol
I don't really remember packing my bag for the last 2 but this time i pulled the bags out already.
Ladies who were talking about bleeding afterward.... I bled FOREVER after my first and then researched everything for the second because it was such a bad recovery. Raspberry leaf tea. I swear it works. I meet have mentioned it earlier. Sorry if again but i only bled for like 5 days. It was great! Gradually drink more and more until delivery.
I’ve been meaning to ask about the raspberry leaf tea!!! I’m 36 weeks tomorrow do you think that’s too late to start? Are the capsules as effective???

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