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2019 Junebugs

Might be a bit late to the party only just found this group, can I join you?

Due my 2nd baby on 14th of June my little girl will be 7 (biiig age gap!) we went for an early scan on Saturday at 8+1 and got to see little spud's heartbeat flickering away was so emotional couldn't stop crying :sad2: just waiting for my booking in appt and 12 week scan now very excited!

Welcome and congrats! I added your name and your EDD to our 1st post. :flower:
@PrettyInInk42 - Glad to hear he’s taking it well! Did you do anything special to surprise him?

AFM - had our second scan today at 10 weeks, got to see the little gummy bear jumping around. Took our 4.5 year old too, he seemed to really enjoy it. It’s so weird there’s a little thing that’s so active in there and I can’t feel it! After that I took the blood test for the early NIPT test. Doc says the results should be back in 10/11 days.
Such bad gas, painful trapped gas, plus constipation, oh the joys! On the upside nausea has gone, for now, and I had some energy yesterday! Hiding in bed again today though, kids back to school after half term, Tuesday I work nights so the day is mine to chill!
JJ - Not quite. I just suggested we go to a restaurant he likes and I offered to pay. He says now if I offer to pay for anything, he's gonna be suspicious. lol
Hi ladies,

Not posted for a while but been trying to keep up to date with everything that’s been going on. I’ve just had my scan date though and according to my LMP I’ll be 13 weeks exactly! Wish it was a bit earlier but hey ho.

I’m not entirely sure what is bloating and what is the start of a wobbly bump right now, I’m a little on the large side and I just look super podgy at the moment like I’ve put at least a stone on but actually the scales only say 3lb since before I was preggers?! I’m so bloated in fact I put some maternity jeans on today and oh my
God the comfort!! :rofl:
@PrettyInInk42 so pleased you told OH. Does it feel good for sharing? Not long till your scan.

@Mrs. JJ lovely news about your scan. These babies change so quickly in these first few weeks. Glad your little guy enjoyed it! Do you have to call for your results?

@Mark&Annie im envious about your nausea subsiding. Sorry about the gas/constipation! Not fun. Did you have a good day chilling?

@helensamantha its good to hear you’ve got a date for your scan but frustrating you gotta wait a while. Hopefully be here before you know it.

I had my first midwife appointment today. Had forms to fill and some stuff on the computer. Was a bit different to last time. Had to do a carbon monoxide test. Had bloods taken too. Have ketones in my wee so need to up my fluid intake... it’s so difficult because I throw up so much and everything makes me feel sick! Now just gotta wait for a scan date!
@PrettyInInk42 :rofl:

@Mummy2Corban Supposedly my doc will call with results but I also get a log in to check on the status online. So I guess I’ll see what happens first! Hope you stop feeling sick soon! Maybe some popsicles or something to help stay hydrated?

@helensamantha same here, I was semi-fluffy to begin with, just getting bigger! Probably would barely be noticeable if I were thin but oh well! :haha:
Hello Ladies!

@mkyerby16 - That sounds like round ligament to me. I know google says it shouldn't start until 2nd trimester but after having your first baby I read that the uterus goes back into position quicker then if it was your first time if that makes sense. I have felt round ligament my self a few times off and on and boy I didn't miss it! I have also had some cramping while laying on my back that took my breath away but went away when I turned on my side. I hope everything is totally good in there for you!

@PrettyInInk42 So glad SO took it well! :)

I have another ultrasound tonight so that will be the highlight of my day. I wanted to get it at exactly 11 weeks tomorrow but they didn't have a good time available so tonight at 7 I will be close enough to 11 weeks lol. See how much baby's arms and legs have grown. LOVING that I can find baby on doppler every morning to get a minute of listening. This lil sneaky peanut moves away quickly lol.
All exciting stuff guys!
I called in to get my pregnancy pack and fill in the form, hopefully hear from MW soon. Same lady who took care of me last time, think she will be shocked to see me back! We planned my home birth for Zoë last time, I didn’t see her until after I’d given birth as it ended up being too late to get there in time and we did it ourselves!
@Mark&Annie i think it’s nice seeing the same midwife. I was hoping the midwife I had for my last 2 would still be a the surgery but she’s been moved. Will you plan a home birth for this time round?

@Hoping4numbr3 exciting stuff! Look forward to hearing all about the scan.

I got my scan letter through today. It’s for 20th November so I’ll be just shy of 12 weeks. Annoyingly you can’t take children anymore so we’ve gotta sort some kind of childcare.... not so easy when you have 4 to sort out and not many helpful family members!
Probably, though if all my kids are at home I might go to the birthing centre for some peace!
mkyer - Def sounds like round ligament pain. I've had the same on & off

Pretty - Awesome! Glad you told SO & that it went well! :happydance:

DaTucker - I'm on Diclegis too. Stick with it - the zombie feeling will go away once your body gets used to it. I've had to teach all day and take care of my two kids at night on it :wacko: It's kinda crazy!

AFM, It's kinda strange knowing I can log into my blood test results anytime I want... it's been a week and a half since I had them done. DH & I haven't decided yet if we want to know the gender & that will give it away though, so if we decide to keep it a surprise, we have to wait till our next appointment, which is Nov. 19th, to find out how the genetic testing itself went. I'm kinda chomping at the bit to know that everything is good! And still sooooo not sure whether I want to know! Pros and cons to both sides... eek!
My nausea has been at an all time high. Still not thrown up but i've come close and I seem to have gone off like every single piece of food. It's like i'm hungry and sick so I should eat but everything i put near my mouth apart from ice lollies is making me gag and wretch.

However I can't just live off ice lollies/ice pops but i'm going through an insane ammount of them atm because it's the only thing I can stomach.
I just started bleeding about an hour ago. Pink mixed in with clear cm but a bit more than just spotting. I just started mildly cramping. I don't think this is good :cry: Talked to my dr and she said to come in in the morning. I'm so devastated right now.
I just started bleeding about an hour ago. Pink mixed in with clear cm but a bit more than just spotting. I just started mildly cramping. I don't think this is good :cry: Talked to my dr and she said to come in in the morning. I'm so devastated right now.
I had some bleeding at 8/9 weeks with my daughter and everything turned out fine. Fingers crossed it’s the same for you. All the best xxx
Ohhh!! Hope bean is ok, I remember that feeling I bled with my first at about 7-8 weeks. Xxx
@mkyerby16 how are you feeling now? I’m so sorry... what a worry. Like the other ladies said they’ve had bleeding so hopefully it’s just a blip xx
@hollowcrown im feeling you on that one. I can eat but it comes straight back up again. Wish I could suggest something but I don’t think anything does! Doh!
I just started bleeding about an hour ago. Pink mixed in with clear cm but a bit more than just spotting. I just started mildly cramping. I don't think this is good :cry: Talked to my dr and she said to come in in the morning. I'm so devastated right now.
I’m so sorry you are having any bleeding. I had two different episodes with this pregnancy and it turned out to not be related to the baby. Praying your baby is okay.

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