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LOL jules! I still don't think 42 is old. My sister had my nephew at 43 :shrug: He was child #4 for her (child #7 between her and her husband - but their first/only baby together). Their kids span from (now) 4 to 23! They also have a grandchild (step-grandchild for my sister!) <3

How is everyone feeling today? I had a rough day/night last night. I barely slept the night before, had to get up for work, had a bunch of little things go wrong throughout the day, hubby worked late, etc. By the time I was putting my kids to bed I was loaded with Braxton Hicks & EXHAUSTED is an understatement! Thankfully I slept most of the night - woke up a few times but was able to go right back to sleep. Feeling so much better today <3
Had scan today, baby girl is happy and wiggly! I cried when they showed her wee face, holding her arms up over her head! Feel like I can relax a bit and enjoy this pregnancy more now. Placenta is slightly lower than they’d like so need another scan at 32 weeks to check it’s clear of the exit hole!

Lovely scan!

When are you guys planning to have your shower, if you’re having one?! As it sits now, I’m planning May 4th at 36 weeks. Is that a good time, or too late — any input?
@Mark&Annie what a lovely scan and congratulations on a baby girl!!!!! Hopefully at 32 weeks the exit hole :haha::haha: while be clear.

All these lovely scan pictures! Lots of lovely babies!

@BellaRosa8302 sorry you had a crap nights sleep.... it’s amazing how lack of sleep totally ruins a day!!! Glad you got a better nights sleep though.

I’m doing ok thank you... am struggling with being tired (low ferritin though I think) feels very similar to my 3rd pregnancy as I was pretty anemic with that one too.

@wifeybby im not sure! I’ve never had a baby shower! But 36 weeks sounds like a great time. Any news on the house?
Hoping- Don’t worry, I am 23, on my second child and at my last appointment the doctor brought up birth control! I think it’s just something they talk about to keep in your mind for after delivery.

JJ- that’s a beautiful scan!

Mark& Annie- how did you get the writing on that scan??

Bella- I’m so glad everything is okay with baby!!

Wifey- we are thinking about doing it right around 35-36 weeks as well. I don’t think that’s too late at all!

Everything is good on this end, I’ve cone to terms with my crappy doctors and decided to make the best of a shitty situation. I’ll keep to my guns on a VBAC and will have a great pregnancy. Now it’s just waiting for our scan (1/30) and appointment (2/2). We are so excited!!
The midwife/sonographer did it! She was so lovely, did one for each of the kids!
lol! Thanks for calming me down ladies :) I am also considering having a 4th as well already. Can't remember if I mentioned that already in here sorry if I have! I probably will reconsider that once I go into labor again lol.

Ooo at @Babybump87 My Sister's birthday is March 18th! Too cool.

I am feeling alright besides the sciatica pain that came back but I got a cheap 1 hour massage that was lovely and is helping so I guess I will continue to do those until Baby is here since it helps.
Alright ladies... I've been keeping up reading your posts but don't message much.... We're having a girl! My boys are very happy it's not another boy.
I'm getting out of the military so some girls from work are throwing me a going away/baby shower at the end of February. I'm in the coast guard though so praying we get paid by then. Or else I'm worried not many people will come.

@crusherwife44 amazing news! Yay for a girly!!!

@Hoping4numbr3 isnt it funny how we want another, then the labour build up you change your mind to no I’m done.... then once you have a squishy newborn your back to wanting another!!!

I really hope I get that feeling of being done after this baby.... other ladies have told me they just knew that they were done. I’m not sure I’ll ever feel like that!!!! But I have a feeling I’ll always have room for another! Argh! I think hubby is more on the lines of this definitely being the last though. What about you ladies? Is this the last? Or do you hope to have 1? 2? More?
lol! Thanks for calming me down ladies :) I am also considering having a 4th as well already. Can't remember if I mentioned that already in here sorry if I have! I probably will reconsider that once I go into labor again lol.

Ooo at @Babybump87 My Sister's birthday is March 18th! Too cool.

I am feeling alright besides the sciatica pain that came back but I got a cheap 1 hour massage that was lovely and is helping so I guess I will continue to do those until Baby is here since it helps.

Oh that’s cool !!

Ouch for the sciatica pain ! It’s a nuisance! The massage sounds lovely ! I would continue, if it helps plus , a nice hour to yourself !
Alright ladies... I've been keeping up reading your posts but don't message much.... We're having a girl! My boys are very happy it's not another boy.
I'm getting out of the military so some girls from work are throwing me a going away/baby shower at the end of February. I'm in the coast guard though so praying we get paid by then. Or else I'm worried not many people will come.

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Congratulations on baby girl !!
My last labour made me want another straight away! Reason stopped us, it was hard work when they were 4,2, and 0!

I have never had a baby shower - I always thought it’s one of those things you get if you have really nice friends who organise stuff like that for you, never thought of doing it for myself. Don’t think anyone would be that interested for my fourth!

And as for feeling old - I’m 37 a week on Monday! Definitely feeling it at the moment, out of breath and in bed by 7!
I’ve just turned 28, having my first. I’d have 4 more if I can, we had fertility struggles so I have no idea what’s in store for the future. Hoping conceiving after this baby is easier! It’s out of our hands for the most part, I feel.

My MIL is hosting my shower, but I’m quite “type A” and I can’t just sit back and let it be lol I need to be involved in planning and decorating. The food, though, I’m willing to let go of, but my bestie and I are making the cake (if we can pull it off, if not we’ll go to a bakery) - my coworkers are also throwing one, and my mom is planning something for our side of the family too. I just hope it all works out smoothly! The one hosted by MIL is the big one, though.

22 weeks today! :dance:
I Will be 34 in May.
So in hospital again lol I might aswell book my own room, this pregnancy is really taking its toll and I'm.not even half way lol.
So woke up Sunday morning and 1 thigh was about 5 x the size of the other, due midwife panicking I have a blood.clot. 3 days in hospital with ct scan, chest x-ray, blood thinning injectios and scan on my leg they concluded it's just pregnancy odema. Thanks !!

I was never hospitlissed with the first 2, I'm so tired, my asthma is playing up. Baby is grounded before it's born

Plus I'm fed up woth every one either saying I had your hoping for a girl aren't you, it must be a girl all this trouble your going though. Tbh I just want to get through the next 4/5 months without going back to hospital
Oh and still.no feeling baby which is really getting me down :( midwife isnt concerned at all and suspects my placenta is at the front
Ohhhh that sucks so much!! Feel for you, hope your boys are being extra loving! Xxx

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