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2019 Junebugs

Sorry , yes I meant popping the ballon ! I think the girls would be super excited to do it and have the confetti fall everywhere!

I’m pretty sure I’ve felt lots of moment today too . Really low down !
That’s so cute! Girls will love it I’m sure.... plus it’s a lovely way to reveal it.

Exciting that you’ve felt baby too. At least going into the scan you’ve already felt it.

When has everyone else got scans? Midwife? Dr? I know have to wait until 28 weeks to see the midwife.....
I don’t see my midwife until 28 weeks either. Seeing her less this time around as it’s 3rd baby.

Makes me feel kinda uncomfortable the length of time between seeing her though. Just because it’s 3rd baby we shouldn’t be monitored any less than first baby I think . As we know all pregnancies are different !
Hello ladies,
I'm due on 21st June 2019, same day as @MissCassie!! :)
This is my 1st pregnancy, so all new to me...feel like I have had it easy so far, with no sickness or nasty symptoms to date. No mood swings or crazy emotions either. So I can safely say I'm quite liking being pregnant at the moment!
Hope you are all doing well too and looking forward to chatting with you all.
@Babybump87 yeah I think it’s crazy that we got from 16 weeks to 28 weeks. My midwife has said if I have any concerns I can always book in to see her invetween but so far i don’t think I do... but I do think we should have something in the middle just to do a quick check over. Oh well!

@LarZ84 lovely of you to join us! Great to hear your pregnancy has treated you well so far! Are you finding out babies sex?
My 20 week scan is Feb 5th. We're still trying to figure out what we're going to do as far as revealing the gender. With my ds we looked away when she got down to those bits during the scan and she taped up pictures of the potty shot with boy! Typed onto it in an envelope and I gave it to my sister & she planned a surprise for our gender reveal party. She ended up filling a little pinata with blue confetti. That party ended up being DH's family b*touching about how I didn't want ds to be named the 6th though so I have a bitter taste about parties now and don't really want to do one for this baby. I'm thinking DH, DS & I will just go to the ultrasound and find out then together then have just our parents & sisters (well mine, we'll have to Facetime his bc she lives further away) over for dinner and having like a cake with blue or pink inside or something. We'll just have to keep DS quiet until we're ready to reveal the surprise :-#:D
@Babybump87 yeah I think it’s crazy that we got from 16 weeks to 28 weeks. My midwife has said if I have any concerns I can always book in to see her invetween but so far i don’t think I do... but I do think we should have something in the middle just to do a quick check over. Oh well!

@LarZ84 lovely of you to join us! Great to hear your pregnancy has treated you well so far! Are you finding out babies sex?

We do want to find out the sex, yes...got my next scan on 30th Jan, so hoping we will find out then!?
Detailed scan and gender is 8th Feb
I have a mid wife app at 24 weeks cos of my weight and my dad is diabetic so need to have a check up and book gtt at that app

Plus an anethestic app in April sometime apprently cos I had a c section last time they want to discuss options
I'm very undecided at the moment, but we have decided if it's a girl I will have a c section and be sterizerlised. My Dr has offered it to me before we got pregnant as a option i have very bad periods that last any where between 21.days and 1 year and meds don't stop it, so hopefully Dr said it could regulate them. But we are desperate for a girl and if this is a boy we would try for our last baby what ever the sex in a couple of years after I've finished my teacher training. But if baby is a boy I'm.defo undecided had a horrible birth with my 1st ended up woth ptsd and pnd and a csecrion that didn't.go to plan with 2nd (they couldn't stitch me up and then I re opened after a week)

Why does sneezing hurt so much
I keep changing my mind on my preferred sex...initially I hoped for a girl as I'm in a same sex relationship and thought that my wife and I may find it easier to raise a girl rather than a boy!? But as time goes on and I see and speak to my friends with young children, the boys generally seem so much more easy going than the girls. Now I seem to be changing my mind almost daily, so I guess that means I don't really have a preference. We have lots of strong male role models around us, so boy or girl, as long as they are healthy, we'll be happy.
Oh yeah definitely happy and health baby is priority, we already have 2 boys who I wouldn't change for the world and if I end up with 5 boys before I'm sterilized so it be :) hubby is one of 6 boys before his mum had a girl so not holding out much. Plus it took 2 years to conceive my first and 3 years for my 2nd due to my stupid cycles
@LarZ84 totally agree asking as baby is happy and healthy. Can’t wait to find out what team your gonna be on.

@emzeebob wow! What a story! Go you for doing all over again. Crazy that you oh mum had 6 boys before a girl! Fingers crossed for s bit of pink!

I’m easy either way. I like the thought of both!!!! Currently have no boy names so maybe it’s a boy! Haha!
I'm very undecided at the moment, but we have decided if it's a girl I will have a c section and be sterizerlised. My Dr has offered it to me before we got pregnant as a option i have very bad periods that last any where between 21.days and 1 year and meds don't stop it, so hopefully Dr said it could regulate them. But we are desperate for a girl and if this is a boy we would try for our last baby what ever the sex in a couple of years after I've finished my teacher training. But if baby is a boy I'm.defo undecided had a horrible birth with my 1st ended up woth ptsd and pnd and a csecrion that didn't.go to plan with 2nd (they couldn't stitch me up and then I re opened after a week)

Why does sneezing hurt so much
I hear you on the sneezing. The round ligament pain was so bad with a sneeze i had yesterday, I nearly cried!
I’m halfway through this pregnancy. We will deliver by 39 weeks- on May 29. I see a high risk doc because of a 2nd trimester loss and we have been blessed to have several U/S this pregnancy. Saw the baby at just over 19 weeks on Friday. He’s doing really well and growing on schedule. Thinking of all of you who have your scans coming up. It’s so wonderful to see our babies
..... that baby boy is doing great. Will they induce you by the 29th may?
Yes! I’ve had all vaginal deliveries. I went in to labor naturally with Babies 3 and 4 and didn’t need any pitocin. I loved that. However, both of those babies came after 40 weeks. I’m really hoping I go into labor by 39 weeks, and if not, I’m getting induced :)
I’m 20 weeks now! As of Saturday :dance: been feeling lots of kicks and movement, I love it so much. Trying to ease away from the Doppler, try to trust she’s okay and be reassured by movement.

Congrats to everyone for making it this far too! Can’t wait to see our babies this summer <3

I’ve got a lot going on next month, I’m so excited! Routine scan with the OB on the 5th. Elective 4D scan the 16th at 25 weeks. GD test the 15th or 22nd, can’t remember. Hope the second half of this pregnancy goes by easier on me mentally/anxiety wise. I’ve been a mess of anxiety so far, it hasn’t been fun :(

Also hoping the government shutdown ends quickly so we can close on our house in time or with minimal delay. I want my house! Can’t wait to set up the nursery and playroom, and start really feeling like a baby is coming home with us!
@LarZ84 - Welcome and congrats! I added you to our 1st post. :flower: And regarding genders, I have a boy already and all his friends are girls. The girls are great of course but I'm definitely nervous about having a girl this time, it's the teenage years I'm scared of! But having a boy so far has been a blast.

@DaTucker - I had a very noticeable Braxton Hicks the other night too, it was just like you described, tightening on the front of my belly. I was walking back from dinner at the time so I got home and sat for a while, it was gone almost right away.

@Babybump87 - Great boy name! We have a lot of James in our family too so we named our son Jameson just to change it up a little. So he's Jameson Thomas. <3

AFM - 20 weeks today! I started feeling baby girl really good last week when we went and saw Bohemian Rhapsody, she was going nuts in the movie and since then I've been feeling her consistently when I'm resting. I think she's a Queen fan. :thumbup:

And about births, I'm hoping for a VBAC this time. With my son I was in labor for days. My water broke and nothing happened til the next morning when contractions started, I labored at home for half a day and at a birth center for half a day and through the night (I wanted a water birth). I got to labor in the water for a few hours but I wasn't progressing enough so the next morning I went to the hospital and got induced with pitocin and got a spinal (epidural failed). I labored all day and stood my ground against a c-section and finally baby dropped and they were able to manually dilate me the rest of the way (a lot of hands in my vagina). I pushed for 4 hours but he wasn't coming out even though we could see his head and then my contractions stopped. So I was resigned to the c-section at that point. Turns out he was turned posterior so his head was pushed up and his big ass head was stuck in my pelvis. It was the oddest sensation feeling the doc brace his arm on my chest and pull the baby out of me with the other hand, I could feel almost the suction of him coming out. :haha:

I'm not certain I'll get my VBAC, especially if my waters break early again. They have a lot of rules for VBACs; I can't go past my due date (by the time DS was born he was 40+4 even though my water broke 40+1) and they won't induce. I'm planning to eat a lot of dates and protein since that supposedly helps keep the water bag strong and last time I did EPO and had sex and stuff to help my cervix but I might have screwed myself over that way so I'm going to avoid anything inside towards the end including examinations. I'm also going to look for a chiro that specializes in positioning baby. Other than that all I can do is hope the second time around is better. Oh, and if the stupid nurse tells me to lie on my right side against my better judgment I'm going to tell her no, I knew he'd always flip the wrong way when I lied on my right side. So trust myself, don't be afraid to stand my ground and hope things go a lot smoother this time around.
Yay @wifeybby glad you are feeling more movements! I too am not using my doppler now because she kicks on and off like every 2 hours. I love it!

@Mrs. JJ It isn't just the teenage years lol. My daughter is 9 and has been thinking she is 16 since she was like 5 or 6. She is full of attitude. She is a good girl but lately likes to roll her eyes at everything or say "Whatever" or "duh" OOOOOOO that little girl lol. I was hoping this one would be a little boy but no such luck. Now DH and I are considering having a 4th baby (his 2nd) because I will be staying at home with this baby for a bit after it is born instead of going back to work so mine as well make it even right? HA my luck it will be another girl so I have some thinking to do on that bahaha! Not sure I can handle 3 girls. One pregnancy at a time though geesh lol!

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