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2019 Junebugs

Our scan was amazing baby was naughty kept moving around while trying to get measurements ! Very active . Baby was drinking the fluid scratching their head ! Was just amazing .

Now ... baby is a BOY !!! I am soooo shocked !! Could see his little boy bits clear as day !!
@Babybump87 YESSSSSS!!!!! CONGRATS :) Glad baby looks good.

@BellaRosa8302 So glad the scan went well. Sorry about the placenta being near the cervix but I to have heard they typically move up. Sorry DH about not being able to have sex but it is what it is lol Men are so funny about that sometimes. I'd have told my hubby that he has two perfectly good hands and will be fine. I am sweet like that though. bahah

@Mrs. JJ - LOVE THE pic!! :)

AFM- My 22 week appt today was good. Uterus is measuring right on track she said and heart beat still 150 and good. Baby kicking away like usual. I just met this OB today and she says "So what are we doing for Birth control after this baby?" I have to say I was kinda offended by the question at first. Like why are we talking about this right now? I told her I wasn't sure and she starts going over all the options available like I do not know what is out there. Maybe it is just something they need to do but ughhh pause. Let me get this baby out and I will worry about BC after. GEEZ.
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@BellaRosa8302 im so over the moon :dance:that all looks good with baby! What a relief!! Sorry about your placenta though. Hopefully your next scan shows a shift.

@Babybump87 i knew it was a boy :haha: only kidding! I can’t speak for everyone but both my boys have been more chilled than my girls. Glad all looks ok. Did you do the reveal?

@Hoping4numbr3 glad all went ok at your appointment. Bit soon to think about birth control.... one thing at a time please!!!!
Thanks ladies !! I am soooo shocked doesn’t seem real haha !! We popped the balloon MIL went crazy lol ! DD1 is overjoyed . DD2 doesn’t quite understand it all !

Oh wow Hoping I’d be totally insulted! It must be something they have to ask though , my GP does but at the 6 week check up after baby is born ! Glad your little one is doing so well !!
Hoping, I'm surprised they mentioned birth control also. I know they mentioned it in the hospital when my daughter & son were born.... and definitely at the 6 week postpartum check, but now?!?! That's crazy!

Babybump, that's awesome :cloud9: Having both is SUCH a blessing! In fact, I told DH yesterday that I feel like I'll be a little disappointed with gender either way :haha: because I SO want another little girl but I also SO want another little boy. I guess I'll be happy either way then, too <3

I can already see how being team yellow is going to be difficult... in planning DS's "big boy room" IDK whether to reuse his nursery decor, or if we're going to just keep it the same if we have another DS (and in that case, buy new for older DS). Also, our nursery set turns into a full size bed with a mans chest of drawers, so it's definitely meant for a boy. If LO turns out to be a girl, DS will get the nursery furniture eventually... so we will need "interim" furniture while baby is using the nursery furniture. But, if baby is a boy, we can get DS his own furniture... SO confusing!!! I don't mind not knowing, but I want to at least be ready with my current DS's big boy room! :wacko: If you could follow that crazy train of thought, kudos!!! :haha:
I know! I think that is why I am slightly offended. Like she wants to discuss it right now? Why? Cuz it is my 3rd? or because I am 31 and she feels I shouldn't be having kids? I don't know.
Hoping, I'm surprised they mentioned birth control also. I know they mentioned it in the hospital when my daughter & son were born.... and definitely at the 6 week postpartum check, but now?!?! That's crazy!

Babybump, that's awesome :cloud9: Having both is SUCH a blessing! In fact, I told DH yesterday that I feel like I'll be a little disappointed with gender either way :haha: because I SO want another little girl but I also SO want another little boy. I guess I'll be happy either way then, too <3

I can already see how being team yellow is going to be difficult... in planning DS's "big boy room" IDK whether to reuse his nursery decor, or if we're going to just keep it the same if we have another DS (and in that case, buy new for older DS). Also, our nursery set turns into a full size bed with a mans chest of drawers, so it's definitely meant for a boy. If LO turns out to be a girl, DS will get the nursery furniture eventually... so we will need "interim" furniture while baby is using the nursery furniture. But, if baby is a boy, we can get DS his own furniture... SO confusing!!! I don't mind not knowing, but I want to at least be ready with my current DS's big boy room! :wacko: If you could follow that crazy train of thought, kudos!!! :haha:

Thanks !!
That’s one of the main reasons we found out . We are currently moving the girls to another room and re decorating moving things around etc . So now baby will have his own room and girls will be in together ! Good luck figuring it all out . It will eventually fall into place !
I know! I think that is why I am slightly offended. Like she wants to discuss it right now? Why? Cuz it is my 3rd? or because I am 31 and she feels I shouldn't be having kids? I don't know.

Hahaha don’t be saying that !! I am 32 in a few weeks ! We are not old mums far from it ! Probably just ticking that jobsworth checklist !
Babybump - I agree with Mummy2Corban. Of my four kids, my son was my easiest baby!
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Hoping - at my first OB appointment around 11 weeks, which was with a new doctor, she asked me about birth control, too. Um....not the time to talk about that. :dohh:
Same for me they talk birthcontrol at 6 weeks pp. I think we may need to think about something permanent as I’m not sure we have anywhere to put another baby after this one! And ladies I’ll be 35 come August!!!!!!!
Don't worry, Bella - I'm 42, so you can still claim youth. :laugh2:

My pregnancy was a surprise (understatement of the year), and this will be our fifth child, so I assumed that was why birth control was discussed. But after hearing others have dealt with it, maybe it's just standard practice?

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