Oh I wouldn't be a fan of that either!!
Yeah, my check was pretty surprising to me! 2 cm dilated, -1 station, 80% effaced. Wowza! The NP did mention that women can walk around 2-3 cm dilated for weeks, but she did seem to err on the side of caution. Told me she'd see me next week unless I thought I needed to come in sooner. Also told me to "take it easy". We'll see what happens. It could be soon, or it could be 4 weeks from now (she told me they don't like to let ladies go past 41 weeks, so I have a timeline. Definitely a Nov baby).
Did you say something about a possibility your brother was not baby's dad?? i don't remember. What's happened with that? Just curious. Sorry his gf is beating you to the punch.