2019 Junebugs

Ooo he’s adorable glad your both doing so well apart from the reflux that sucks for you both , hopefully you can get it under control with some medication !

James has possible CMPA so we are trailing a special formula (Aptimal Pepti 1 ) . He’s been so much more settled since starting it and he’s now almost back to his birth weight . Plenty of wet and dirty nappies finally ! Hopefully it won’t be much fuss getting the GP to prescribe the formula long term or I’m gonna kick off !!
@Babybump87 what is CMPA? I’m glad to hear his more settled and nearly back to birth weight. Hopefully you won’t have to much trouble getting his milk . I have Huxleys 6 week check a week on Tuesday so I’ll see how much he weighs!
Sorry been AWOL Chester has silent reflux so wailing 24/7 am.soooo tired bit he Is worth it. Has finally hit 6lb. He will be 6 weeks tomoro. Where has the time gone. No smiles yet but peads said he my be a little behind with milestones due to the iugr. Has so alert at the minute though and follows his brothers when they in the room. I'm.finally off the bp meds yay!!!! I have finally.posted my birth story on the birthing forum about severe pre eclampsia. (Its a bit lond) Here a pic of my mightly little man! View attachment 1063860

Jack has silent reflux too and literally cries non stop. We’ve asked for a referral to the paediatricians to sort out meds. It’s draining
@Babybump87 what is CMPA? I’m glad to hear his more settled and nearly back to birth weight. Hopefully you won’t have to much trouble getting his milk . I have Huxleys 6 week check a week on Tuesday so I’ll see how much he weighs!

It’s Cows Milk Protien Allergy. DD2 has the same allergy . I am not even sure where it came from because they are the only two family members that we know of to have issues with milk ! Thankfully DD2 has nearly outgrown her allergy

Wow 6 week check up already !
I’m so glad everyone is getting settled! I can’t believe all of our babies are finally here, it’s crazy! Life has been getting back to normal but it is crazy how you forget what having a newborn is like! I am TIRED. Derek went back to work last week so it’s been Ella Liam and I and between being up with him at night, Ella’s sleep regression (probably from bringing her brother home) and having them both all day, I’m feeling a little burnt out! But we got donor milk and that has been a BLESSING! I feel a lot less pressure now and still feel like I’m doing the best I can for him. I’ve also pretty much stopped bleeding which is awesome! Now it’s just a light brown (almost yellow) which is I think from my tear healing-as opposed to my uterus healing. Things are looking up!
I still can't figure out how to post a pic on here. Do you have to use photobucket or is there another way?
Shan - I’m with you on the tiredness! The school runs are wiping me out more than anything but the girls finish next week for the summer holidays which I am looking forward to but they will drive me crazy too !! Just hope we get some nice weather too ! You are most certainly doing the best for him so don’t stress ! My bleeding has gone to a yellow brown colour too.

Jules - I cannot upload pics either just says the file is too big ?! Have to see if I can make the pics smaller somehow as I don’t have a clue about photbucket etc lol .
Totally with you both on the tiredness!!

I’m looking forward to the kids breaking up for summer hols so that we don’t have to be out of the house so early however I’m wondering how I am going to cope with a 5 year old and a baby!

Jack is starting to get a bit more settled now I think, fingers crossed! We are getting lots of smiles and only 2 night feeds, sometimes 1. Daytime sleep still a bit of a mystery but sometimes we get lucky! X
James has been sleeping for 5 hours straight at night since he was born. I hope it continues. I did wonder if it was too long but when I did wake him for a feed he wasn’t interested at all so I’m just going with him on it !

He’s 3 weeks old today ! I cannot wait for the smiles and cooing .
Hi ladies! Hope everyone is well. Just wanted to check in. Baby Bree is doing great :). She is 7 weeks in 2 days. Crazy how fast the time is going. Going to be going for her 2 month shots soon :( yuck! I hate that part it is never fun seeing your baby get jabbed and cry. Will have to post a photo of her later.
Hope all the mamas and babies are doing well! My husband got pulled to work overtime today, so that means he’s at work for 48 hours straight while I try to survive with two kids. So far so good, but my son has been very needy and asking me to play with him every five minutes. I think that’s been the toughest part so far. I’ve also been struggling getting Kinsley to latch deeper. So far no cracked nips, but it does hurt on the right side when she nurses. I’m also starting to wonder if she might have an upper lip tie. I can tell she's definitely gaining weight though, she's finally filling out her newborn clothes at 4 weeks old, whereas they were so baggy before!

FYI the Facebook group is going strong if anyone still wants to join.
Hope you survived the 48 hours MK I’m sure you smashed it though !

James has a slight tongue tie after a few people saying he hasn’t including the GP yesterday . the midwife came today to discharge us and she checked and said he does ! No wonder poor baby has had a terrible time trying to latch onto the bottle ! She’s sent a referral to get it snipped anyway ! Has anyone checked your little ones MK ? .
Did anyone get haemorrhoids after delivery ?!. I was in agony for about a week after birth and I just thought nothing of it usual post delivery pain etc . But when I checked I had one big haemorrhoid !! I didn’t have a thing before the delivery , I assume it was the pressure of pushing and the fact his head kept going back and forth !!

Anyway I thought it was going away but last two days it’s been so painful! Any tips / recommendations you ladies have tried as I know a few suffered while being pregnant ! I’ve never had them so this is a first !
Hey ladies! Sounds like everyone is doing pretty well!
Amia was killing my nipples for about the first 3-4 weeks. We just passed 5 week mark and havent had any more pain unless she stretches away with my nipple in her mouth lol
I never had the hemorrhoids during pregnancy but i did after! Was surprised. The hospital had given me those witch hazel pads so i just stuck one on there and left it for awhile off and on.
Anyones baby get rashy on face, neck and chest? Ive read it is normal but my other 2 never got like this. Seems to look better now. Its been a week and never seemed to bother her.
Went on my first jog... Ish today. It was rough but ok considering i havent run in . . 6 months or so. Lol
I think I had one hemorrhoid after labor. I didn't get them in pregnancy either. I used the witch hazel pads for like a day and it went away. I can't believe Breelyn is almost 2 month. Geesh where did the time go! Anyone thinking of having one more? LOL I know we just had babies but this little precious baby makes me want one more but I am still on the fence about it.
Thanks for the tips on the witch hazel ladies . Mine is almost gone since I’ve been applying it !

I know Hoping ! James is 4 weeks old tomorrow already !He’s settled into our family so well and the girls have adjusted amazingly !

I would never say no to another baby, DH would be on board with another one too! He always wanted a big family.
I’m not sure I’ll ever be done with babies!!!! If we had another we would defo need another bedroom.... so that all hinges on if we can extend or move again.

Haemorrhoids are a pain in the arse! I got one while pushing with my first and it likes to rear it’s ugly head on occasion. Has played up this time too but it’s settled again.

How’s everyone doing? Babies all ok?

Huxley is 7 weeks today! Had him weighed on Tuesday by the health visitor and he was 12lb 10oz. I’ve got a hospital referral as he has a hydrocele.... and feels as though one of his testicles hasn’t descended. Nothing serious... even though I’m sure with his newborn check they felt both his balls??!?!
Oh wow mummy ! Huxley is 7 weeks already ! He’s a good weight ! They do have their testicles checked when they are born and by the HV again at home and at the 6-8 week post natal check up !

We had a few issues with weight gain but since switching formula he’s now upto 10lb 5oz at 4 weeks old .

Has anyone noticed their baby’s poop is frothy looking or has air bubbles in it? . I’ve found out BF baby’s can have this due to foremilk / hindmilk but nothing about FF baby’s !

Also anyone had there first AF since giving birth ? I know you ladies that BF might not for a few months if it all. I’m just wondering when I can expect mine (hopefully not this week or weekend !) cannot remember with the girls I’m sure it was after the 6 week mark
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Hey girls! Just checking in. Baby E is doing so great. 9lbs at her one month follow up and is so alert and a sweet, genuinely happy baby. She has great head control and loves tummy time, eats like a champ and sleeps through the night. We couldn’t have gotten luckier :cloud9:

She is formula fed and I haven’t had AF back yet, 5 weeks PP now. Not looking forward to that again lol

So happy to hear everyone is doing well. Let’s get a round of baby pics going!

Babybump - has he been on the same formula all along? I read it can be due to a reaction to too much lactose; I guess that’s where the hind milk/fore milk imbalance issue comes from. Maybe switching formula would resolve it? If it happens all the time I would ask the dr, but if it’s just a random occurrence I’d keep an eye on it and mention it next time. Unless it seems to give him a tummyache or extra fussy.

I looked into all kinds of stool issues when I thought E had a little blood in her stool, googled all kinds of scary stuff (don’t do it! lol) and took the questionable diaper to the dr and they tested it and it wasn’t blood. But if it was blood, they said it was most likely a milk allergy and they’d switch formula.

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