28-36 weeks forum


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Jun 7, 2009
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Hello all

I feel like third tri is all labour and as much as i love reading and chatting i feel there should be a 27-36 weeks slot.

I love being on here but find i dont fit in anywhere at my gestation anyone feel the same?:cry:
Yeah, second tri boards seem to be early second and third is labour. I'm flicking between the two atm.
I know the feeling! That's me 27weeks today! :)
How are u guys feeling? I didn't expect to feel this crummy this early on! But it will be worth it in the end :)?
Yeh I get what you mean, I am floating around too.
I feel like everything is happening so quickly though, and it's kinda freaking me out. First tri went by so slowly, then second came and went in a flash! How on earth is it JUNE already?? Our babies will be here so soon!!
I agree, I've been going between 2nd and 3rd as no where feels quite right!
I agree, I'm 31 + 3 and no where near labour but not at the 20 week scan stage either so glad you've made this thread, got midwife appt later hoping to see my belly measurements haven't change or if they have by not much as my 28 week appt my belly measured 35 weeks, had growth scan and baby at 29 weeks was already estimated about 4lb, hoping she's over her growth spurt and now makes a very slow increase each week, haha am I kidding myself?? Sooooo ladies.... Lets have a bit of info about each of you and what your going through etc....if that's ok with Hayleyjj xxx
I'm feeling yuk back to being tired all the time I have early pre clampsia signs so on weekly checks with mw!
Yes! I've been bouncing back and forth between here and 2nd trimester. I also feel this way at my doctor's office. I go in and they ask how I'm feeling, measure my stomach, and then I'm out the door. Not much happening at all here. :haha:
I have to admit I haven't posted much until this point (35weeks) in third tri. I love reading posts but haven't felt like I'm much help as I'm not that near labour yet. Between 27 and 34 weeks I was flicking back and forth too. :hugs:
LOL same here :) Thx for starting this thread HaleyJJ :hugs: Would love to chat and keep up with all you ladies!

A quick background for me, my name is Lisette, I am 36 and have one DD who is almost 3 and keeps me on my toes! 28+3 with a little guy now who will be a scheduled C section Aug.18th (first was a nightmare and ended in a C so my choice this time...lets hope he stays put) Right now counting down the days to be DONE work (July.17th) as I am super back achy, swollen, sleeping like crap and just plain miserable some days! I long for the days like in my first pg when I came home and just took care of ME ME ME! Now its a miracle if I get into bed before 10pm and get a very quick back rub from hubby....might try for a mid day nap here at my desk today :haha:
Good idea I'm feeling exactly the same too early to think about labour and hospital bags! So far I'm feeling ok, bump measuring big but not surprised as my little boy was big. Had gtt on Monday and all came back clear. Have a growth scan next week . So far pregnancy is flying by, feeling very unorganised haven't brought one thing for baby. Think first time round you have so much to buy every week I was checking prices and reviews but just using a lot of my stuff again this time.
Agree this is a good thread to have! 31+5 today third tri seems to be going pretty quickly! Felt like a minute ago I was 27 weeks and that was almost 5 weeks ago! Another 5 weeks and i'll be term!
It's going quick but not quick enough! thinking I may still have up to 10 weeks left is driving me stir crazy just thinking about it!

Starting washing baby bits here and there!

Moving house in a couple weeks time, it's all go go go!

I felt like this too :) I stayed in second tri mostly until I was about 34 weeks as I just found it more relevant. I do definitely appreciate the labour chats in this section now I'm further along though.

I think there's a labour section too, which is where I guess us later ladies should be posting but it's just easier to use this section :dohh:
Glad everyone agrees was a bit worried I would upset someone when posting and that’s definatly not what I wanted to do.

So a bit about me I’m 32 live in Oxfordshire with my husband and 14 year old son since 2009 we lost 9 babies and have finally got to the third tri with this healthy chunk words can’t express how happy we are but ive been very ill with the pregnancy 6-24 hyperemisis and admitted to hospital loads for drips and rest now I have early signs of pre clampsia but I’m so grateful for all the hospitals help if it wasn’t for them this bubba wouldn’t be here.:thumbup:

We lost the babies as I get so sick my placenta doesn’t feed the baby so the baby would pass at different stages.:cry:

I love going into the trying to conceive page and reassuring people things are possible as I was there and first tri for so long I like to give them positivity from my own story.

I’m due on 26th August and my boy is 3lbs already I’m on weekly check for protein and blood pressure checks there happy he’s big as if my pre clampsia gets really bad he’s a safe weight to deliver.

Cant wait to read all about you xxx:hugs:
Hayleyjj so sorry for your loses, that must have been unbearable! Hoping the rest of your pregnancy is as stress free as possible!
This is no.4 for us, we have two boys and a girl so far, and are team yellow! I also live in oxfordshire!!!!
I too am feeling like I don’t fit in either 2nd or 3rd and have been flipping back and forth between both but do enjoy reading the labor talk too so I know what I am in for ;). I am pregnant with my first (a boy) am 27 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I am 30w5d today and am due August 8th. A few days ago decided to go get a 30 week scan just because, all was great and he is weighing approx 3.5 lbs. So far I have been really fortunate and haven’t had many problems other than being tired, sore in the “lady part” region, bad heartburn and horrible leg cramps. Just bought a body pillow and am finding it SUPER COMFY!!!

So happy for this post and looking forward to reading about all you other ladies! :)
Glad everyone agrees was a bit worried I would upset someone when posting and that’s definatly not what I wanted to do.

So a bit about me I’m 32 live in Oxfordshire with my husband and 14 year old son since 2009 we lost 9 babies and have finally got to the third tri with this healthy chunk words can’t express how happy we are but ive been very ill with the pregnancy 6-24 hyperemisis and admitted to hospital loads for drips and rest now I have early signs of pre clampsia but I’m so grateful for all the hospitals help if it wasn’t for them this bubba wouldn’t be here.:thumbup:

We lost the babies as I get so sick my placenta doesn’t feed the baby so the baby would pass at different stages.:cry:

I love going into the trying to conceive page and reassuring people things are possible as I was there and first tri for so long I like to give them positivity from my own story.

I’m due on 26th August and my boy is 3lbs already I’m on weekly check for protein and blood pressure checks there happy he’s big as if my pre clampsia gets really bad he’s a safe weight to deliver.

Cant wait to read all about you xxx:hugs:

Sorry to hear of all your losses! You are due on my hubbys birthday!! August is a big month for us (Little one due 8/8; DH bday 8/26; and our Anniversary 8/27)
Love reading about all of you ladies! I'm a little over 28 weeks and just so ready to have baby girl in my arms! Hoping these weeks go by pretty quickly! I'm having a few showers so that should help pass the time! & I'm taking a leave from my job starting 6 weeks before delivery (my job is very flexible). So, I'll have time to get room completely ready and all her stuff organized! I, too, feel like I don't fit in 2nd or 3rd LOL! Glad I'm not alone. Been sleeping OK, not that great. Baby just constantly moves (which I'm not complaining). I'm carrying high, sometimes I feel like I can't breathe, so I'm hoping she drops sooner than later so I can get some relief! :thumbup:

The thought of having 11 weeks left is misery :dohh:

She's measuring ahead so hopefully she comes a little sooner
Yes, I keep reading 2nd trimester too because 3rd trimester is mostly posts about 36 weeks plus.

I'm 27 weeks with baby number 2. Had consultant appointment today which was... interesting. He had my old notes and I was reminded just how awful it was!

Baby has her next cardiac echo and growth scan next week. She's got a slightly odd heart - there's a link to my pregnancy journal im my signature if anyone wants to read.

Third trimester is the slowest for me. I think you reach it and feel like something should happen soon now - but it's another three months!!!
I agree! I feel like this stage is a weird point in the pregnancy....I feel "okay", but not great. I am getting anxious. I try to keep busy, stay active (I'm working 3 days a week), and get baby's stuff ready. We have our childbirth class this weekend, but other than that....I feel pretty "boring"! My doctor told us that boring is good, but our appointments are so short! They weigh me, measure the baby, check baby's heartrate, check my vitals, ask me how I'm feeling and then *vamoooseeee* , we're outta there!

However, I do feel like we are getting to the nitty gritty now where we have to start preparing for birth plans, getting a bag packed, etc etc. Have any of you ladies started packing your bag yet?

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