27 TTC #1 looking for a buddy

Hey Ladies!

I'm 27, will be 28 in March and TTC #1 also. Seems like this TTC stuff has taken over my life :) We have also just put an offer in on our first house so its nice to have ladies on her to chat with about everything.
Dr.Gomps- I'm sorry u haven't had a positive opk yet! Keepin my fingers crossed that it will come soon for u!
Welcome jeep princess! Yes it's definitely nice to have a place full of women who are going through the same things! That's exciting about the house, my husband and I actually just bought our first house, good luck!
still no Positive OPK, I am preparing myself to have to wait another week to O like usual. :(

My joints are also hypermobile. I have a huge problem with my fibula moving out of its articulation at the knee with the tibia. I also broke my fibula once, which doesn't help.

Seems to be more common that i thought! DH is always telling me i am broken lol.

Hopefully eggy will make an appearance soon, just got to catch it which seems to be the hard part!
Hi Jeepprincess!

I know how you feel, TTC is all i seem to think about. We have got our house on the market, had it on there since May and just not getting anywhere with it which is quite stressful. Just hoping that it will all fall in to place at the right time.
Welcome jeep princess! Yes it's definitely nice to have a place full of women who are going through the same things! That's exciting about the house, my husband and I actually just bought our first house, good luck!

Thanks HKING :hugs:
Hi Jeepprincess!

I know how you feel, TTC is all i seem to think about. We have got our house on the market, had it on there since May and just not getting anywhere with it which is quite stressful. Just hoping that it will all fall in to place at the right time.

Good luck sweetie with selling your house and ttc :) My realtor says the market is getting better and a lot of people are waiting for spring to buy, so maybe yours will go soon.
Welcome Jeep princess.
Congrats on the offer on the house!

Unfortunately we are still renting in an apt, we actually lost our "house" (in manhattan that = condo) during the market crash. My husband is an attorney for merrill lynch which no longer exists so he was laid off and there was literally a freeze in jobs on wall street for a good while. Luckily he is currently employed and we live quite comfortably in subsidized housing at the medical school I attend. We are just in a studio, but once I get preggers we get a three bedroom!

What do you ladies do/where are you located?
So I am confused as to what is happening to me...I had a series of really bright OPks, not quite positive (there was part of the band that was bright as the test line). But today, testing at the same time and there was barely a band. Did I o already? We have been BD every other night the last few nights. I usually O so late...so could the bright OPKs be a result of residual clomid? The brightest band was on CD 13 4 days post my last clomid pill.
maybe I am just obsessing, but I also have had twinges in my ovaries ( I think) not positive, as I normally don't have this sensation, but this is my first time taking a fertility drug.
DRGomps....Thank you! I was soooo frustrated with the opk's but then yesterday I read that I shouldn't use my FMU, thankfully I saw that when I did and tested today at 930 and got my very first +OPK :happydance: today is day 17 for me so not sure if I would have done my opk at a better time if I would have got a + or not, but I will check tomorrow at the same time to see.

Sorry about your hubby's job, it is very scarey right now for us buying a house and the economy is still not good. Hopefully all works out well. We live in Virginia and I do xrays for a living, you would think that job would be safe, but you never know so I just do the best I can evey day and hope I still have a job everyday.

What time of day are you testing?
The first month I used opk's I never got a true positive but my temps confirmed I did ov. The next month I was testing twice a day as it seems so easy to miss the surge.
Opk's and me don't get along... I think next month I may not use them and just bd every other day til af or bfp! I was actually reading on another blog about how you can use opk's to predict pregnancy early... Have you guys heard of this? I tried it cd 21 and 22 and got a positive both days... I don't "feel" prego so I'm wondering if I could possibly be ovulating a lot later than I had thought... So frustrating! What do you guys think?

Jeepprincess- I also work in X-ray and CT! How long have you been in the field?
hking do you temp as well? HCG and LH are similar, hpt are specific for hcg because they detect the beta subunit that only HCG has. OPKs detect both LH and HCG so they would be positive when you are pregnant. Do you know what day you typically o and how long are your cycles? How many DPO are you ? I would maybe think about POAS. F'xed!

I am testing with my OPKs twice a day so I hopefully don't miss the surge, I was able to detect it last month, but on CD 21. This month I am not sure if it will come at the same time because I took clomid. my temps had a dip to 97.3 and then the past two days have been 97.8, 97.9. So its possible I may have oed.

Jeepprincess you tested with FMU and it worked?? Awesome. I think the time of day our bodies make LH probably varies from person to person and I don't think that saying you have to test in the afternoon is scientifically sound. I mean, I am no expert, I am in the field of neuroscience, but I do have a masters in endocrinology.

Jeepprincess and Hking, do you guys have to take special precautions at work once you are pg? I work in a lab with radioactivity and am going to have to have a tech do my experiments. DH also insists that I will have to wear a lab coat at all times and gloves... :(
Are you guys going to continue to work once baby arrives?? I have a few years left in my PhD program, so I will. But luckily, I get to make my own schedule (which is amazing) and a team of lab technicians I can utilize.

Do you guys have family close? That is the other thing DH and I worry about, all our family is back in cali, we would have to get a nanny. We do actually have property back in california, so eventually we may return. But I love NYC, whenever I leave New York, I always get antsy to come back. Have any of you ladies ever been to NYC?

Sorry this is so long. Guess I was feeling kind of chatty this morning.
Hope you ladies have a good day.
Opk's and me don't get along... I think next month I may not use them and just bd every other day til af or bfp! I was actually reading on another blog about how you can use opk's to predict pregnancy early... Have you guys heard of this? I tried it cd 21 and 22 and got a positive both days... I don't "feel" prego so I'm wondering if I could possibly be ovulating a lot later than I had thought... So frustrating! What do you guys think?

Jeepprincess- I also work in X-ray and CT! How long have you been in the field?

I've worked in x-ray for 4 years now and I really enjoy it. Really would love to Ultrasound, but I would have to move and go back to school bc there isn't any schools here. So that will be later :) How abouy you?
hking do you temp as well? HCG and LH are similar, hpt are specific for hcg because they detect the beta subunit that only HCG has. OPKs detect both LH and HCG so they would be positive when you are pregnant. Do you know what day you typically o and how long are your cycles? How many DPO are you ? I would maybe think about POAS. F'xed!

I am testing with my OPKs twice a day so I hopefully don't miss the surge, I was able to detect it last month, but on CD 21. This month I am not sure if it will come at the same time because I took clomid. my temps had a dip to 97.3 and then the past two days have been 97.8, 97.9. So its possible I may have oed.

Jeepprincess you tested with FMU and it worked?? Awesome. I think the time of day our bodies make LH probably varies from person to person and I don't think that saying you have to test in the afternoon is scientifically sound. I mean, I am no expert, I am in the field of neuroscience, but I do have a masters in endocrinology.

Jeepprincess and Hking, do you guys have to take special precautions at work once you are pg? I work in a lab with radioactivity and am going to have to have a tech do my experiments. DH also insists that I will have to wear a lab coat at all times and gloves... :(
Are you guys going to continue to work once baby arrives?? I have a few years left in my PhD program, so I will. But luckily, I get to make my own schedule (which is amazing) and a team of lab technicians I can utilize.

Do you guys have family close? That is the other thing DH and I worry about, all our family is back in cali, we would have to get a nanny. We do actually have property back in california, so eventually we may return. But I love NYC, whenever I leave New York, I always get antsy to come back. Have any of you ladies ever been to NYC?

Sorry this is so long. Guess I was feeling kind of chatty this morning.
Hope you ladies have a good day.

Ohhh sorry if what I said sounded confusing...FMU did Not work for me however I tested at 9:30 and it was positive yesterday and today (cd17 and 18). We don't get to much exposure where I work bc there is only one tech at a time so we have to do the exposure so some one else will have to hold the patient. However, when we do portables we gown up so if your in a room with Radiation I would wear a lead apron when your pg. I'm real careful with making sure I wear gloves and such when touching people but other than that people work in x-ray all the time preggo, just gotta be mindful of the belly bump and make sure they give you a fetal monitor when you are preggo. Do you guys where the radiation badges like we do?

The DH and I do not have family near us, his are 3.5 hours away and mine are 4.5 hours away. We aren't real close with them anyhow....but we know that financially we have to save for child care...its very pricey. We have tried to budget it into our bills already to make sure we have it...but as they say, your never ready for that price tag bc you never know what will go wrong....
I have never tried to temp, maybe I should do that next cycle! My cycle is usually 28 days give or take one, I've always assumed I ovulate around cd14 and when I test around that time I get a line, it's just always faint! I did have an ultrasound this month around cd11 and I had multiple large follicles! I am currently cd24 so if I ovulate on cd14 like I thought I do I am 10dpo. What is POAS?

When you are pregnant in X-ray you have to wear a fetal monitor badge and you have to stay out of surgery and only do portables if you are able to get out of the room during the exposure. I plan on still working after I have a baby, we are lucky because we have a bunch of family that lives very close to us. We will probably pay my grandma to come to our house to watch the baby... Anyway I have worked in X-ray for almost 2 years and in CT for 1 year. I got lucky because my hospital crossed trained me in CT. I am also in school finishing up my BS for MRI. If everything works out I am going to go back to school in aug 2012 to get my masters in the RA program... Haha after I have a baby I may very well change my mind about going back to school again! Have you thought about doing an online program for US? A friend of mine was looking into doing that because the school we graduated from closed their US program the year we graduated!

We drove through NY when we went to Canada to visit my husbands family, but we were not able to stop and site see, I would of loved to have gone to NYC, hopefully someday we will!

Do you have to wear any type of monitoring badge? That's awesome that you will be able to make your own schedule! I love my schedule, I get my 36 hours in 3 days, so I have off 4 days in a row...
Sorry this was so long!
I have never tried to temp, maybe I should do that next cycle! My cycle is usually 28 days give or take one, I've always assumed I ovulate around cd14 and when I test around that time I get a line, it's just always faint! I did have an ultrasound this month around cd11 and I had multiple large follicles! I am currently cd24 so if I ovulate on cd14 like I thought I do I am 10dpo. What is POAS?

When you are pregnant in X-ray you have to wear a fetal monitor badge and you have to stay out of surgery and only do portables if you are able to get out of the room during the exposure. I plan on still working after I have a baby, we are lucky because we have a bunch of family that lives very close to us. We will probably pay my grandma to come to our house to watch the baby... Anyway I have worked in X-ray for almost 2 years and in CT for 1 year. I got lucky because my hospital crossed trained me in CT. I am also in school finishing up my BS for MRI. If everything works out I am going to go back to school in aug 2012 to get my masters in the RA program... Haha after I have a baby I may very well change my mind about going back to school again! Have you thought about doing an online program for US? A friend of mine was looking into doing that because the school we graduated from closed their US program the year we graduated!

We drove through NY when we went to Canada to visit my husbands family, but we were not able to stop and site see, I would of loved to have gone to NYC, hopefully someday we will!

Do you have to wear any type of monitoring badge? That's awesome that you will be able to make your own schedule! I love my schedule, I get my 36 hours in 3 days, so I have off 4 days in a row...
Sorry this was so long!

HAHA, POAS is "pee on a stick" :) I had to look all these terms up when I first started chattin on her bc I was completely lost. I have the same schedule...3 days, 12 hours but I 1 off during the week and then have 3 off in a row...which is still nice. I did look into an online course for US, but its pricey. The school I went to for x-ray was talking about getting a US program there but money fell through and its been eliminated. Not sure if they will be getting one in the future but we sure hope so, but in the meantime I enjoy what I do now.
Haha thank you! Yeah I feel like we speak a foreign language on here! I work a 10, 12, and a 16... I would much rather work 3 twelves, hopefully I will be able to switch over to that soon!
I think i am really lucky in my job. When the time comes i will be having a whole year off on maternity and then i will return probably at reduced hours.

Luckily i also have family nearby and hopefully my mum will help with child care when i do return to work.

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