27 and been trying 3 months anyone want to buddy up


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2011
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Hey ladies
I'm 26 and dh is 36 we've been ttc for almost 4 months.
I was on implanon for 7 yrs and my cycles are yet to return to normal (I've had 3 periods and still no ov) they've varied between 29 and 32 days which I think is about normal.

I'm currently on cd4 is anyone in a similar boat and want to buddy up xxxxx
Hey there :)

Looking for a buddy too! I'm 25 (26 in Sept) recently married (in March) and this is out third month ttc. My cycle can be anything between 28 - 33 days and some months I ovulate, some months I don't (i have a thyroid and prolactin prob along with gynae probs, pelvic congestion & endometriosis)

currently on CD8 and just waiting to see if I will ovulate this month or not, although either way it won't stop us trying.

I was on implanon at one point too & the coil.. also went through a 6 month course of triptorelin to put me into a chemical menopause to give my body a complete break.. not sure if that is why I only ovulate every now and again or if it's stictly down to the thyroid.

Always lurking about somewhere if you want a natter :)

What do we put our body's through with all these contraceptions eh? Lol

We recently got married too we did it vegas style in a gorgeous garden off the strip with close family members and have been blissfully happy ever since (don't get me wrong he does my head in sometimes lol)

As far as I know both of us are healthy and don't have any probs (he already has a 13 yr old daughter and I'm not ov at the min so unsure)

I'm just so excited about this month I hope it's the month I finally ovulate :)
Seen as we have a similar cycle would you like to test together?

Hope so xxx sending ooodles of baby dust your way xxxx
yeah lol the joys of being a woman! first we don't want our periods and before we know it we want them more than anything just to know all is well... women's perogative and all!

Oh that sounds fab!! We promised ourselves a quiet wedding, no more than 10guests each .. famous last words!! there were 140 people at ours!

Have you noticed they get naughtier after the rings on their finger? maybe just me but hubby was perfectly house trained right up until the 25th of march, all of a sudden the dirty socks and boxers are left where the drop and the toilet seat lid is only down when I do it.... love the man to bits but sometimes he makes me wanna go hulk and beat him up with afore mentioned toilet seat!

I'll be keeping fingers and toes crossed that you o this month :) eee that would be fab!! keep me posted on whether or not you ov and I'll do like wise, at with a little bit of luck we'll be testing chums before we know it!! x
Oooh yay I love that idea :)

Haha toilet seat everytime I say bout him leaving it up he retorts "well you leave it down" lol xx

When do you start doing opks?

Are you taking any supplements? I'm taking ac epo and pregnacare if I take anymore pills I'll rattle like a pill box :) xx

He has a valid point lol I'm just glad Mark isn't quick enough to hit back with something like that lol cause I'd have no smart comment to come back with!

Well I've actually just ordered some opk's never used them before. Last april (2010) my doc suggested I start doing the Billings Ovulation Method, he meets with me once a month to go through my chart (he's soooo good!! i dont know many gp's that would happily give their patient e-mail contact!) so I just look out for changes in the mucus and when that starts happening, we start trying and don't stop trying until my BIP (basic infertile pattern) is re-established - the long dry spell. Do you use the opks? mine are due to arrive on tues.. are they any good? I started recording my temps as of 3 days ago too... learned that on here too! :p

At the moment I'm on ferrous sulphate - my ferritin levels were a bit low past cpl months, but stabilised now, although doc wants to keep me on them for now, just to be sure and I take centrum ... i saw a few on here take folic acid and things, I may be a bit naive but i thought you could only take that when you were preg... lol seems I have a lot to learn! who knew ttc came with such a chunky manual!!

It took me the best part of a year to get my head around the billings charts, now allll this new stuff lol are we sure headaches are caused by pmt.. and not all this jargon? :p xx
Lol it is all a bit surreal at times :)

I got my bbt thermometer yesterday so I temped this morning :) I had a normal thermometer and was doing it all wrong like at tea time everyday whoops lol
How's your temping going? Still not sure I fully understand it just been took it first thing this morning.

What's ferrous sulphate? I don't have a gp we are still looking for one we are due to move in a couple of months so want one near new home I want a lady doc but pauls not too bothered is your doc male or female? Xxxx
lol you said it

Well I started after my period, which the sites all said i shouldn't have done, apparently you're meant to do it during too... so I'll know better now. The past few days it's gone up and down between 36.7 and 37 on the button. Which I always thought was quite warm for me .. maybe i need to invest in a better one.. saying that it's accurate with hubby.. he's always maintained his temp at 35.9 and says the same on this themometer too.. who knows lol Apparently its meant to go up a fair bit then stay up for a while, then come down again if your not preg..after ovulation i think... can you tell I need to do more reading haha!

Oh sorry, iron basically. My haemaglobin was borderline but my ferritin levels (which are meant to be up to 120 whatever the units are) were sitting in the low 30's so they put me on those tablets. I apparently lose too much blood during menstruation, which is why i needed the triptorelin treatment in the past. triptorelin is an injection you take it for 6months and it puts you into a chemical menopause to give your body a break.. since coming off it i had a great run.. but past couple of months have been a little sketchy.

My gp is a male, but he is so wonderful. He is catholic, there's a sign up in the surgery basically telling ppl not to go to him for the pill... so when mark and i turned up wanting to be as natural as possible his eyes lit up lol guess he doesn't see much of that.. but its working well for me.. he is so helpful and kind! not many like him! Hopefully you'll find a good one :) the billings stuff is on https://www.woomb.org/bom/index.html takes a while to get used to like all charts but soon becomes second nature. Altough all charts are interchangable I guess, I found it easy going from billings over to the charts on fertility friend. Billings is all about sensations felt at the vulva to determine when your fertile... temp etc doesnt come into it.. but you cant have too many tools is what I say and am willing to do them all lol xx
Morning xx

Did my temps this morning and it was 36.27 and it's gone up from yesterday but I think that's normal for it to go up and down.

Wow your doc sounds fantastic hope we get as lucky my old doc was horrendous he would grunt and be really opinionated think that's why I want a lady one :) the one who put my implant in the 3rd time was lovely but it was an open clinic so I can't remember her name I will get stalking though lol.

Will this be your first child? It'll be mine but Paul has a daughter already to his ex girlfriend she'll be 13 this month which is really scary and makes me feel old lol xxxx
Morning :)

I say that and actually mean it.. I'm not a morning person, I hate mornings, but have been bright as a button and humming (I NEVER HUM) from about 6.15am.. house work all done and card stuff all set up to go (I make wedding stationary from home)... how strange!

Mine was 36.94.. Im starting to wonder if I'm super hot blooded or what..I really do seem to be on the toastier side of "normal".. very strange. Yeah I hear it goes up and down, so should be zigzagging all over the place then after ovulation there's a considerable rise..got an email this morn saying the opk should arrive tomorrow... how quick is that, i only ordered it last night!! I can see the temp thing becoming quite confusing, unless a very definate pattern emerges in the first month....i doubtit lol!

Yeah sit outside the building asking everyone who enters if they know who she is.. don't ask her herself, then she might think you have the crazies and refuse to see you... then there ya go, you got your doctor!!

Really hope you find a good one too, tis half the battle!

This will be our first :) Sometimes think about it and terrify myself, Mark is still a little scamp... don't wanna think about what it will be like if we have a boy, I'll be out numbered and done for!! Aw that's nice :) do you guys get on okies? I remember when my parents split, I was a devil child to mums new fella, dad was fine didn't get himself a girlfriend until much later when I understood and was not so much satan in small girl form! luckily I grew out of that, but 13 can be such a confusing age. Time goes too fast doesn't it.. It's like you hit 21 and it goes woosh! can't keep up! xx
Lol we are so alike I'm not much of a morning person either but have to get up at half six for work (I'm a ringtons tea lady) but your job sounds so much more interesting and creative (I actually hate my job Paul loves his and jumps out of bed in the morning which I'm crazy jealous of lol don't wanna get another job yet cause of maternity etc) it sounds so exciting to be able to be part of someone's big day :)

I think I'm just gonna ring the clinic to see if they gave records of who popped it in for me but they don't open till Tuesday :(

Urm we get on ok she can be a little madam at times (she is a daddy little princess) it is really difficult at times as Paul doesn't really let me have a say even though we've been together for 5 years I get on with her mum really well which is a good thing as she can't play us then we double team her lol she has a little half bro who is now 2 and due to her teenage tantrums her mum told me she teases him which is terrible if she did that to our baby I'd slap her one lol (not that I condone beating a child lol) x

I think I would like a boy as Paul already has a daughter but I'm really not bothered but think it would be nice for him (plus I have loads of names for boys and none for girls) xxxxx
ee just poked myself in the eye and accidently hit thanks!! oh I'd love to work in a tea room I'm a right wee blether tho so would prob get sacked in first week for too much chatting and not enough tea making! It's good that I get to work from home.. well mostly.. my hubby lost his job in feb, to be fair it was for the best, he hated it, first job he got when leaving the army... and where we stay there isn't much on the job front. I got my degree in 2007 in medicinal chemistry and drug analysis..to this day I have not had a job using it, was a receptionist from leaving uni up until last year when my hips gave up on me..I couldn't do with sitting on dla, I'm not the sit about type of girl, so my aunt (who is equally as arty farty as me) and I got our heads together (when making my wedding invites) a few ppl saw them (friends of the family) and asked me to make random birthday cards, and it just grew from there :) When it's good, it's really good, when it's bad, well it takes all our will power not to dip into the savings lol!

Yeah call em up, I'm sure they'll be able to give you that info then you can go from there :) always a nightmare changing doctors, my hubby is from mancs and i moved down there for a while (few months - am a home bird!) and trying to get my prescriptions off the new doctor took ages!! He insisted on calling all my consultants etc just to be sure (i think it was something to do with the cost of it tho).

So good that you and her mum get on well... have seen that situ wind up so differently and hair being pulled out the works, so I'm so pleased you guys are cool :) lol not at all, i got a clip or two round the lug when I deserved it, never did me any harm.. (feels an old person rant coming on about how the kids of today get away with too much *resists*) oh sibling rivalry, yeah that's a tough one, just gotta nip it in the bud!

lol I'm the same with the boy names, if a boy will be David Thomas (David after my dad who brought me up, and Thomas as that's Mark's middle name, his dad's and grandads). I always wanted a girl called daisy or lilly.. mark told me I'm crazy and next I'll be wanting to call her dandilion! (actually he said pee the bed cause that's what they're called up here). Mark's a twin, as is his dad.. how perfect would that be!! family done in one preg!! The doctors always said after I had one it would be a hysterectomy because of the way my periods are, I'd be so happy and blessed with one, think I'd die of joy overload if I had two!! All in good time tho :) for now all we can do is try our best, and try our fella's patience in the process - or maybe that's just me lol!

Hope your having a fabbi day... back to the craft desk I go.. got 2 loads to be finished for Mon and there are just not enough hours in the day! xx
hey pamcakes

sorry it took me so long to reply its been hectic at work I drive around all day delivering tea to the elderly etc its not such a bad job (i have about 2000 old ladies who treat me as a granddaughter:))

Just got home now and waiting for my friend to come round to dye my hair lol

i love those names especially lilly i think its lovely :) i like the names oliver (olivia for a girl) james harry and also like the names george so anything traditional goes lol

it would be brill to have twins like you said all in one go :)

its so nice to talk to someone who is going through exactly the same all i get from my friends is "stop trying so hard and it will happen" etc but im a bit obsessive and now we've made the decision to start a family i want it now (cue spoilt brattiness lol) and if i can give us a better chance of conceiving by taking suppliments charting etc i will xx

xxx hope youve had a nice day its been peeing it down here :( xx
I'd love that job so much!!! My wee nana Jeanie is in a care home, I go up usually 2 - 3 nights a week! I love it in there, the little ladies are just too cute and funny! I hope I'm half as cool as them when I'm in my 80's!!

We got thunder and lightening today!! I LOVE IT!

I've told a couple of close family members we're trying, my aunt, mum.. saying that, telling my mum is as good as telling the world, the woman can't hold her own water bless her! none of my friends know. Without sounding crazy jealous (because I'm not I love my pretend neices and nephews) they all got preg so easily, like the guy just looked at them and bam! I doubt they'd understand, none of the 4 of them planned their pregnancies... so yeah tough one to bring up with them. I have chatted a little with one of my singleton friends who has no kids, she's such a sweetheart and knows to call 4 days approx before every period because i will be having one of those days when I'm laughing and crying at the same time while consuming my body weight in ben n jerries chunky monkey and 3 packets of jaffa cakes.. she's a doll!

OHHH what colour you going? I just had my hair stripped back to blonde 2wks ago, regretting it already lol its my natural colour but doesnt half make me look pale! I wish I had the guts to go like red or purple but... id be the fool that ended up looking like sully from monsters inc!

I love traditional names! Oliver is a fab name! As is George!! I like the thought of giving a baby boy like a super old man name.. like percy lol i wouldn't, that would be a bit cruel, but in my head its funny :p

With you on the obsessive, which is so strange before all this ttc mark used to tell people if i were anymore laid back i'd be horizontal.. I've totally flipped, everything is checked double checked and usually tripple checked. my charts (I have two paper versions at home - in case i lose one..eeeee) are filled in immaculately and my house, well you could eat your dinner off the floor - with the charting obsession came the cleaning one.. i just cant help myself!

Have you ever taken headaches after .. u know.. dtd? I swear I'm taking a migraine, seeing all sorts of flashy stuff in my right eye and feels like I have a baby elephant bouncing on my head...to think "migraine" used to be my excuse to put mark off so i could have an extra 20mins.. karma is a horrible thing! owwie!! xxx
Morning missus

Hope you've had a good weekend mines been crazy went to York for the weekend with the inlaws to the races and had a fab time.

Your mum sounds like mine lol she gets so excited and wants to tell everyone my mum is also one of my bosses which is good as I prob could get away with murder :)

I went back blonde too I was dark for soooo long it feels strange when I look in the mirror

Have you done any opks yet? Any positives? I've not started yet and temping has gone totally out the window this weekend I've literally not had time to breathe. :)

It's rubbish coming back to reality after a fab weekend :(

Hey dolly

Oh york is lovely! not been in a long time, but went with the school when I was wee for 4 days! Glad you had a good time :) was it horse racing? car or dog? and did ya win anything?

my mother - yes she is getting her formal title today! Is driving me crazy!! sometimes i think she still thinks im that wee four year old! bless her she means well but sometimes I really do wish she'd stick by what she taught us - If you can't say anything nice (or non-irritating) don't say anything at all. I don't know if you've ever seen Rab C Nesbit.. well my mum puts you in mind of mary doll, minus the perm... wee govan bird lol

tell me about it, I went dark so I could get away with an offwhite wedding dress, so had the dark hair for 2years, marks always prefered it blonde, and mother nearly cried when I dyed it dark... they both love it now that it's blonde again, but its taking some getting used to!

No positives yet :( butttt I THINK I'm due to ov around 14th - 16th so got a few days yet! Was so impressed with the speed they arrived, ordered them late on on Thurs and they came first thing saturday morning, so I ordered some more just in case we need them next month.... would be lovely if we didn't though! How about you? hopefully that wee double line of joy makes an appearance soon for us! Temp has stayed pretty much the same, still upper end of normal, but that must just be me... bought a new thermometer when out shopping on saturday.. so yeah it wasn't the cheapies fault just the way I am! Gutted tho lol just spent £40 on a new one that I didn't need to lol!

oh I know, we had such a lovely time this weekend. Saturday we went shopping first thing then took cooper (the dog) a wee wander down the cycle path to the lake, came home, weren't in the mood for eating a huge meal so made a mini buffet and vegged then yesterday was my friends bday bbq. Mark got on really well with her fiance and his friend which was brill, since moving to Scotland he's not made much in the way of friends, he's so quiet bless him. & I saw nicola's parents for the first time since I was 8 years old and crying that I did not want to stay overnight at their house and they had to take me home to my parents lol! Such a lovely family - you know that way where you just feel so welcome and comfortable and makes your whole day seem so much brighter, well yesterday was one of those days :) Back to reality with a bump and a good few paper cuts this morning but that's one huge card order finished and the afternoon to myself, before picking baby beast (little sis) up from work, because she is a little diva who does not believe in public transport... oh to be a lady eh :p

Damn phone grr

Your wedding pic looks absolutely gorgeous xxx

I'll be starting my opks tonight after work I think but don't think I'm due to ov till next week cant wait to see if we ov this month im sooo excited (even though I'm in a big fat grump of a mood damn work) need to win the lottery £166 mil will do :)

It's great when your friends and their partners get on with yours it makes life so much easier don't you think pleased you had a good weekend I felt like a bus had run over my head yesterday I felt horrendous the inlaws were all taking the mickey out of me :( I suffer with awful hangovers no matter how much or little I drink it's bloody annoying lol

We are going to watch the cricket tonight just round the corner from where we live and I'm definitely staying off the loopy juice xxxxx
Thank you :) wedding feels like forever ago, but was only a few months ago!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed you get poss on opk :) help with that work induced bad mood lol! you know your husband is super bored when you catch him peein on one of your opk sticks... yes the little scamp checked to see if he was ovulated an hour ago! Knew he was too quiet! :p

lol oh dear, yes that's half the reason I don't drink much (the other being I'm a super lightweight and can't handle my drink!) I find all things orange are the best hang over cures - irnbru, lucozade, beans and oranges themselves! never failed me yet! I don't quite think Mark has forgiven me from the hen night, I insisted on a 4 hour long talk about how much i loved him and when I couldn't find the words just sang endless love to him over and over really really badly! - he called my mother at 2am told her never to send me back to him in that state ever again!

Cricket and Tennis - the two game scoring systems I just don't understand, although mark loves the cricket. Hope you have a fab night :) Early bed for me tonight, early morning hydro sesh tomorrow, get this hip moving a little bit more. Although I will be paying for it tomorrow afternoon, 4 hours after hydro always spells a crazy amount of pain! xx

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