2019 Junebugs

I’ve been in a bit of a dark hole since baby was born. Never experienced it before, just felt very anxious, no appetite and didn’t want to leave the house. Feeling more myself now and coping better. Life with four is definitely challenging, I think particularly it’s so different to when the others were young as we home schooled so I never had to do a school run with a newborn!
I’ve been in a bit of a dark hole since baby was born. Never experienced it before, just felt very anxious, no appetite and didn’t want to leave the house. Feeling more myself now and coping better. Life with four is definitely challenging, I think particularly it’s so different to when the others were young as we home schooled so I never had to do a school run with a newborn!

I don't blame you! I'm so thankful it's Summer and my son doesn't go back to school till September, but I already get panicky just thinking about it!
Got some sleep last night and am doing alright. But man! You forget how hard the early days of breastfeeding a newborn are. That milk stink!! Ugh. Smelly, leaking, painful, cluster feeding, night feeding, can never hold the child without nursing when other people can hold her, can’t put her to sleep because she can smell the milk. Just when you think the baby is asleep, you set her down so you can pee or grab a bite and *boom* eyes open, gearing up for a good cry if a boob doesn’t find its way in her mouth. Like 90% of her awake time she’s nursing. My poor nipples. Luckily she’s very cute.
Hi ladies! Sorry I’ve been so MIA recently. Liam came home from the NICU on Sunday and it has been so amazing having him home! He is an absolute angel. Truly a great baby. I’ve been pumping and nursing and supplementing and I’m exhausted with the constant switching between the 3. But hubby and I have gotten on a good schedule of switching shifts throughout the night and we are both getting some sleep which is awesome.

I have been bleeding very lightly, which is amazing compared to the bleeding from my C-section with my daughter! I bled for like 12 weeks straight it was horrendous. I had my first poop Sunday and it was horrifying! I swore I popped a stitch! But then yesterday we had another one and it was so much better- you were right @Mrs. JJ!

We we’re one week old yesterday and I just can’t believe it! Time is flying by!! For any of the nursing/pumping moms, how long did it take for your milk to come in fully? Like more than an ounce or two per breast? My right is my all star boob, getting about 2oz at a time but my left is my shitty titty! Less than half an ounce typically! I slack when it comes to pumping, because I love my sleep so much, but I would love to be able to up my output so I can start to store up for nighttime when I sleep. I’ve been power pumping, any other ideas? Will the missed pumped overnight effect my daytime supply a lot? Or if I still get 10 pumps in during the day will that be enough?

So glad everyone is getting settled and I love seeing all the baby pictures-keep then coming. Oh and guess what ladies- WE DID IT
Shan - so glad Liam is home and dong so well !! No advice on breast feeding although my boobs have ballooned up a cup size but I’ve not been leaking or anything .

James has yet to produce a bowel movement , he’s only ever passed meconium the day he was born and the morning after. After speaking to our local maternity hospital we ended up in our local children’s hospital . The doctor advised to wait until tomorrow and if he’s not produced a bowel movement take him to the GP and ask for a hypoallergenic formula as there’s a good chance he may be allergic to cows milk like DD2! Which may be why he’s not produced a stool . Wish me luck trying to get that . GP was useless with DD2.
Shan - so glad Liam is home and dong so well !! No advice on breast feeding although my boobs have ballooned up a cup size but I’ve not been leaking or anything .

James has yet to produce a bowel movement , he’s only ever passed meconium the day he was born and the morning after. After speaking to our local maternity hospital we ended up in our local children’s hospital . The doctor advised to wait until tomorrow and if he’s not produced a bowel movement take him to the GP and ask for a hypoallergenic formula as there’s a good chance he may be allergic to cows milk like DD2! Which may be why he’s not produced a stool . Wish me luck trying to get that . GP was useless with DD2.
Oh man! I can’t imagine not having any poops! We’ve had probably 30+ already!!!
@Babybump87 - Oh no, hope James has a poo!!

@Shanlee16 - Glad that second poop was better!

@Mark&Annie - I’m sorry you’ve been having a rough time. My hormones have been so out of whack too but I’m feeling better today. Hope you’re feeling better soon.

Baby girl made some sweet happy sounds a couple times today. Here comes the fun part!
He’s done a proper poo !! So happy ! We still have to keep an eye on how long he goes between producing stools, but least he’s done the first one !

On a separate note for the first time ever I am producing breast milk. Good job I didn’t bin the breast pads I bought , Any ideas how long it will take to dry up ?!
Breast milk is the best laxative - you could pump some for future use? It freezes well :)
How is everyone doing?! We are getting settled in very well. Liam is 11 days old now and an absolutely amazing baby! We are so over the moon. Ella is adjusting well to her brother and to her big sister position, hubby is adjusting well to life with a newborn and toddler and I’m feeling better and better every day!
Awww that’s amazing Shan !

We are doing great too !! James is 10 days old he is just amazing so chilled out and relaxed ! The girls adore him ! I’m just trying to settle into life with three children it’s crazy ! I’m so lucky that I have my beautiful girls and my boy !
Shan- I am exclusively pumping. I get 45 oz a day. Baby eats 24 oz so I put the rest away. To up your supply power pumping is a good idea. Every 2hours if you really want to give it a go and that would mean at night as well which means not much sleep unfortunately. However if you are breast feeding also I am unsure if that is a good idea for you because you may end up with an oversupply since babies are better than pumps at getting the milk. My baby girl was waking up every 2 hours to eat anyways so I pumped while she was up eating. I have been able to back off pumping to every 3-4 hours usually only 3 because I start to get uncomfy. At night my boobs wake me up once I get past 3 hours and baby has been eating at 3 hours to 3.5 hours at night time.
How long did you ladies bleed for after delivery? Mine has slowed down a lot more to a normal period type now. So over it lol

James is two weeks old today !
Well Huxley is now 4 weeks and I’m having to wear a pantyliner as I have nothing then out of no where I have small amounts of blood. I hate the bleeding!
View attachment 1063662 Oooo Huxley is also starting to smile

So cute!

Jack is also starting to smile occasionally, however I am finding that he is a very unsettled baby. Not sure if it’s cos of the reflux or he just generally is more needy but I find we don’t have much content time from him. He’s either sleeping, eating or crying. He is sleeping well in the evening and early part of the night but will fight it with a passion in the day. Very different to my first who in comparison was such a happy easy going baby x
Sorry been AWOL Chester has silent reflux so wailing 24/7 am.soooo tired bit he Is worth it. Has finally hit 6lb. He will be 6 weeks tomoro. Where has the time gone. No smiles yet but peads said he my be a little behind with milestones due to the iugr. Has so alert at the minute though and follows his brothers when they in the room. I'm.finally off the bp meds yay!!!! I have finally.posted my birth story on the birthing forum about severe pre eclampsia. (Its a bit lond) Here a pic of my mightly little man! Screenshot_20190705-020055_Gallery.jpg

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