2019 Junebugs

@Hoping4numbr3 - I would go in or call, that doesn’t sound good!

@Mark&Annie - Hope it’s the start of something!

@mkyerby16 - I would be nervous too! Labor makes me a little anxious but if I knew a c-section was coming up... that’s a lot more to handle. You’ll be fine though, keep thinking about that sweet babe!

@wifeybby - I know, me too. I just want labor to start, I’m so tired of waiting but I don’t think it will spontaneously start for me either.

I’ve continued to lose a tiny bit more of plug tinged with old blood and had the very occasional contraction. We went to brunch today and walked a few miles around downtown and in and out of stores. My ankles are massive! Then walked to dinner and back. Might have eaten too much, feeling nauseous. Hope little girl decides to come tomorrow, otherwise Tuesday is the last day and doc has me scheduled for multiple sweeps. Either way she’s getting out of there soon.
@Hoping4numbr3 i would definitely call your dr. May just be things settling BUT I’d defo call just encase.

@Mark&Annie any news from you? Hopefully the starts of something???

How are the rest of you ladies? The constant messages suck! Specially when your overdue.... I always start feeling like such a grump when I go over that the messages make me wanna punch people!!!! Haha!!!

How’s all the new babies doing?! I will do Huxleys birth story soon. His 8 days today! Gotta go for his hearing test at the hospital a bit later so fingers crossed all is ok with that.
@Mrs. JJ lets hope baby girl gets shifting for you. You’ve had promising signs.... I had my sweep on the Thursday and Huxley arrived the Sunday.... my midwife who delivered him said that the sweep giving midwife had obviously given me a good sweep??? I thought they only worked in a certain time frame but she seemed to think otherwise?!
It kept me up til 6am, then I got an hours sleep, after that nothing!! So frustrating.
Took kids to school and then home to do a bit of housework, going to have a snooze now and hope it at least means it might be this week!!
@Mrs. JJ i would be going insane right now if I were you! But I think you are handling being overdue very well. I’m honestly impressed and envious. Idk what I would do in your situation.

@mkyerby16 I don’t have a lot of experience for you. My C-section I labored before hand without pain meds, but I was in active labor when I got my spinal. It didn’t hurt at all but probably having it during contractions helped with that. I would probably also be anxious knowing baby was going to be here on a specific date, but I’m also envious. If we had chosen a repeat cs he would be here on Wednesday and the guessing game would be over. I know everything will go great, and good luck!
JJ - how do they do multiple sweeps? Are they all in the same day? Same hour? My legs are swollen, too. I can push dents in them. So gross. I hope she comes on her own for you today!
Oh how annoying Annie !

I’m glad I am not the only one struggling at the min . I feel for us ladies ! Think it’s just the end of pregnancy stress etc ha ! I feel sorry for my DH he last few days that’s for sure !

Nothing at all happening with me ! Midwife tomorrow yayy and then I am going into town shopping and lots of walking eek !
Went for the ultrasound and appt this morning — OB said everything is perfect. Good fluid levels, placenta is healthy and no concerns at all. I go back Thursday for a baseline nonstress test and induction Friday if she hasn’t arrived by then! Feeling so much better and happy that everything is looking just fine.

Guys, I’m having a baby on a Friday! :cloud9:
Went for the ultrasound and appt this morning — OB said everything is perfect. Good fluid levels, placenta is healthy and no concerns at all. I go back Thursday for a baseline nonstress test and induction Friday if she hasn’t arrived by then! Feeling so much better and happy that everything is looking just fine.

Guys, I’m having a baby on a Friday! :cloud9:

Woop glad all went well !! Roll on Friday !!!
I'm at the doctor - just finished the BPP ultrasound and waiting for the NST. I see my doctor tomorrow for the last time before induction. I so so hope I go into labor before that!
Congrats Sarah!!

Any news JJ?

Hoping.... I think I'd contact the Dr just to be sure, don't want you passing out and getting hurt!

I'm suddenly getting very nervous about my csection. I mean I think a normal amount of nervous knowing you're about to have something like that done, but it's just hitting me. Has anyone had both an epidural and a spinal? I had an epidural with my son since I labored first, but this time with scheduled section it'll be a spinal... Just wondering if they feel/hurt different.

1st section was epidural and it was.horrid I felt loads more than just pressure and i couldnt relax ,this one I had a spinal and it was amazing, I only felt a bit of tugging when they pulled him out and that was it. About 20 mins after the feelings started to come back and I could move my toes/feet. It wore off quicker. Also when it was put in it didn't hurt as much as the epidural, I don't know if it's cos they used an ultra sound to place it. In general I had a better experience
I'm not having any more children but if I did or accidently fell pregnant again I would have a spinal again (have to have a csection anyway)
That's reassuring to hear, thanks Emzee! With my first c-section I had already had the epidural and I had a place that wasn't numb all the way when they were finishing up. I read that with a spinal it's a one time shot not a catheter in place so I was worried they couldn't add anything if the same thing happened this time.
I’ve been MIA today. That nausea I felt yesterday was actually the stomach bug my 5 year old gave me. I’ve been throwing up since 3am, just recently I’m just nauseous and not throwing up but I’m weak and have a massive headache and can’t eat anything except a juice pop. And of course I’ve had cramps all day (41 weeks today). Hoping to feel 100% by tomorrow (and that poor Hubs doesn’t get it!!) since the doc wants to gently “induce” tomorrow. I go in at 9am for a sweep and again around 2:30pm for another.
Oh no JJ! I was hoping you wouldn't get it, what horrible timing! Hope your all better by morning and your hubby is spared! Bleach!!
JJ - ugh! So sorry you are dealing with this. I hope you get some strength back before tomorrow.
@Mrs. JJ How you feeling? Hopefully your feeling better? Would they delay your induction even by just a day if your not feeling so good?! My eldest threw up Friday night and then had diarrhoea Saturday morning... so far no one else has it but the thought of Huxley being ill made me cry a whole bunch!!!!!

Ladies I feel your pain being overdue! The waiting, the aches and pains etc. Just hang in there it won’t be long till you all have your beautiful babies in your arms!
Back from midwife, still 2cm she’s wrote almost effaced , (whereas last week the midwife said I was fully effaced so confused there ) She couldn’t reach my cervix at first but then did and performed another sweep .

She was a lot rougher doing the sweep than my midwife last week but said she sweeped around the baby’s head three times ! So fingers crossed.

Back next week for 41 week appointment and induction Friday if still no baby . Feeling a tad emotional about the thought of the induction !
@Mrs. JJ im so sorry you got the stomach bug. Try to rest as much as you possibly can do that if these sweeps work and you go in to labor you have the energy to actually deliver.

I feel like I am going to be pregnant forever!! My doctor is awesome but also does not believe in induction or augmenting labor prematurely which means she’ll consider it starting at 41 weeks on! Which means we very well could be sitting here on the 25-26 still pregnant and even more miserable!! I’m so uncomfortable, I’m not getting any sleep, hubs and I haven’t been intimate in a month now and I’m pretty much exhausted all of the time! I’m ready for him to be here already! I can’t imagine going a week overdue. The thought kills me. Sorry I just needed to rant!

Oh and the worst part is I am not seen in a private practice, so we have students and rotating residents. Well we just found out at our last appointment that the doc we’ve been seeing our ENTIRE pregnancy is no longer in the hospital starting the 16, and I’m due the 19! Then she’s only there for 24 hours on the weekends! So if I don’t go in to labor by this weekend I won’t have her as my delivering OB unless it’s next weekend. This just put a damper on my whole mood for these last couple of weeks also. Thank you for listening to my whines and complaints.
Shan, :hugs: you’re not wrong for feeling like that! The end gets rough and being over 41 weeks myself I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. It’s awful being so uncomfortable and anxious to meet your baby. I hope you go sooner and things work out so you get the OB you've been seeing. If not though, trust that no matter what you and LO will be safe and taken care of.

JJ, I so hope you’re feeling better. Besides the hemorrhoids :haha: I cant imagine anything worse than being sick. I caught a really bad cold a few weeks ago and was just so upset and dreading the thought of being sick and in labor, then knowing baby is going to be on my chest while I’m sick was even worse. I would try to delay the sweeps a day or two if you could stand it. If your doctor sees you’re unwell, I hope she would understand and opt to delay. I know delaying is the last thing you want, but you need your strength, energy and hydration for birth. I’m really hoping though you got a deep sleep and are feeling better! <3

Jules, how did the testing go?! How long did the NST take?

Babybump, that sweep sounds rough! I’ve only had one and it was almost intolerable. I tensed up and squirmed up the table lol I was not expecting that. Kudos for hanging in there and sounds like she got a good one done! Hope it gets things moving for you.

AFM, still kind of mourning the loss of a spontaneous labor happening. But, at the same time, getting very excited to have our baby on Friday. Induction is not the route I ever wanted, but it’s still a birth and that’s all that matters. Hopefully things go well and I deliver vaginally. I know so many inductions end in cesarean.. No judgment, but we all can relate to wanting a normal, healthy delivery. Just keeping fingers crossed things work out for us and we’re home for Father’s Day with a baby girl in our arms! I was 3cm and 70% effaced yesterday, OB said it should be a fairly easy/typical induction, and again encouraged that baby could arrive on her own before then. Still no plug lost, no bloody show, no “clear out”, minimal BH - I’ve given up on spontaneous labor. But, it is what it is and I’ve got to go with whatever happens!

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