26 yr old TTC #1...Anyone wanna be buds?

I don't think complications like that are the norm. Try not to think about those stories!

I hope you are able to breastfeed, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with formula feeding. I was a little offended in the hospital when all the nurses were trying to sell me on breastfeeding. One even said that breastfed babies were "prettier". Something about how they have to work their jaws and makes their face shape nicer?? I don't know. Also they said they are smarter. I was formula fed as a baby and I wouldn't say I'm ugly or stupid. LOL. They don't know everything!

I think we are going to go to the store. Not the GREATEST thing to do, but we agree we need to get out of the house.
Haha. I had a growth ultrasound today and Lydia is 5 lb 7 oz! I can't believe it. She was sucking her fingers and wiggling her little butt checks.

My apts went great today!!!
That's great! :) Glad you had a good appointment.

Just had to decline a birthday party invite for my 3 yr. old niece. Feel bad about it, but they are having her party on the other side of the state on the 20th. I'll be almost 36 weeks then and I'm scared of preterm labor since it's a possibility for me. I don't want to be that far from home. And DH works that weekend so he wouldn't be able to be with me.
That is too bad. We are getting so close. Seems so weird doesn't it?

Any plans this weekend? We just have our hospital tour and watching football lol.
Not sure, but it's going to be a long weekend for me and DH. His birthday is Monday and he took the day off, he also got Tuesday off because we have a dentist appointment and we like to make a day of it when we go (because it's 30 minutes away from here and another 15 minutes from there is a nice big city for shopping). Hopefully we will take a look at a dealership there as their prices seem to be a few thousand dollars cheaper than they are locally. We really need to think about getting a minivan soon.

Had an appointment today. Baby was moving around so she had to wait for her heart rate to go down a bit because they are supposed to record the resting heart rate. Also this doc mentioned that the other OB had recommended induction and I refused. When I explained to her about my hardly painful contractions and showing up to the hospital at 7 cm and still not having baby for another 7 hrs, she agreed that it probably wasn't necessary. (The other OB thought my labor was "fast" and wanted to be sure I was at the hospital when baby was born). She did recommend coming in the moment I have consistent contractions. I guess she was considering making me come in weekly for NSTs, but she said after talking to me that wouldn't be necessary.

Hope you and Lydia are doing well! Enjoy your hospital tour.
Happy birthday to DH. Hope you guys have a fun day on his day off!

Hospital tour was good. They are under construction and it felt small and claustrophobic to me. BUT this hospital is apparently the best so I will trust them lol.

Lydia and I are doing well. We have appointments Tuesday and Friday this week. Then DH is having his beer and diaper party this weekend. We have our tiny house and 5 people staying the whole weekend and 19 people coming over for the party Saturday. DH told people they could sleep here because he doesn't want them drinking and driving. Well you can stay here but you may have to sleep on the floor lol!
Definitely going to be a little crowded for you this weekend then.

Hope your appointments go smoothly this week.

BnBs first November mommy popped this morning!! I can't believe how close we're all getting. Next couple weeks we'll really start seeing birth announcements rolling in I think. Crazy!

So far I've let DH sleep in and made him breakfast (which was actually at lunch time - :haha:) Don't know what we are going to do with our day, but it will involve seeing his mom and grandma it sounds like.
Thanks! I have an apt with my OB who I am not as found of as my nurse prac. So we will see how it goes.

How was DH's birthday?

Anything interesting going on? We are making fajitas for dinner lol. That is the highlight of my day :)
We did a lot of shopping today. Ordered some baby furniture, and got a double stroller. Had a dentist appointment (no cavities!), and now we're out to the store again.

DH's birthday was low key. We just hung out at home.

Nothing interesting to report here. BP was down again yesterday so that is good. Maybe I will make is to 39 weeks!

I can't believe I am almost 35 weeks. Seems like we would never get here!

Staying at home all day alone is starting to take a toll on me. I am getting bored. I signed up for some survey taking jobs online to occupy some time for the next few weeks.
I joined swagbucks after I decided to stay home with DD. You can do surveys (I rarely have luck with them), do tasks, and other things to earn "swagbucks" and use those to get all sorts of things. I don't have much time for it, but I have one time redeemed bucks for an amazon gift card (only $5) and have enough points to do so again. It's not a lot of $$ or anything, but it could occupy you a bit. Just a suggestion.

Hope you find something to occupy yourself. I hope you make it to 39 weeks too, that would be awesome!

I can't believe I'm 34 weeks today. Definitely feeling bigger this week than last week. Every time I think I can't stretch any more, I do. :)


  • 34weeks.jpg
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Cute picture!

Thanks for the suggestion. I signed up for those two and have only filled out like one survey so far. They haven't sent me any.

Well I am off to get the house ready for this weekend and our newborn class tonight :)
Have fun at your newborn class. I'm a little nervous that I'm not taking any classes and haven't really done any reading regarding pain coping skills. That's the one area where I was really lacking when it came to DD's birth. I know I can do it as I've obviously done it before, so trying not to think about it too much.

I should get off here and do some laundry while DD's napping, she'll be awake soon.
Any plans for the weekend?

Apt. went well today. BP was up at the beg of appointment but they took it at the end and it went down. I had to get blood drawn and it was so busy I waited an hour to get it drawn. While I was waiting alarms started going off and they were saying code blue! When I got back there the guy who was about my age was awake with a bunch of people around him asking him questions. Pretty scary. He looked pretty sickly though. Scary.

Newborn class was good :) Learned a lot and I am glad we did it.

What kind of pain management class or pain management are you talking about? I am curious to know this? During or after birth?

Have a great day!
Not a class for pain management, but rather learning different techniques for coping with pain (aside from the usual drugs and stuff). I definitely don't think I have it in me to do something like hypnobabies (also I don't know if I have enough time to do that anymore, think people do that program for months before birth). But like breathing (which the nurse told me how to do, but at transition I was thinking "who the hell can breathe slowly with this PAIN!?") or anything like that. I never sat down and practiced any of that stuff.

Not got plans this weekend. My husband has to work tomorrow, but he'll be home in the evening, so just supper at home. I am a boring person without lots of plans. My sister is going to go camping which I think is crazy because of how COLD it's been lately. But I guess this campground does a fun Halloween weekend and the kids (a bunch of her friends/family and their kids are going) really enjoy it. So she's doing something exciting, not me.

Someone in the Nov due date group had triplets yesterday! (c sec of course) Another group I'm part of a momma due the 31st of October is going to be induced on the 20th if she doesn't go into labor beforehand. Babies are going to be popping out left and right in the very near future!! Scary and exciting!

DD is napping right now (and so is DH). I'm gonna pop in the shower right quick or I won't be able to for the rest of the day. Later, have a great weekend.
Hope your weekend was good. We had about 30 people over on Saturday and I got about 4 hours of sleep and woke up with a cold this morning :(


I hope your weekend was good :)
Sorry you aren't feeling well. Hope you get over your cold quickly!

My weekend was pretty good. I didn't do much, but any time spent with the family is great. I was pretty sore yesterday, my hips, feet, everything below my waist really ached. Feeling better today. Still having RLP, but that's to be expected.

When's your next appointment?
I have an appointment on Friday. I am just relaxing today and nothing to do :) Kind of like it like that!

I am getting my strep b done on Friday. EEK! lol.

I know my ribs and hips feel like I was kicked by a horse!!
My Strep B test is on Thursday! Hoping to come back all clear on that one.

I'm starting to get antsy to meet this one. I am starting to think I will go late with this one. She's going to keep me waiting probably!

Hope your appointment goes well, have a great relaxing day today!

I'll probably head out to the store this evening. Have some pictures I want to get off my camera (working on filling DD's third photo album!) and SIL will be dropping by this afternoon with a wish list for my niece's third birthday and I'll have to get her gift and get it to them before they leave for her mom's on Friday. Wish I could go, but at this point in pregnancy I don't think being 3 hrs from home and my husband is a good idea.
I know how you feel. I would be scared to travel! We have a birthday party on Saturday for DH's cousin's son. He will be 2. We are friends with his cousins so it should be fun. I can probably go for like an hour or so.

My parents are coming tomorrow for the weekend. They are going to cook and stuff for us which is awesome.

I am getting antsy as well. But at the same time I start having freak out moments like what ifs. I am getting kind of freaked out to A. give birth (I am terrified of hemmoraghing) B. What life will be like after!

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