2019 Junebugs

Ok, I think I got all the updates for the 1st post, let me know if I missed any!

Time is flying, isn't it? Here we are talking about things we've bought already! So far I have only bought a Christmas dress for next year (I was just so in love with it, I couldn't miss the opportunity) and I ordered my diaper bag so I can use it for our traveling/weekend trips instead of lugging around my purse plus my almost 5-year-old's stuff. I love it except I'm not sure how the wipes pocket works, must need specific sized wipes, the normal size doesn't fit and also the front magnet is not strong so the flap doesn't close easily. Really annoying. Otherwise, though it's really nice. I'm hoping I'll get my free box of amazon goodies now that's I've ordered something off my "completed" registry. Oh and I did get a lot of goodies from my mother in law and some friends at Christmas so I'm doing pretty good clothes-wise so far. I'll probably wait until after my baby sprinkle (small shower) before I buy anything else.

Lately, I've been working on my maternity leave, trying to figure out what I need to do and how much time I get. Last pregnancy I worked up until my water broke but back then I didn't realize that California State Disability covers enough of my salary to let me take off the max amount of time and I have paid time off saved for the rest of the time. So I'll be going out 4 weeks before my EDD (June 3rd) and should be off through early October depending on when baby comes. I'm hoping for a VBAC so hopefully she doesn't put up a fight and comes on time, I'm not supposed to go past my due date and they won't induce.
Girls are still winning for this June thread! Super exciting!

@Mrs. JJ it’s crazy isn’t it! I’m 23 weeks today!!!! Great news about your maternity pay too.
We haven’t bought anything for this baby, but we are finding out today if it’s a boy or girl!! We originally were going to wait, then we were going to do a reveal, there e were going to find out with our close friends and family at lunch this weekend but now that the day is here we’re going to find out together and tell them this weekend! We are so excited and over the moon! I’ll update you all as soon as we find out in about 2 hours!!
Mark & Annie - Sorry to hear about your placenta (Laughing @ blocking the exit hole though :haha: ) Just out of curiosity - I have the same issue (marginal placenta previa) and was told no sex until the next scan. Same for you??

Wifey - Where I'm from, we generally only have showers for the first baby. Since this is my third (and we really don't need ANYTHING other than maybe diapers) we're def not having one. The one I had with my daughter was exactly one month before my due date (was due May 7th, had my shower April 7th). Hope that helps!

Mummy - :rofl: @ mind feeling 21 while body feels 51! I am SO with you there!!! :flower:

Hoping - SO funny on the 4th - I so want a 4th also (preggo with #3 now). I was always the one saying I want 2 and we'll see after that. DH was always the one saying he wanted 4. Now I want 4 and DH is saying "we'll see...." :haha:

Crusher - CONGRATS on having a baby girl! Beautiful scan pic! Thanks for sharing! <3

Emzee - SO sorry little one is giving you such trouble this time around! I feel the same - both DD & DS were fairly easy pregnancies (DS put me through quite a bit of pain near the end, but nothing I had to go for extra appointments or hospitalization for) and of course this little nugget has me seeing the high risk dr! I guess baby #3 is just a troublemaker! :ROFL: @ grounded before it's even born! :haha:

I am SO far behind on your messages.... this is just reactions to ONE PAGE I missed! I'll probably have to write more messages back when I finish catching up! :haha:
Shanlee - So sorry to hear about your baby's father :hugs:

Mummy - I hear you!!! We planned every 3 years. We had DD when I was 29, DS when I was 32, and now, with this LO, I'm 35. We planned it this way so that if we did have 4, I could have number 4 at 38 and then be done (before I hit 40). My sister had her son at 44, so I know it's def doable, but I'd rather be done in my 30s. Plus, like you said - space, time, money, for sure!!! Our kids are unfortunately in daycare. We planned the way we did mostly so that we would only have 2 kids in daycare at a time... only to find out that we still need after school care for my 5.5 year old :cry: so I feel like we'll never truly be out of daycare! :cry: It's close, since I'm a teacher, but I just can't get home in time to get her off the bus! And on Thursdays I have late meeting days. So, except for Thursday, most days she's only actually at daycare for 20 minutes. Thursdays, she's there closer to 40 minutes. SERIOUSLY frustrating though that she spends such little time there, but I need something/someone reliable to get her off the bus in case I get stuck in traffic or whatever and can't get there in time.

A bunch of you were talking about baby bottles.... IMO (hope you don't mind :haha: ) if you're planning on formula feeding, go for whatever bottles you want, but if you plan on breastfeeding, I learned the hard way that some babies will not take whatever bottle you give them. My DD was fine with the Dr Brown's bottles I chose. My DS would NOT take them. I finally figured that if I tried for a bottle/nipple shape that felt most like my own breast, maybe that would work - and thank goodness, it did! Also, quick tip if you do have this issue, buy different bottle nipples before you spring for the whole bottle. It gets expensive when you're trying to figure out what baby will take!

Awwwww Harry Potter outfits! That's adorable! I got my DS one for xmas that says "Mischief Managed" with a cartoon HP on it - totally my favorite outfit for him right now! <3 <3 <3

Ok.... that's my second page of catch-ups!!! :haha:
We haven't bought a thing for this baby. To be honest, I'm in the middle of purging! We really have whatever we'd need for a new baby at this point. I'd love to grab a couple of new outfits, but not knowing if it's a boy or a girl (yay #TeamYellow) makes it hard when I prefer gender specific clothing.

Mrs.JJ - Hoping your baby girl comes on time so you can get your VBAC! I hear you on the maternity leave - I was sobbing over my lunch break yesterday over this. It is SO ambiguous near me. I was told I get 6 weeks paid (so long as I have enough accrued sick days to cover it) and 12 weeks FMLA (unpaid but with my benefits). The part that is ambiguous is that I'm a teacher and I'm due 4 days before I get out of school for the summer anyway. I was told I basically get probably one week of paid leave, and then I only get FMLA if my doctor "deems it necessary" when we return to work at the end of August. When I looked up the FMLA laws, that seems completely wrong, and even the letter I received from my job says that I am eligible for up to 12 weeks FMLA, so I don't think this person who told me about my doctor "deeming it necessary" is right.... but I also feel like this is such a game and that if I ask too many questions, that won't look good either. :cry: It's really frustrating. I was hoping to take the 12 weeks when school resumes, which would mean I'd go back November 25th (which is Thanksgiving week). That way, I'd have 2.5 days of work that week before Thanksgiving break, then a full week back to work the following week. But I thought that would probably be good for both me AND the baby to get used to things. I'm sure my doctor will find some way to "deem it necessary" if she needs to, so I'm thinking worst case scenario, they give me 6 weeks of time from a vaginal birth plus 12 weeks for FMLA (even though I'm on summer break) I'd have to go back October 7th. Which still sucks IMO, I'm trying to get as much time with baby as possible here, but... :shrug: I guess I'll have to take what I can get because I can't afford to quit my job. :cry: SOOO stressful & it's nowhere near delivery time yet!!!
@Shanlee16 how exciting!!! Good luck.... I’m gonna day boy seeing as we are lacking in the boy department so far!!!!

@BellaRosa8302 i try keep up as much as I can otherwise there is so much to reply too! Hahaha! I can totally relate to the breast to bottle. My first was a nightmare.... I tried so many bottles with him!!!! Sorry maternity leave sounds so stressful to sort out! I’m a stay at home mum so that’s not an issue here. My DH is an electrician so can earn so much more than what I could. We also have childcare issues as we have no family close enough and my mum and DH mum are just useless. I’m team yellow too.... I have 1 sleepsuit (white and grey) and 3 bodysuits (white and grey) and some muzzys. I won’t buy much else..... I like to save my money so I can buy for a boy or girl. I thought we would stop at 4 so got rid of everything... then DH threw a spanner in the works as he said he wanted another and of course I couldn’t say no! Luckily were we have been generous with other family members with our baby stuff they’ve been generous with baby stuff so we only have to find a double pushchair and some kind of crib.
@Shanlee16 YAY!! Can't wait to find out what it is :)

I haven't caught up on the thread yet. Will do asap. Got good news from work today. I had told them in December after much deliberation with DH that I was going to be a stay at home mom due to the costs of daycare. I been working here for 6 years. Anyways long story short it looks like I will be able to work from home part time after baby is born! I am super excited about it and being able to make some money still. Woot woot!!! Hope everyone is doing good!
Mummy - Thanks for commiserating! IDK if this helps, but when I had my daughter (Team Yellow there too) I actually bought 4 each of boy and girl outfits, then returned the boy outfits once we found out she was a girl. We did the same with bedding :haha: Only issue with that was that I had to drag a newborn around as I did a few returns. But hey, got me out of the house :haha:

Hoping - That's wonderful!!!!! I wish you the best of luck! Wish I could do some at home work, that sounds amazing! Jelly over here :haha: but so happy for you! <3
@BellaRosa8302 Thanks! I was kind of stressed out about the idea of staying home and not having any of my own money if that makes sense. Plus I have been so stressed about trying to save up for it but not being able to save too much since things keep coming up before I was going to be quitting on May 10th. This helps :)
Wow this thread has come alive sooo much to catch up on !!

I’m in suspense is baby girl or boy Shan (I think you posted your scan is today unless I got too excited lol)
Well ladies, it’s a boy!! We are so elated with this news. I definitely was surprised tho, I must say! I felt like it was a boy but deep down was telling myself it was a girl so to find out it was a boy was a surprise. But I am over the moon and so in love with him. And his pictures were just absolutely perfect...he even smiled for us!!

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Sorry I've not been very vocal ladies...I have been logging on every few days to catch up on all your news but just not had the chance to keep up the conversation.
I had my anomaly scan today and can now add another BOY to the Junebugs!! well done @Mrs,JJ for keeping the list updated!

He was absolutely perfect, gave us a good wave at one point and was moving his arms and legs all over place throughout the scan. I will need to go back in a couple of weeks for another scan tho as Dr could not get a good view of his brain from the position he was in. ...I'm just happy I get to have an extra peak at him!!

We are buying a Chicco next2me crib from my friend who's baby girl has recently out grown it and I, like @Mrs.JJ got a little over excited in the January sales and bought a couple of Xmas outfits that were gender neutral cos they were so cute and I love Christmas!
Think we will start shopping for everything in the next few weeks.

Take care of yourselves and your little ones.
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Ahhhh another boy! Congratulations!!! So exciting!!!

I’ve been looking at the next to me crib too! Decisions decisions!!!
Well ladies, it’s a boy!! We are so elated with this news. I definitely was surprised tho, I must say! I felt like it was a boy but deep down was telling myself it was a girl so to find out it was a boy was a surprise. But I am over the moon and so in love with him. And his pictures were just absolutely perfect...he even smiled for us!!

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Yayyyy amazing !! Another boy to add to our group !! Lovely scan pics ! Congratulations !
Sorry I've not been very vocal ladies...I have been logging on every few days to catch up on all your news but just not had the chance to keep up the conversation.
I had my anomaly scan today and can now add another BOY to the Junebugs!! well done @Mrs,JJ for keeping the list updated!

He was absolutely perfect, gave us a good wave at one point and was moving his arms and legs all over place throughout the scan. I will need to go back in a couple of weeks for another scan tho as Dr could not get a good view of his brain from the position he was in. ...I'm just happy I get to have an extra peak at him!!

We are buying a Chicco next2me crib from my friend who's baby girl has recently out grown it and I, like @Mrs.JJ got a little over excited in the January sales and bought a couple of Xmas outfits that were gender neutral cos they were so cute and I love Christmas!
Think we will start shopping for everything in the next few weeks.

Take care of yourselves and your little ones.
Ooo congratulations on your boy !! Seems the boys are showing themselves now lol . Hopefully next scan they will get all their measurements. My boy was naughty on his scan too !

We got gifted our first baby item from family which was a pack of blue sleepsuits! It still hasn’t sunk in yet for me!

Had a little look at baby clothes and wasn’t keen on anything it was all grey and black! We are also going with the Dr Brown bottles now after reading more reviews . We did use them with the girls and had no issues.

We are using the same pram and Moses basket/crib we had with the girls . Need to replace the mattress. They are both in perfect condition and neutral colours! Just realised we actually had to get the pram exchanged when DD1 was 2 months old and ended up with a brand new pram so she only used it for 6 months. We did pick exactly the same pram though as we sent back as I love it sooo much !

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