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2019 Junebugs

@Hoping4numbr3 i can relate with having a 8 year old (a boy though) he has suddenly gotten so much attitude!!!! Answers back... like you say rolls his eyes!!! Hehe! Such a monkey. On the other hand I have a 5 year old girl who is extremely strong minded. So either way I’m ok with whatever this baby turns out to be!!!! Love your profile picture! Very cute!

@Mrs. JJ how lovely baby girl was dancing to queen!!!! So funny. Got all crossed you get your vbac. I was also told to lay on my right side too! But help that wasn’t!!!! It’s thought being your first and not really knowing so much about the whole process but yes stand your ground if you need to this time.

@wifeybby youve got a busy time ahead. Really hoping you get your house sorted. Getting babies bits and pieces out definitely does help it feel more real.

Does anyone do the raspberry leaf tea? Or anything similar on the lead up to labour? I’m curious more because this will be my 5th labour and a few people have mentioned more bleeding due to your uterus not being so effective. Never done anything before but am curious?!
Oh and I just can’t believe so many of us are reaching or nearly reaching 20 weeks. At the beginning you wish the time away (I did because I felt so yuk) And here we are half way!!!!!
@Mummy2Corban Ty! Yes I can't believe we are already half way! Going so fast! My son is 8 and he may get an attitude for a second or be really sarcastic but it goes away quickly. Everyone is so different though. I think my daughter is just like me is all so we butt heads a little more haha!
Mummytocorban i bled for like a month or two and was cut And baby suctioned out for mymy first that i researched everything for number two. From 36 weeks on i drank so much raspberry leaf tea and took evening primrose oil. I didn't even bleed for a week after baby and felt great! We were even bad and went back to sex after a week. I will be doing all of that and probably eating dates this time around.
What does the evening primrose do? I’ve heard of dates? What do they do? I’ve read lots about raspberries leaf tea.... is it nice??? I’m not one for fruit teas.
I had raspberry leaf tea and it didn't help but I've heard lots of positive stories. It does not taste nice lol I made a big batch of it and let it go cold and kept it in the fridge it tasted nicer and made it with either honey or a couple of spoons of sugar
The tea i always had iced. I'm not a fan of tea but great results i say. You have to get the real red raspberry leaf tea though so read ingredients if you're gonna go for it. Helps with the uterus going back to normal and the bleeding.
The evening primrose oil can be ingested and or inserted up close to the cervix say before bed to help soften the cervix. I can't say much for that cuz they induced early which was dumb so i don't think baby was fully ready.
I've never tried the dates but will this time i think.
So im panicking. I know it's silly. But since I posted I felt thay big movement last week I haven't felt anything since :( so now debating what I actually felt and if anything is wrong. I felt both my boys by 15 weeks, the next 3 week's till my scan are going to drag
So im panicking. I know it's silly. But since I posted I felt thay big movement last week I haven't felt anything since :( so now debating what I actually felt and if anything is wrong. I felt both my boys by 15 weeks, the next 3 week's till my scan are going to drag

I had the same thing with my son. I started feeling him by 15 weeks and was sure it was baby. Then I felt almost nothing from like 17-19 weeks which freaked me out & made no sense to me. My dr at the time told me it was too early to worry about & sure enough he was fine and when I started feeling things again it was strong enough to see. I think they're still little enough that if they turn & face a different way we just cant feel as much. This one did that to me for a couple of days this week, but I felt a dance party earlier today.
I’m definitely going to look into Rasberry leaf tea this time round.

@emzeebob ive been feeling baby for a little while now but I still don’t feel it loads... I found out I’ve got another anterior plecenta at my 20 week scan so I’m
Guessing that’s why I don’t feel baby so much.
@emzeebob Try not to panic. EASIER said then done I know but I was feeling baby girl sporadically (Spelling?) as well until closer to the end of 18 weeks. Now she kicks every day a LOT but it is still random off and on lol. I do not have an anterior placenta though. I know that can make you feel it later on. Mk is right they still have so much room to play around in that if they switch positions you might not feel them as well.

My girl is still low down in my belly too. I feel her kicks close to pubic bone so that may be why I am more sensitive to the movements. I think if she was up more I wouldn't probably feel her as much as I do since I have more fat to cushion the blows there.
My DH & DS both got to feel baby kick yesterday. My DS (he's 3) is melting my heart and anytime I say something about the baby kicking he automatically puts his hand on my belly. I hope he stays sweet & excited once baby is actually here :haha:
Too cute @mkyerby16

So it is a really good thing I am having a pretty normal non high-risk pregnancy because the doctors office I have to see due to my husband's military insurance is driving me nuts! It takes like 15 minutes to make an appt and today I called them just to see if I could get in today to rule out a bladder infection or yeast infection and their call center just says oh sorry no appts available today. OKAY well what if I called and was having an emergency? No appts available today either? How do the women who are having issues or bleeding deal? I do not even need an appt just pee in a cup and someone test it GEEZ LOUISE. Lol okay rant over. Sorry ladies lol.
Hi ladies! Sorry I've been a bit MIA. Just wanted to check in. Had my 20 week scan yesterday. Will post pics when I'm able. Can't believe we're halfway there!

As for how my scan went.... well, it mostly went well. But I did have an issue. I have to go back for another appointment at another facility to have another scan done. First off, the more minor thing (at least to me) is that I drank a little too much water and my bladder was a little too full.... so even after she asked me to use the bathroom a bit to see if it would ease up, it was still too full. So she said that my uterus was contorted around my bladder, which was probably the issue, but that the measurement between the placenta and my cervix was minimal... meaning when I go into labor and my cervix dilates, we can possibly have an issue with my placenta getting in the way, bleeding, etc. So, they're going to check on that and make sure it was just my overfull bladder.

The more concerning thing is, they found what they called a calcification in baby's abdomen. I was told it is not a tumor, but since it's not 100% "normal" they want the specialists to look at it. I was told not to worry, the doctor herself said that her own child had a few calcifications in her bowel and by the time she was born they were gone. I can't help but worry anyway, and cried after I stepped out of the office, and another few times last night. Just very down - of course it could be much worse, but I just wanted the "perfectly healthy normal no problems" diagnosis to come out of the scan. Got some gorgeous shots of baby waving and he/she had his/her hands near his/her face too - was adorable (well, as adorable as you can get on a scan). <3
Update: I go to a high risk facility on Wednesday. I'll keep you ladies posted as to what happens. I'm assuming an ultrasound and appointment, but I truly don't know what to expect.
@BellaRosa8302 Sorry to hear it didn't go as you hoped! It is hard not to worry when told something doesn't look right even if it is something that could be minimal or harmless. HUGS!! I hope at your next scan the calcification is gone and that your placenta isn't close to the cervix!
@BellaRosa8302 crazy we are half way! Hoping your placenta issue is just because of your bladder being to full. My sonographer had issues getting measurements as my bladder was too full too. Hoping that’s the issue and that won’t interfer with labour.

I’m sorry they saw these calcifications in babes tummy. It can’t be easy hearing something like. I guess at least baby will be properly checked over on Wednesday (sorry you’ve got to wait till next week though) hopefully like you drs baby they disappear before birth and don’t cause any issues. Sending you big hugs lovely xxx
@Hoping4numbr3 our drs isn’t the best for appointments! For my 28 week appointment I need to make that booking next week or the week after otherwise I’ll never get in. If we call up on the day usually they have no appointments and they want us to go into town to a drop in centre which takes the overflow for the whole city so you can wait for hours!!!!!!!!!! Argh!!!!! Hope your ok x
THANK YOU for your support Mummy & Hoping! I sincerely appreciate it.

Mummy - I hear you on the appointments! I make about 4 appointments in advance usually, because I have my teaching schedule to think about... and even then it's tough! For my scan a couple of days ago, despite scheduling early, I ended up with a 2:30 scan appointment in one town, then had to drive to the other office in another town for the appointment with the doctor afterward. They had NOTHING open that week, where both would be in the same place. As of now, I have appointments scheduled for February 14th and March 11th. And who knows what's going to happen with this high risk doctor and if I'll have appointments with them :wacko: That's annoying though, that you're expected to call the day of, then get pushed off to someplace else! Glad you have the option of booking ahead of time <3

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