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2019 Junebugs

@Mark&Annie I am looking more pregnant myself these days... I live in Florida though so we do not really have much of a winter haha. It is like 68 degrees F the last few days so I am loving that!
@Babybump87 how lovely about you sister! How lovely you can share this experience with her! 2 of mine are November babies (14th and 16th) and my niece (10th) and my youngest march (27th) and my other niece and nephew are the (3rd and 22nd) it gets busy for birthdays but the more the merrier!
I’ve got a bit of a mummy tummy but can suck it all in and I’ve no hint of a bump.... but I’ve a long body so I’m gonna blame it on that!
@Babybump87 how lovely about you sister! How lovely you can share this experience with her! 2 of mine are November babies (14th and 16th) and my niece (10th) and my youngest march (27th) and my other niece and nephew are the (3rd and 22nd) it gets busy for birthdays but the more the merrier!

I think she’s relieved she’s got someone to share this with too all those first time pregnancy/mummy worries . I just hope this is her time! She’s the only woman in the immediate family not to have children yet and it’s something she’s wanted for many years but a serious illness has not made it possible until this year ! Fingers crossed for her !

Oh wow what a lot of birthdays at the same time! December is a busy month for birthdays for us!
I don't look pregnant in the slightest. Well idk i'm pretty sure it's all podge atm and food babies. I was sort of mid recovery ish with my eating disorder when I fell pregnant.
Honestly though it's done wonders for me in helping me eat more regular/balanced meals. Like having a full stomach is a strange concept for me. However, I started recovery so I'd give my body the best chance at being able to be pregnant in the future, just didn't imagine it'd be so soon.
My digestive system is slow af too, after all I put it through. I'm hoping it'll regulate soon though and this bloat/food baby will turn into an actual baby bump.

Also tested again today, even though i've had an early scan and I know I am bc i'm just paranoid. I can't wait till I pop though and have a proper bump but it's my first so idk when that'll be.
I think she’s relieved she’s got someone to share this with too all those first time pregnancy/mummy worries . I just hope this is her time! She’s the only woman in the immediate family not to have children yet and it’s something she’s wanted for many years but a serious illness has not made it possible until this year ! Fingers crossed for her !

Oh wow what a lot of birthdays at the same time! December is a busy month for birthdays for us!

Oh bless her! That’s some tough stuff to go through. Got all crossed this is it for her!
@hollowcrown it sounds like you’ve come along way. It’s hard to say when you’ll pop.... I think I was around 20 weeks with my first.. before then I just looked a bit thicker! I have a few tests so I still test here and there! Mainly to just get rid of them.

What appointments do you ladies have this week? I can’t keep track as there’s quite a few of us!!!!!
I don't look pregnant in the slightest. Well idk i'm pretty sure it's all podge atm and food babies. I was sort of mid recovery ish with my eating disorder when I fell pregnant.
Honestly though it's done wonders for me in helping me eat more regular/balanced meals. Like having a full stomach is a strange concept for me. However, I started recovery so I'd give my body the best chance at being able to be pregnant in the future, just didn't imagine it'd be so soon.
My digestive system is slow af too, after all I put it through. I'm hoping it'll regulate soon though and this bloat/food baby will turn into an actual baby bump.

Also tested again today, even though i've had an early scan and I know I am bc i'm just paranoid. I can't wait till I pop though and have a proper bump but it's my first so idk when that'll be.

I'm so glad you're doing well with recovery. I know it can be hard at times to watch your body change with pregnancy, but it's such a miracle knowing your growing another human being inside of you and providing them all the nutrition they need. <3
I don’t have any appointments now until 16 weeks at the midwife.

I also got my NT scan date through today ! 11 December ! Woop excited for that !
Ah I’m so pleased for you. Definitely helps seeing bubba with a heartbeat.... congratulations x

At my 6 week scan baby measured 2 days ahead but I’ll wait until my 12 week scan to see what that says.... well thats the date the midwives will use.
Might be a bit late to the party only just found this group, can I join you?

Due my 2nd baby on 14th of June my little girl will be 7 (biiig age gap!) we went for an early scan on Saturday at 8+1 and got to see little spud's heartbeat flickering away was so emotional couldn't stop crying :sad2: just waiting for my booking in appt and 12 week scan now very excited!
Allied the GPs and apparently I have to call on for some pregnancy pack nonsense, fill in some forms then midwife will contact me. Why can’t it just be simple?!
Obviously I know a dr is the best person to ask, but just wondering if anyone has had a similar pain to what I keep having....maybe twice a day I'll get a sharp pain low on my right side. It's sharp but only lasts seconds. Also I commonly get it when changing positions like going from sitting to standing or rolling over in bed.... that leads me to think it's like ligament related. I've read though that round ligament pains don't normally start till 2nd tri. I cramped alot early on with my son but don't remember when the sharper ligament pains started. Bc it only seems to be on that one side I keep irrationally fearing an ectopic or something even though it's such a brief pain. I have until Nov 14th for my 1st appt/ultrasound.
Obviously I know a dr is the best person to ask, but just wondering if anyone has had a similar pain to what I keep having....maybe twice a day I'll get a sharp pain low on my right side. It's sharp but only lasts seconds. Also I commonly get it when changing positions like going from sitting to standing or rolling over in bed.... that leads me to think it's like ligament related. I've read though that round ligament pains don't normally start till 2nd tri. I cramped alot early on with my son but don't remember when the sharper ligament pains started. Bc it only seems to be on that one side I keep irrationally fearing an ectopic or something even though it's such a brief pain. I have until Nov 14th for my 1st appt/ultrasound.

I would get checked out if you are worried however I have had a lot of aches and pains this pregnancy. A lot more than my first!
So I started taking Diclegis for my nausea and it has worked wonders...the only problem is today I've felt more or less like a zombie and have even lost an entire hour while staring at nothing. It was pretty strange. I've only taken 3 doses of it since getting it on Friday (2 pills before bed each night), and haven't even had to take any during the day but it's still making me feel like this. I'm going to try one pill tonight and see how I feel tomorrow. I'd almost rather the nonstop nausea than losing track of time. It's not safe with 2 little ones in the house I have to take care of.
Allied the GPs and apparently I have to call on for some pregnancy pack nonsense, fill in some forms then midwife will contact me. Why can’t it just be simple?!

In my area we don’t call/see the GP regarding pregnancy . We have to call our local maternity hospital and they arrange your booking in appointment with the midwife . I got my pregnancy pack last week , had 5 pregnacare tablets in, a pen and a Bounty magazine.
So annoying that you have to fill in forms a simple phone call should be enough to arrange your appointment. Hate form filling myself!

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