Sorry that you are not getting your positives Natalie! Hopefully you'll get it soon.
I thought I would share some other tips that I read are meant to help with ovulation, that I also did the month I took soy and got my BFP. I thoroughly researched and looked into why and how these are meant to help. Although I should note that I was ovulating just late in my cycle, but they are easy to implement so might be worth a try!
1) DHA supplement. This is what is in some fish oils. It is supposed to be key to regulating and promoting ovulation. So I bought a supplement with high DHA content.
2) Ate an avocado a day until I ovulated. Read this was good and I liked them so thought I would try it! I can't remember the reason why they were good, I think possibly to do with omegas.
3) Ate eggs everyday as also heard this was good- think a similar reason as above. I was so fed up of avocado on toast with scrambled eggs by the time I ovulated!
4) Reduced my intake of refined carbs as much as I could. Didn't stick to this insanely but changed my white bread to dark rye bread and would try to choose wholegrain where I could/wanted.
5) Completely reduced my caffeine intake. I was drinking up to 11 cups of strong black tea a day and went down to 1/2 weak cups. So glad I did this as it made it so much easier to cut out caffeine once pregnant.
6) Cut out alcohol completely.
I only did 2,3 and 4 up until I ovulated but stuck with the others until I got my BFP and also now I am pregnant.
I would say if you are going to do 1, do the DHA! There was so much support for this being beneficial.
Sorry for the long post and that you didn't ask for all the advice but thought I would share it in case it is any help!