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2019 Junebugs

Hoping, I think I missed your post about the bladder/yeast infection because I must have been writing my post about my scan at the same time. Sorry hun! I hope you're feeling better!!! Both of those situations are THE WORST! Ugh. :hugs: Glad you got it sorted at the walk in!
THANK YOU for your support Mummy & Hoping! I sincerely appreciate it.

Mummy - I hear you on the appointments! I make about 4 appointments in advance usually, because I have my teaching schedule to think about... and even then it's tough! For my scan a couple of days ago, despite scheduling early, I ended up with a 2:30 scan appointment in one town, then had to drive to the other office in another town for the appointment with the doctor afterward. They had NOTHING open that week, where both would be in the same place. As of now, I have appointments scheduled for February 14th and March 11th. And who knows what's going to happen with this high risk doctor and if I'll have appointments with them :wacko: That's annoying though, that you're expected to call the day of, then get pushed off to someplace else! Glad you have the option of booking ahead of time <3

Are you a teacher hun? I'm just about finished my honours degree In education (last assignment due 2 weeks after baby is due. Whoops) then I'm starting my qualified teacher status course in September. I'm so tired recently am used to standing up in front of my class of kids but this last week in having to sit down so much more
Emzee, yes. I teach ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) to about 96 kiddos in grades K-5 (basically 4 - 12 year olds). Congrats on almost being done!! :)
Gawgus pics and so jealous. Soooo looking forward to ours 3 weeks is going so slow. Did you/ are you finding out gender lovely x
Aww thanks! It'll be here before you know it <3

We did not find out gender - we could have with our blood test at 10 weeks, but decided to stay team yellow <3 The ultrasound tech said it was a good thing because baby was keeping a foot in the way of gender anyway :haha:
I’m definitely going to look into Rasberry leaf tea this time round.

@emzeebob ive been feeling baby for a little while now but I still don’t feel it loads... I found out I’ve got another anterior plecenta at my 20 week scan so I’m
Guessing that’s why I don’t feel baby so much.
Same here!!
Sorry your scan didn’t go well Bella . Try not to worry so much. Easier said than done I know ! Cute scan pics too !!

I don’t feel Baby too much of a day either it’s mainly when I’ve ate but Moreso of a night lying down not every night mind you. I can feel which side baby is lying on too as one side will have a hard lump and the other side will be soft !

My scan is on Thursday and for some reason I am so nervous to find out ! (I’m not bothered boy or girl long as baby is happy and healthy in there!) but everyone has said boy this time around and feel they will be disappointed if baby is a girl which will obviously annoy me lol.
Eek! Do you think people are saying boy because you have 2 girls? I would just ignore everyone whatever sex baby is it’s super exciting! People have always said we are having boys.... but we are half and half. Like you say as long as that bubba is happy and healthy then that’s all that matters xx
Eek! Do you think people are saying boy because you have 2 girls? I would just ignore everyone whatever sex baby is it’s super exciting! People have always said we are having boys.... but we are half and half. Like you say as long as that bubba is happy and healthy then that’s all that matters xx

Yeah exactly because we already have two girls! I’m sure if we had two boys they would say baby is a girl haha! I am just delighted to be adding to our family and to see the girls with their new sibling!

I felt baby move today numerous times when I had my hand over my stomach ! Got a surprise as didn’t expect it !
How’s everyone doing? What appointments are happening this week??

I’m really struggling with boys names!!!!! So I have a
Corban John
Indigo grace
Iya Anne
Cooper Henry

All second names are family related (also the C and I names are just coincidence really)

Girls names in the running Thea and Cora.

Boys names none!!!!!! I know we’ve plenty of time still but it nice to have something!!!
I have a regular check up prenatal appt Thursday but I am sure it will be a heart beat check/uterus sizing measurement appt and will be quick. Nothing super exciting. I haven't used my doppler in a week now because she kicks me all day every hour lol so no need. Loving that part though :) Very active girl! Good luck with the name picking it can be so tricky!
Those are lovely scan pics, Bella!! They’re adorable! Such a cute little babe. Please keep us updated with what they say! Hopefully it just resolves itself and smooth sailing from here.

Mummy, boy names are hard! We only had a couple boys name we liked.
Scan on Thursday eeek !! Midwife not until early March . That’s it for me upto now .

My cousin found out she’s having a little girl today !! Seems there’s a lot of women pregnant with girls !

We are struggling with a girls name ! It’s sooo hard !!

Glad your baby girl is very active @Hoping4numbr3 !!
Bella- I’m so sorry your scan didn’t go as planned. I know it can be stressful being with a high risk doctor and having unanswered questions, you and baby will be in my thoughts. And keep in mind that medical technology is so advanced there’s not a lot they can’t do today!

Mummy- I’ll be 19 weeks tomorrow and feel that time is flying by! Our anatomy scan is January 30, and next appt is Feb 3. We originally decided we were going to be team yellow but have changed our minds and will have a gender reveal party the weekend after Valentines Day at my best friends house. It will be small, just with close family and friends and we are really excited and feel that we have made the right decision (it’s my OH’s first baby and he’s extremely elated to be finding out.) We also already have a boy’s name picked out- William Thomas, after my dad and his dad, and plan to call him Liam. But we don’t know for girls!

Hoping4- I’m just like you, I haven’t used my Doppler in weeks because I can feel baby SO much. With my daughter I didn’t feel her until well into the 20 weeks, but with this baby I’ve been feeling them right on since about 14. It has gotten me so excited for this little one.

How is everyone feeling? I’ve been great, but been stressed out with my doctor. I had an unscheduled C-section with my daughter due to lack of labor progression and just overall bullying from my doctors and am being pushed into a second csection due to my pregnancy falling within a year of delivery. I have researched the subject and risks and at most have about a 1.7% chance of uterine rupture, and still am being pressured into a csection!! I am a recovering opiate addict and with my daughter I refused pain medications. It made my recovery excruciating and about twice as long. I can’t imagine going thru that same experience again but feel that my doctors don’t care. How do I advocate for myself?

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