UGH Crusher, that's devastating! I can't imagine not being able to move when I'm in that much pain

I don't blame you for getting the epidural, & hope you end up getting the natural birth & tub that you want!!!
Thanks Mummy! Your names are cute too! So unique! The first middle name that pops into my head with your girl names is Marie. Maybe Paul for your boy name? Something short? I like the flow of a one syllable name following Huxley. Just food for thought
Jules - I hear you. I can't imagine being contained to a tub. I also don't like pacing the halls though. I'm a miserable person when I'm in pain & I like my privacy. I paced my room instead
Crusher - Yay! Cloth diapers are so pretty! I always see friends posting pics of them on a clothes line or something - love the colors & designs!
Jules - Wow. When I had pitocin with my son, they gave me the lowest dose they could (called it a "whiff") and I was immediately into contractions, one on top of the other. I can't imagine if it had been more! What I hated the most was after I was done (baby was born), they insisted on giving me a second bag - said it was policy and would shrink my uterus back to normal. So here I am at 11:00 at night, EXHAUSTED, and the darn Pitocin was giving me rhythmic bad period-like cramping/contractions. ALL.NIGHT.LONG. Could NOT sleep because of it. It was awful.

I know now that it was probably in conjunction with afterbirth pains. I didn't know that was a thing at the time... Ugh!
mkyerby - OMG!!!!! Are they really allowed to force you to work a double like that?! In your 8th/9th month of pregnancy?! Holy OMG! Tell them no!!!! Angry for you!
AFM, nothing really to report. Baby has the hiccups as I type

Just feel like I have a million things to do and not enough time or energy to do them all. But what's new, right?? Happy Friday everyone! Hope everyone has a great weekend!